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and i am grading every 12weeks,

2006-09-07 08:24:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

14 answers

Quality not Quantity

2006-09-07 08:26:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Listen... I use to think you're a serious student with some potiental but very new to martial arts world. However after seeing all of your question. You seems to be extremely obossive with not TKD, but this one specific TKD school for some reason. You can't even think of other TKD school or switch or anything! I'm start to become really suspicous of your and your instructor motivation.

I think your instructor brain washed you so much that you are totally convinced that your instructor is king of the world and best fighter ever to walk on the earth and more powerful than all nuke weapons put together.

I think you're simply after the black belt to impress someone from that specific school.

So my suggest is to GET OUT OF THE GYM RIGHT NOW!! DON'T WALK, RUN! RUN FOR NEAREST EXIT AND STAY AWAY! Find other gym where the instructor don't brain wash you and install fake information in your head. If you want black belt that bad, buy one! If you want to be skilled martial arts, find gym that teach at minimum 3 time a week, perferably 4 or 5 time a week a hour and half or two of classes per session.

2006-09-07 19:39:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I look for any chance to train extra outside of class, including calling some of the people in my class to see if they'd like to train with me.I only wish we had more class time to do it, but that's just me.

you don't have to train 7 days a week, but your class will more likely be broken down for more focus on the different parts.

example: Monday kicking and punching techniques, Tuesday: forms or Katas, Wednesday: Sparring, Thursday: one step sparring, (uses more of your self defense) , Friday: might be a combination of the others. So its better to train as much as possible (especially since most classes only have a 1 to 1 and a half hour timeframe for a daily class), if you don't put any effort into it in the first place then you're wasting your time and money that you're paying the instructor, you should get the most out of what you're paying for instead of throwing it away.

once a week is barely enough time to let the techniques sink in, the more you train the better off you are.

If you're not gonna put some effort into it, then why are you even training in Martial Arts to begin with?

With all the questions you've been asking over the past couple of days, It sounds to me like you're just taking the class to say you're in Martial Arts and sound cool to impress other people.

If that's so, you won't learn anything, Martial Arts is more than just kicking and punching and "yelling". but it's up to you what you're gonna get out of you're training.

Train poorly, you'll learn poorly. train hard, and you might actually learn something that could save your life, or someone elses life one day.

2006-09-07 19:20:35 · answer #3 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 0 1

I have just done a coaching course and the answer isn't as simple as you think it is.

It depends on many things. What you training to do?
What are you doing? (different types or training)

Are you are just wanting to get healthier or enter competitions?
Start off just training 3 times a week. Say Mon, Wed, Friday.
Then increase it either more days or the amount of time.

If you are grading yourself take in affect what way you are recording your results.
If you are running from point A to B then obviously use a watch but you have to take in affect the conditions. If you are outside and the first time you run it's wet you will slip get bogged down. And you record results etc.
But the second time you do it it's dry that will not have a very accurate result as you will not see the true % of your increase / decrease.

Just think about what you are doing keeping yourself consistent and how you are going to record your results.

Sorry it's long but i have spent a week on this type of stuff.

2006-09-07 16:14:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't think you should go to extremes. Try training three times a week. If you train every day, it's likely you will be bored and put less effort into your training but if you train only once a week, you will lose your fitness.

2006-09-08 06:04:01 · answer #5 · answered by Fluorescent 4 · 0 1

Moderation - the middle way. I trained to hard in another sport and my joints swelled up, my flexability went way down 'fast' and was very disappointed. Be patient, don't over do it and remembe rthe brain is a muscle to it needs time to rest and recover from taking in all the info you get taught at the classes. Above all it is for you to enjoy; not endure

2006-09-08 15:28:05 · answer #6 · answered by northcarrlight 6 · 0 0

If you're training for muscle gain put in maximum effort 3 days a week (monday, wednesday, friday then sunday, tuesday, thursday etc) and don't concentrate on certain muscles, stagger your routines... do your biceps, pectorals, quads one day then next session do your triceps, lats and hamstrings... they complement each over and will grow better... but don't do the same exercises on the monday then the wednesday or your muscles will get used to the routine and stop growing at a certain point... Keep your body guessing and it will grow nicely.
Hope that helps.

2006-09-07 16:01:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Here's some wisdom for you!

A martial arts student went to his teacher and said
earnestly, "I am devoted to studying your system. How
long will it take me to master it." The teacher's
reply was casual, "Ten years." Impatiently, the
student answered, "But I want to master it faster than
that. I will work very hard. I will practice everyday,
ten or more hours a day if I have to. How long will it
take then?" The teacher thought for a moment, then replied:
"20 years."

2006-09-07 15:39:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

once a weak not normally enough 7 days to many unless close to time to do whatever you are training for then only light sessions to keep fit.

2006-09-07 15:31:07 · answer #9 · answered by lcayote 5 · 0 1

3 times a week with real effort would be better.

2006-09-07 15:42:19 · answer #10 · answered by ordiofile 5 · 0 1

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