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or is it a person who trains in street fighting, so a person in school who fights would he be a street fighter

2006-09-07 08:25:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

15 answers

A street fight is a brutal type of fight.... on the streets. There are many 'dodgy' fighters out there, some more sadistic than others.

A street fighter isnt someone that is trained in a style or anything. A street fighter is just someone that plays very dirty and will do anything to win. They will punch. kick, head butt, gauge, scratch, you name it!!!

Anything they will get hold of... is also a potential weapon. A street fighter will resort to dirty tactics also... like ganging up on someone to beat him.... even if its for money. When you look at it this way... a street fight can change into mugging, or just plain bullying!!!

The good news... is that only 5% of the population knows how to truely fight on the streets. This 5% are completely ruthles... and will have to fight for your life to live!!!!

The reaming 95% are mostly talk the talk!! There the horrible Chavs, groupey's that "think" their hard to the rest of their 18 year old buddies!!! Also there are elders that think their hard to, but in reality... they just strike you when you not ready!!!

In simple terms... the 95% are unfit... beer belly bullies that dont understand truely how to street fight, but will use nessersary force to make themselves heard. They will strike you the moment you blink, turn around, or even when your kissing you girlfriend. Remember that alcohol will also be the common cause... so stay alert whenever your out... because you never know who may be lurking behind you.

In my opinion... most are cowards... and gain reputations because "I heard this..." and "I heard that..." nonsence. Most wont fight in proper 1 on 1 street fight.... it will just be a gang bullying thing.

Luckily... I am one of thoses 5% that understand how to fight. I am not a bad person but I know how to look after myself... and use the "Street Tactics" when needed!!!

Am I a bully? Am I hard? The answer is No...

Do I know how to look after myself? Yes I do... you should too!!

All the best!!

2006-09-08 07:57:36 · answer #1 · answered by The Avenger 4 · 1 0

A street fighter has no morals on how he wins. Bottles, kicking when down, knives, gangs, from behind, biting etc. Any old coward could be a street fighter. Anyone with any sort of discipline would stay out or crap like that and prove himelf in better ways. Kahm sah hahm ni dah.

2006-09-07 09:56:20 · answer #2 · answered by paulcartwheel 3 · 1 0

A street fighter is someone who fights for money normaly on the back streets or common ground somewhere ! i have a friend who does this .

2006-09-07 11:16:49 · answer #3 · answered by charlotterobo 4 · 1 0

Street Fighter is an arcade game with a made up plot, which is as real as the one for Space Invaders (Mars Needs Cows!)

People who fight on streets are called "Drunken chavs"

2006-09-07 08:54:21 · answer #4 · answered by kirun 6 · 1 1

I think all a street fighter is a fighter who uses his surroundings to win. By all means ANYTHING goes. HE also has to be well rounded.

2006-09-07 16:15:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

question, why are you asking questions like this ,it shows very low esteem for yourself . very little self respect . Definition , a stretfighter is some thug who likes to fight on his terms in the street, street doesnt nessecarily mean main road ,could be dark alley ,could and probably will not be on his own, fights using any available weapon. dont be concerned about people like this . use survival skills, stay away from dark alleys and nagative situations and get a life

2006-09-07 08:41:43 · answer #6 · answered by TERRY H 4 · 1 0

a lot of good answers here especialy from fivetoze, e, judomofo, & paulcartwheel, they have the best answers I've seen here.

A streetfighter will have a little martial arts or fighting (like boxing)background sometimes but are usually brawlers, they'll use any tactic to win the fight no matter what it takes so they can be pretty dangerous.

2006-09-07 13:42:53 · answer #7 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 1 0

a street fighter is a more on who unlike a psychopath fights on impouls. you see psychopaths are better they wait till later when they can a0 slit your throat, b) put a bulletr in you head or c) just run you over

2006-09-07 16:35:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a street fighter fights in the streets usuall very tough and nasty.

2006-09-07 08:28:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

er, not exactly.. a streetfighter gouges your eyes out with a bottle..he fights hard and dirty..and almost always wins... these guys go to the school of hard knocks...and the uni of life.. and hes generally drunk as a skunk on friday night... easily identified by the black eye, broken nose, missing teeth, and a wearing a tee shirt in mid december... coz he can..

2006-09-07 08:31:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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