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I have recently been laid off work and I am physicly disabled and very limited in mobility due to an accident which when occured in 1993 did not keep me from returning to work but the pain and balance and numbness from the spinal injury has been getting worse and was turned down by social security for help. I can not walk or sit or stand for any long periods at all which limits my ability to work. I got to bed in pain and wake with pain. Can't get to sleep without something to get me to sleep (alcohol or sleepaid) wake very often and can't get back to sleep for long periods and have money problems because of all this and I love my wife very much and do not want to leave her here alone but. I feel I am not of any use at all and I do not want to burden anyone but needed to write it down.

2006-09-07 09:03:27 · 19 answers · asked by treborg 3 in Health Mental Health

19 answers

Please call 911 before you do anything else! Or try 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You will be routed to the closest possible crisis center in your area.

Online information is also available. http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

The ending of your life would be the beginning of your wife's misery. Please know that YOUR LIFE IS NOT OVER, THERE ARE GOOD THINGS YET TO COME THAT YOU CAN'T SEE YET!

God hasn't forgotten you. Seek him. See a pastor after you see a doctor.

2006-09-07 09:14:41 · answer #1 · answered by marys2boys 3 · 1 0

Hello,well if you called a doctor with this issue they may just try and give you Paxil or Zoloft or some other anti-depressent. But, as a person who sufferes with horrible anxiety attacks...and social anxiety.I know how it is.


I am sure you love your wife very much, and think of how big a burden it would be if you left herThis would be a bigger burden and may cause your wife to do something to herself..and you dont want that to happen...

!If my husband left me, I wouldnt know what to do. Ending it all,is not the answer.You know that deep down..and so do I....

Is there any special skills or talents that you could do at home, since money is an issue?Such as making wood crafts,or any type of crafts.....or do you have some stuff laying around that is valuable that you could maybe sell on ebay? What about withdrawing from a 401k plan???or retirement plan??You didnt say how old you are,so this may not be an option for you....

I would try to do things with my wife to try and take your mind off things,even if it is watching tv and cuddling on the couch or in the bed together.(if you can barley get up)maybe have her to massage you...this will give you both a sense of closeness to one another...

Also, melatonia will help you sleep better and is also good for you...have you tried this?

You do have a purpose in life, we all do....I wish you the best sweety.and remember your wife loves you,or she wouldnt have married you.....

2006-09-07 09:16:44 · answer #2 · answered by kiwidew69 3 · 1 0

Please don't do anything drastic! Trust me when I tell you that you are not alone! Millions of people go through various levels of depression! I know how utterly debilitating depression can be and how it feels like there is nothing that can be done to alleviate the suffering. WRONG!!!!!!!! First and foremost, you need to talk to a therapist of some sort. You also need to get a doctor to prescribe an anti depressant. The medications available today are amazing!!! What anti depressants do is they balance serotonin/dopamine and other chemicals in the brain so that you are able to cope. Once the medication gets to a therapeutic level, you will start to feel significantly better. When that happens, you will have the strength and fortitude to start dealing with the other issues in your life. You owe this to yourself and certainly to your wife. I have seen numerous individuals who have benefited from these medications. Please call a doctor today and discuss how you are feeling and no doubt about it, the doc will prescribe something for you. Some of the responses to your question are ridiculous! Obviously some of the folks who responded are ignorant and have no ability to deal with serious issues in a compassionate, knowledgeable manner. They should be ashamed! Best of luck to you and keep us posted!

2006-09-07 10:33:59 · answer #3 · answered by Twin 2 2 · 0 0

First of all, ending it is the cowards way out, and who's to say that when you die your pain will end... you don't know if there is a God or not ... and if there is a God, the pain you are in now could pale in comparison to the pain he/she could put you in for disrespecting him/her by ending the life he/she given you... that's the religions theory and something to think about. Second of all, don't tell your wife how "she" feels about you.. it's obvious that your wife loves you and she's probably thanking whoever she believes in or whatever she believes in that you are alive and has been thankful every day since your accident that you didn't die. If you were meant to die in that accident you would have... you didn't... so now is the time to figure out why you are still here. If your wife felt you were a burden , she would have left you, and if she does leave you ,then you weren't meant to be together and you'll get through that too. You have been delt a crappy hand yes.. but you don't know if right now there is a doctor somewhere out there that can help you.. or a medication that can help you. Maybe it will be invented tomorrow.. you NEVER know. Tell your doctor about your thoughts and get some help. You were courageous enough to pull through the accident ... don't piss away your second chance at life by being a coward.

