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I was talking to a friend that has girl problems the other day, and he said to me "It's in God's hands. I know he'll send me a woman I love." I'm just wondering, why do people do this? It's not like he's dying of cancer or just went bankrupt. Seems to me that most Christians rely on God too much, and for the smallest things. This kid isn't exactly the life of the party either, he just sits back and waits for people to initiate a conversation. He never makes the effort. Why does he believe God is going to solve his problems? Shouldn't HE be the one trying to fix problems like this, not God?

2006-09-07 09:29:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Some people can't really handle the fact that they have issues in their life, and they hope that one day the problems will just go away. That's when they sit back and hope God will do something for them. Whether they really believe God will or are just being lazy, that's up to his/her own personal faith.

I'm not saying that God won't do anything, but with such trivial things when there are much bigger things that need to be taken care of; like cancer, poverty, sickness and disease, us being at war with ourselves... There's a lot for God to do, and I respect that he's supposed to take care of us...but he's not supposed to spoil us and baby us to laziness. God created us to experience life, even the hardships, the trials... We're supposed to live for ourselves, and that means think for ourselves too.

This is one of those problems where that guy has to take care of himself.

2006-09-07 14:57:06 · answer #1 · answered by Aim 2 · 0 0

It's ironic, because I just got off the phone with someone where we were discussing how most Christians (present company included) don't depend on God enough. However, we were talking about the experience of a living relationship with Him. I believe what you're describing is this "whatever" attitude many people adopt towards their lives...whether things go well or things go poorly, they give God all the "credit" and take very little responsibility for themselves.

That isn't dependency on God AT ALL. It's merely making Him accountable for everything that happens to you, whether He's actually involved in your life or not. It's a very fatalistic view, and really opens up the door to alot of bondage.

To be quite blunt, there would be a whole lot fewer problems to fix if your friend truly was being dependent upon God. Following His voice and leading every day keeps us out of alot of trouble. When we're "trying to fix problems", we're probably in that mess because we put ourselves there in the first place. We WEREN'T listening, WEREN'T depending on His wisdom, so we fall flat on our faces and then say "Oh, God must be trying to teach me something."

To anwer your question - yes. Partly. Your friend needs to tune in and take responsibility for his decisions....but he also needs to learn to really hear from God so he isn't just flailing around trial and error-like hoping everything will work out on their own...if he's "lucky". It will work out when he learns to hear and obey the leading of the Lord. That doesn't mean you sit back on your haunches until "things work out"...it means you take action based on God's wisdom and what you believe He is specifically leading you to do.

2006-09-07 09:48:53 · answer #2 · answered by CassandraM 6 · 0 0

I'm learning that most things in life happen on spectrums. One end is doing it all yourself (depressing and impossible if you ask me), and the other is being totally dependent on God, something that is constantly amazing to me. As a Christian, I try to depend on God for everything, because He is the one that created me and knows all my needs before I even know them myself. All too often I take back control and try to do it myself because I am a sinful person and foolishly believe I can do things on my own. As a Christian I have been saved by the grace of God. People say things similar to what your friend does because they believe that God is in control, which I believe. Maybe your friend just doesnt want to get out there and in the game which is something only your friend knows and then its a cop-out answer. I dont know your friend, and I don;t know his motives. We are told in the Bible that Jesus knew us before we were born, that he has a plan for our lives that includes hope and a future. Hope that helps.

2006-09-07 09:36:50 · answer #3 · answered by senior232003 1 · 0 0

Relationships are very important to us as humans, and when these go wrong it causes us pain which is personal to us.

This friend of yours sounds like he is a Christian, and if this is the case, he will no doubt read the Bible on a daily basis.

Some verses in Romans 8 says
For we know that God works all things together for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

I am sure that this is why your friend knows that his situation is in God's hand.

2006-09-07 09:41:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Without God there would be no us. Without God there would be no universe. The reason we wrestle with the basic question of is there God is because we don't know where God begins and where the universe begins or ends.God and the universe are so close together and we cannot see the beginning or end of either. Keep looking people !

2006-09-07 09:39:19 · answer #5 · answered by zen2bop 6 · 0 0

he sounds like a great guy it Nice to hear there are some still out there more people need to be like him GOD has a plan for us he does show us the way there are some people so far from GODS plan that GOD can not bless them because they are tiring to find there own way let GOD led your life and trust in the LORD

2006-09-07 09:36:13 · answer #6 · answered by fireguy 5 · 0 0

Of course he SHOULD fix his problems. Thats where teh discrepancy lies...Parents brainwash thier children at an early age to live a life based soley on teh teachings of teh bib;e. Instead of teaching them the hidden moral subtext of the bible. If they would have just spent more time explainng to him that he won't go to hell for thinking for or acting for himself. Sure god may be almighty but he also wnats you to live life using the emotions he gave you.

2006-09-07 09:38:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, He must trust God, in everything, big or small (as all Chrisitans should), and then again, faith without works is dead. But the prayers of a righteous man are answered, and if He is praying that God's will be done, not that his be done, but that God's is done, who knows?

Feel free to contact me: Mclarenman619@yahoo.com

2006-09-07 09:33:52 · answer #8 · answered by WarOfAges 2 · 0 0

God likes for us to be dependent on Him and trust Him with our lives.He does however give us guidelines in the Bible for any situation. We pray as Christians and ask for direction. Maybe God will help your friend overcome his shyness or maybe he will send him someone who will love him because of it.God knows best,thats why we seek him as Christians-He helps us with all aspects of our lives.There are much worse things one could be dependent on.

2006-09-07 09:36:06 · answer #9 · answered by collheaven 1 · 0 0

well in order to receive help you do have to make the first step. ie. " in order to get help, you have to help yourself " ... and yes, if He does ask the Father, He will receive it, i don't think its right to ask for petty things, like " Dear God ( which is very common for prayer beginnings i realized), please give me a big house with a beautiful wife and beautiful children with a nice car and a good job " thats a person trying to get everything they want the easy way, expecting to let everything become extremely convenient for them, when they come back to earth they realize that its not going to happen, and their friends look at u like ur a jerk ( like u )what he should be praying for, what God likes to hear is, " I trust you with my life, knowing that you will guide me rightly according to your will" It is good for Christians to have a dependency on God because it is God that does infact provide you with your " daily bread"

2006-09-07 09:37:01 · answer #10 · answered by decree_of_fallacy 2 · 0 0

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