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She wants the baby to have her last name, but I feel like the baby should have my last name just in case something such as health issues go wrong in the future. No the father isn't in the baby's life but still i feel like he should be on the birth certificate as the father and she feels like she should be listed as the father. I know she will be there no matter what for the child. She's been to every appointment, boughten everything but i still feel like the biological father should be on the birth certificate.

2006-09-07 09:21:40 · 25 answers · asked by Pocadoria 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

25 answers

your last name shes not boilogical to the baby either yours or the father and talk to someone like a laywer if you two split and the baby has her last name she CAN get custody...good luck

2006-09-07 09:26:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You said girlfriend, not partner. And a father in the picture too? It sounds like a new relationship. Its nice that she has been there to help, but its still a new relationship. The child needs your name and its bio father on the certificate. If the bio father wants to sign away his rights and let her adopt him, then that is between you three. But I don't think its a good idea to commit your child to someone you've been dating less than 9 months that has no blood tie to the child. One day yor relationship might be time tested and strong and you'll want to change the child's surname to a hyphenated version including both your names. But knowing a person for a short time, and being high on pregnancy hormones, I don't think this is the best time to make such a huge choice. Put the bio parents on the certificate. If she cannot respect that choice, maybe she's not the person you hoped she was.

2006-09-07 09:31:49 · answer #2 · answered by Velken 7 · 2 1

for the child's sake, put you and the father on the birth certificate. It will lessen any hassle in the future, such as family health background and child support (if you want it). She can be just as much a part of the child's life as anyone else. The name can be whatever you want it to be. You can make it's last name Abcxyz if you want, it doesn't have to be any of your last names. But yours makes sense. The child will always be yours, and while you may have intentions of it being hers also, that may not happen. You could always change the last name in the future if you feel like it.

2006-09-07 09:30:20 · answer #3 · answered by sassy_91 4 · 3 1

For medical reasons i agree that the biological parents of the baby should be printed even if the father is not there to sign. however i would agree that your girlfriend should have her name printed if it is her egg that you carried. for any case medical reasons should be considered first over personal feelings. you never know what could happen in your child's life where knowing who was the sperm donor and egg donor and carrier of the baby may help in saving his/her life.

Naming on the certificate can be the first three letters of your surname and the last four letters of hers. you all don't have to have the same last name other than for sentimental reasons. just be sure who has custody and legal guardianship of the child for those crucial 18 years. if you're having a daughter her last name may change anyway.

Oh one more thing. In reading a fathers question of naming rights it seams that the birth mother has more say so.

2006-09-07 09:40:04 · answer #4 · answered by smart*tart 2 · 2 1

You should first find out if you even can put her name on the birth certificate. It you can't then the argument is moot and she will have to deal. I don't think she will pass the DNA test however. The birth certificate is a statistical, factual record of the child's birth. It should accurately reflect the information of those who biologically created the child. As for the last name, I would go with your last name. It creates an identity bond between you and the child. You will be raising the child. I t just makes more sense for you both to have the same last name.

2006-09-07 10:09:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The father SHOULD be on the birth certificate. That way when your child gets older, she or he can look at their birth certificate and not have to wonder who his or her daddy is. They will know and have proof. He is the father, she is not. She should not be on the birth certificate. Where it says "Father" is for the FATHER. Plus, if for some reason you two break up in the future, she would legally have a chance of taking the baby from you since she is on the birth certificate.

2006-09-07 09:33:08 · answer #6 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 2 1

I don't know if your girlfriend can be on the birth certificate unless the biological father has actually given up his parental rights. I'm not sure if your girlfriend can. Secondly, she's not a "father" and is not capable of "fathering" a child.

But even if she can, what about the real father? Besides, if you GF goes on as the parent, if you and your GF break up, SHE will be eligible to pay child support. OR, if she's on the cert. and the child has her last name, she could actually try to take YOUR child!!! How long have you even BEEN with this woman? Can't be too long if you're pregnant by a man!

You said it yourself - "I still feel like the biological father should be on the birth certificate." You KNOW what the right thing to do is. You said it in your post.

And personally, I think your girlfriend is sounding a BIT too pushy.

2006-09-07 09:27:10 · answer #7 · answered by AnswerMom 4 · 5 2

I would give the baby your last name - her last name . She can not be on the birth certificate as the father she is not a man . But you could talk to a lawyer about having some sort of record drawn up that she is also her legal mother .

2006-09-07 10:43:10 · answer #8 · answered by Butterfly 2 · 0 1

The baby should have your last name. She is NOT the father in any way shape or form and last time I looked there wasn't a slot for "Mothers lover of the month".
You don't know that she'll always be around, just like any relationship things can and will happen. If she's giving you crap about putting her name in the fathers rightful spot, she has bigger issues than you thought. I sure hope you make a descision based on common sense here, assuming you have any.

2006-09-08 07:01:34 · answer #9 · answered by dixi 4 · 0 1

The birth certificate is for record of the child, not who cares for the child, or loves him/her the most; basically, this is the place for the birth father, regardless of any relationship towards the child. As far as the last name, that is more political and depends on personal values/relationships. My being from Texas, I would recommend you (because you have custody and are a birth parent) to have the last name.

2006-09-07 09:28:14 · answer #10 · answered by R 2 · 3 1

Talk to a lawyer about it along with the biological father. Technically you don't have to put the fathers name on it. By putting his name on it you are chancing him having to pay child support and help with medical. Which can end up in court in the long run and then he would get visitation and that could upset your girlfriend more than you just saying you would prefer not to put another name on it right now. If you change your mind in the future you can always put her on it later. It is easier to put someone on it later when no one was listed than to take them off and/or put someone else on it. But I really do suggest talking to a lawyer.

2006-09-07 09:56:32 · answer #11 · answered by elmh6283 1 · 1 0

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