2006-09-07 09:25:09 · answer #4 · answered by Ken J 2 · 0 2

Don't give up!
I guess that you are in a lot of pain, and trouble can happened but hey! There's tons of incredible gifts that life has for you.
I am not a religious guy or something like that. But a new day is a new surprise and when you begin to see this beautiful world you will feel much better.
I'magine how wonderful this is that I have several days without visit yahoo answer and today I wanted to watch and yours was the first topic today and I am so happy I saw it to share with you this. Im frequently a shy, sad, quiet guy but look what you make me realize!
Regards and cheer up ;)

2006-09-07 09:21:15 · answer #5 · answered by Erick V 2 · 0 0

I've had something like this. You need to get a lawyer and appeal your denial of SSD benefits.

There are medical treatments for you--pain management pills, movement therapy, chiropractic and rolfing.

Learn some Yoga. There are lots of easy and gentle yoga moves.

How old are you? I'm 56, and my neck started to twist and turn when I was just before 40.

Hang in there. You can make it.

You can work part--time, even for minimum wage. Might not support your family on that, but it will help, including if Social Security Disability starts coming in.

Don't Give UP! This is what life is all about--Overcoming Adversity!!

2006-09-07 09:17:17 · answer #6 · answered by DinDjinn 7 · 0 0

You should definitely tell your physician about all the pain and the feelings you are having. He/she should be able to recommend some things. As for Social Security, did you accept No the first time? I have heard that people sometimes try over and over, getting more doctor's notes and sending more personal information about the pain or the inability to do something and after a few years, they sometimes get a Yes. I suggest you ask your physician to help you with that.
Do not let this get you -- I am sure your wife wants you there.

2006-09-07 09:11:21 · answer #7 · answered by jboatright57 5 · 1 0

My dear man. Wheel, walk, run, whatever you need to do to get some help for yourself. There are free mental health clinics in every city. If you still have benefits for medical care, see a doctor and tell them how you feel, or ask to go to a pain specialist.

You are definately in a bad spot. However, your wife married you for better or worse, and she loves YOU not your body. Have you asked her how she'd be without you? What does she want?

I understand that you feel like a burden, but you aren't. You have the right to get love and care like anyone else in the world. Pain is a terrible thing to wear on you 24hours a day. IT is debilitating, and makes you depressed on its own. Also depression itself is now known to cause you physical pain. So you are in a cycle.

You need help to break the cycle. Is there anything that helps? A hot bath sometimes eases pain even for a short time. Any relief will be good for your body. Avoid alcohol as it cause depression as well, and after the initial 'drowsiness' effect passes it actually makes it harder to sleep. Ask your MD for pain meds and sleeping aids.

Whomever covered your accident - insurance, workers comp, private insurance, whatever, go back to them now and tell them that the outcomes are bigger than expected.

Try Social Security again and tell them you need their help where to go if they won't help.

Your company that laid you off might have Employee Assistance to offer some help and counseling.

Sir, I beg you to get help. Don't give up, and start with anyone that will listen - a minister (free), a good friend, a free clinic, local state county hospital...

You have life experience that is useful to me and others whom you share it with. Whatever you are facing is for a reason, and you can rise up to the challenge.

Hang in there, and value yourself.

2006-09-07 09:14:47 · answer #8 · answered by Tempest88 5 · 3 0

I am disabled and know what it is like to live with pain,some days are better than others right?You need to see a psychiatrist right away I suffer from depression and am on medication it does help.Also as far as your S.S.I suggest hiring an attorney that specializes in S.S. hope this helps good luck

2006-09-07 09:45:33 · answer #9 · answered by deno112 2 · 0 0

Pray you see the importance of your life and your family's life,even though pain is miserable and I have dealt with pain for several years myself ,even almost loss a ankle due to staph,so yes pain can cause mental pain but always remeber sucide is a permanet solution to a temporay problem,there is so much medical advancment there is solutions to your physical needs . I pray for you !

2006-09-07 09:27:14 · answer #10 · answered by SANDY G 2 · 0 0

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