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Muy buenas tardes QUE EL SEÑOR LES BENDIGA....me llamo Nelly Camacho, soy de la iglesia T.E.P.C. "Templo Evangelico Pentecostal De Catia", Caracas, Venezuela, con los pastores: Filemon Barrera y Francisca De Barrera... el presente es para informarle que aqui en caracas en nuestra iglesia vamos a tener una actividad llamada "NOCHE INTERNACIONAL DE MISIONES" donde estaremos orando esa noche por todos los paises misioneros que nuestra iglesia esta apoyando, entre los cuales se encuentra su pais y usted... Para mi ha sido un verdadero placer que me haya tocado orar por usted y su pais...

En realidad el presente es para informarle que necesito una carta suya, que contenga: sus saludos cordiales para la iglesia y para Venezuela, comentario de este ministerio que DIOS ha puesto en nuestras manos, oraciones especiales y que opina usted....

Poe favor se le agradece mandar esta carta al correo electronico: ---@hotmail.com.... se le agradece de todo corazon y que el señor le bendiga mucho

2006-09-07 08:36:53 · 5 answers · asked by DJ 3 in Society & Culture Languages

Yeah, the website doesn't provide a very good translation because this guy's wording is so poor.

2006-09-07 08:50:33 · update #1

5 answers

Very good afternoon May God bless you...my name is Nelly Camacho, I am from the TEPC church." Evangelical Pentecostal Temple of Catia" Caracas< Venezuela, with the pastors Filemon Barrera and Fransisco De Berrera...This is to inform you that here in our church in Caracas we are going to have an activity called "International Missions Night" where we will be praying for all the countries of all the missions that our church is supporting. Among these is your country, and you. It has been a true pleasure for me to have been called to pray for you and your country...
In reality This is to inform you that I need a letter from you to say hello to our church and to Venezuela, a commentary on your ministry that God has placed in our hands and your special prayers, and your opinion.
Please be so kind as to send the letter via email----@hotmail.com----I appreciate it with all my heart and God bless you a lot

2006-09-07 08:58:01 · answer #1 · answered by miss_nursie_nurse 4 · 1 0

Good afternoon THAT the SEÃ`OR Blesses....me to THEM I call Nelly Camacho, I am of church T.E.P.C. "Temple Evangelico Pentecostal De Catia", Caracas, Venezuela, with the shepherds: Filemon Barrera and Francisca De Barrera... the present are for informing to him that aqui in Caracas in our church we are going to have a called activity "NIGHT the INTERNATIONAL OF MISSIONS" where we will be praying that night by all paises missionaries who our church this supporting, between which is his pais and you... For my he has been a true one to please that it has been called on to me to pray by you and his pais... In fact the present it is for informing to him that I need a letter hers, that contains: its warm greetings for the church and Venezuela, commentary of this ministry that GOD has put in our hands, special orations and that you think.... Poe favor is thanked for to send this letter to him to the electronico mail: ---@hotmail.com.... is thanked for to him of all heart and that the señor blesses much to him

2006-09-07 08:42:16 · answer #2 · answered by God Is Love 5 · 0 0

Good afternoon THAT the LORD BLESSES to THEM….I am called Nelly Camacho, I am of church T.E.P.C. “Evangelical Temple Pentecostal De Catia”, Caracas, Venezuela, with the shepherds: Filemon Barrera and Francisca De Barrera… the present is for informing to him that here in Caracas in our church we are going to have a called activity “NIGHT the INTERNATIONAL OF MISSIONS” where we will be praying that night by all the countries missionaries who our church this supporting, between which it is his country and you… For my he has been a true one to please that it has been called on to me to pray by you and its country… In fact the present is for informing to him that I need a letter hers, that contains: its warm greetings for the church and Venezuela, commentary of this ministry that GOD has put in our hands, special orations and that you think…. please send this letter to him to the electronic mail: ---@hotmail.com…. it is thanked for to him of all heart and that the Lord blesses much to him

2006-09-07 08:42:11 · answer #3 · answered by Just David 5 · 0 0

Miss Nursie is the only one who bothered to actually translate it herself. Note the difference!

2006-09-07 09:18:10 · answer #4 · answered by A Box of Signs 4 · 0 0

there are special web sites that you can go to, to help you out.

2006-09-07 08:40:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers