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19 answers

Don't get me started!

I never believed in things like ghosts etc until recently.
My Territorial Army Centre (in London) is haunted to the hills!

There is an awful lot of history behind it (pre 1900) and is easily researched.

We have 2 particular ghosts......one which we can see (and loads of us have). We call him 'ginger beard' (pretty self explanatory) and he stands in the same place most nights (whether we are there or not). If the care taker doesnt lock up by 10pm then he starts banging and slamming doors until she does.

The other ghost is a young girl who was seen in the caretakers flat. Her baby was crying in her cot, and was left to settle for a while. But then she heard someone in there comforting the baby (it was heard on the baby monitor), when she went running in there she saw a young lady sitting there leaning over the cot. She disappeared shortly after.
Reasearch has shown that during WW2 pregnant wives were taken to the (now) TA centre while their husbands were fighting (a sort of hostel for them). One mother reportedly lost her young baby to cot death, but had difficulties accepting that her baby was dead, and cradled her for days.

Spooky or what!

I would love it if someone would go there and investigate it properly.
I would love to do the Ouija Board, but dont want to 'mess with things I dont know'.

I wouldn't try and strip an engine if I didnt know what i was doing, so am not willing to 'try' the Ouija Board!

2006-09-07 09:15:28 · answer #1 · answered by fuzzi_hamster 1 · 0 0

People believe they have seen ghosts because memory is not set in stone like you may think.

I once watched a TV program were they created a false memory for somebody. Her friends chatted with her and they showed her photos of her going on a balloon ride. But in reality she had done no such thing, they had been digitally altered to include her.

After a week she was completely convinced it had happened and could even recall details of the trip.

Our imaginations can be incredibly lucid and convincing why do you think so many people believe in god.

That strange feeling you get when you talk about ghosts is due to your brain making an association between that idea and the natural reaction you would have when being aware of a predator but not knowing where it is. This is due to the release of Noradrenaline often referred to as the 'fight or flight' chemical.

2006-09-07 09:28:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've never seen a ghost, but I did take a picture of one. Seriously.

Several years ago, some friends and I hiked into the woods to find an ancient cemetery. We got terribly lost and couldn't find the cemetery or our way out of the woods. When we gave up and just started wandering, we suddenly came upon the cemetery.

I decided to take a picture of the most prominent headstone. Then three of us went in to pose with the headstone. I felt a little bit wrong about standing on someone's grave to pose for a picture, so I addressed the deceased by name and asked if it was okay.

Later, when I got my pictures developed, the picture of just the headstone had a glowing orb above it. The picture of the three of us posing with the headstone had flames all around our feet. Only my photos came out this way. Photos taken by the others were perfectly normal. But, then, I'm the only one who spoke directly to the deceased.

Because I worked for a newspaper, I asked our photography department to look at my negatives. There were no chemical splotches or anything else weird about them. The glowing orb above the headstone could've been just sun glare. But nothing can explain the flames at our feet in the second photo. I tried very hard to find the logical explanation.

2006-09-07 09:12:12 · answer #3 · answered by vita64 5 · 0 0

As a little girl (not to sound funny) but I use to see ghost and that is no lie. When I would spend the night at my grandmothers house every night I use to see the circus. I also use to see a monkey. Now where I use to live (was still a Little girl) I use to see a man standing in between the bathroom door and my bedroom door. Then in the bedroom I use to see a dog by my radiator. I tried to understand what it all meant but I could never grasp it. My mother till this day when I tell her that I use see ghost think I'm bugging out or you know that saying that little kids have a good imagination. But I'm grown now and I see a couple of them like family members or lights will come on. But nothing extreme.

2006-09-07 09:08:14 · answer #4 · answered by $a$$y $i$ta 1 · 0 0

as a child firstly when i was about 8 i swore i saw my dog at the end of my bed it was a white shape but it was my dog i could see it vividly a few days later a relatives baby was still born (dont know if ot was related to the fact)

when i was 12 i was in foster care and saw two figures a boy and a girl aged about 10 years old dressed in victorian clothing. when i mentioned it i was told there hasd been an old house thre and the house we were in was all that was left there had been an accident and 2 children were killed

when i was 14 i was in boarding school and one of the staff believed in the power of thought and how if something had hjappend somewhere people coould sense it and she was doing it on us and asking us about stuff and i had visions of being 16 years old and in the 1900s or earlier getting ready for some kind of ball or party walking down a great staircase showing my parents how i look and the oil lamp on the stair post getting knocked onto my taffeta dress and it going up in flames.
i was told this was an actuall event that had happened in the past in the old manor house we were in

could just be coincidence or an over powerful imagination but i dont know i know what i saw and thought

my mum has had a lot of wierd stuff lately my dad died in april very suddenly from cancer and sincee then things have bben going missing and being moved round the flat they lived in together her keys went missing out of her bag and other thigs have been moved slightly wierd

2006-09-07 09:16:58 · answer #5 · answered by sharrifarri 2 · 0 0

I have always from being a kid had weird things happen. Ive seen things, knew that things were going to happen to people (couldn't stop it tho'). Since moving into a early 1950's house I've seen 2 figures a lot (a little girl and a middle aged man) they hate it when we decorate. So many things have happened - to long to tell you, you'd get bored.

2006-09-07 09:22:36 · answer #6 · answered by deebee 2 · 0 0

no, I've never seen a ghost. I've heard alot of really crazy stuff that was definately paranormal- but when I go to look everything stops. actually once in the dark i swore my roomate was a dead man. it scared me more than anything i've ever seen...

2006-09-07 09:00:19 · answer #7 · answered by rachel o 3 · 0 0

Yes , when i was a child of about 10 years of age i was at my friend`s house at approx 9pm his father came in and went straight out the back garden to feed the dog , nothing unusual here as this what he used to do everynight , about 5 mins later there was a knock at the door , it was the police , they had come to tell my mates mum that her husband ( my mates dad ) had been killed earlier that evening on his way home from work ,hit by a car , but we all some him come in ! when they went out the back garden , nobody there . quite a few thing since then aswell , spooky .

2006-09-07 09:05:12 · answer #8 · answered by charlotterobo 4 · 0 0

I have had a couple of odd experiences, which I cannot explain away.

Strangely enough, I have never seen anything strange, but my mother claims she has. I have heard a ghost, and felt the movement of one, I believe.

Contact me if you would like details - bit lengthy for here.

2006-09-07 09:05:39 · answer #9 · answered by ALAN Q 4 · 0 0

Apparently we all get pictured on CCTV cameras 300 times a day.
Almost everyone seems to have digital cameras or camcorders nowadays.
If ghosts really existed dont you think someone would have filmed one by now.

2006-09-07 09:03:31 · answer #10 · answered by Mr Cheese 3 · 0 0

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