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Whenever I talk to Christians about evolution they don’t seem to understand how it works.

They say things like ¨look at your hands, how can something so perfect for the job not have been designed ¨.

Which suggests to me they believe evolution is about things happening by accident.

So let me clarify this point. Evolution isn’t about lucky accidents its about trial and error. There is a subtle but important difference.

When two life forms reproduce DNA from both the male and female are mixed together, but also a random element is introduced. This random element is vital as it gives the life form new ways of adapting to its environment.

Say a new life form is born with a gene that lets it cope better with heat. If the environment then suddenly gets very hot, it’s brothers and sisters will die and it will live to pass on that gene to it’s children.

Now take a look at an apes hands they aren’t all that different from ours are they...

2006-09-07 08:13:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Thanks for the lecture, but believe me, most of us do have brains and can think and form opinions for ourselves. Kindly stop patronising!
As a Christian, I can take evolution on board along with my beliefs about God. Thank you for sharing and caring enough about us!

2006-09-07 09:00:32 · answer #1 · answered by Raymo 6 · 0 0

Oh yes they need to read up from non-biased (aka non-religious) sources. For example, anyone who knows anything about evolution will not use the "it's just a theory" BS because it is a SCIENTIFIC theory. This means that it has been tested and proven by multiple sources. They also fail to realize that a scientific theory will always be a theory because, unlike with religion, scientists are always open to the idea that there might be another explanation. So until someone perfects time travel and we can go back and video evolution in progress it will remain "just a theory." Please people, bash it all you want but bash it intelligently.

2006-09-07 15:31:08 · answer #2 · answered by horselover1416 3 · 0 0

Both creation and evolution REQUIRE FAITH. Each person must choose whether to believe that all the intricate, complex orders of life today evolved from a small SPECK or a big BANG, or that God created the universe out of nothing as recorded in Genesis. Both laws of thermodynamics agree with the Bible. The theory of evolution has numerous flaws that cannot be answered. Just look around you! It is obvious that this earth has a divine Creator.

2006-09-07 15:26:03 · answer #3 · answered by kingscheerleader_1 1 · 0 0

No, I have been a Christian for 37 years now, and I don't need to read up on evolution, because I know the truth, and the truth has set me free.
I have been in right relationship with the living God and have experienced daily that He exists. You cannot have a relationship with someone who doesn't exist!

Billions of people down through the centuries have found this to be so - God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.

Would be good if you read up on the Bible tho - it can change your life!

2006-09-07 17:06:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find the problem to be more that they need to read up on evolution from scientific sources rather than from Christian sources. So many of them go to biased sites (like Answers in Genesis, or Christian Answers) for their information and it shows when they speak on science. They often don't understand natural selection, they don't get that evolution and the Big Bang are two completely different things, and they rarely if ever understand the laws of thermodynamics.

And, the sad part about this is that science does not disprove God. They wouldn't *have* to stop believing in order to accept science. Science does tend to open the eyes a bit in regards to religion and theism, though... maybe it's that they lack faith in their ability to keep their faith?

2006-09-07 15:16:28 · answer #5 · answered by Snark 7 · 3 0

Most definitely. Most Christians i have spoken with on the subject have a gross misunderstanding of what evolution actually is and how the mechanics of it work. Their arguments against it are usually arguments from ignorance, or a misinterpretation of the facts.

The big hurdle is actually convincing them to do the research... When you point out the problems and point them in the direction of good research material they usually just shrug it off.

They shouldn't be interested in trying to criticize the subject if they have no interest in learning it.

2006-09-07 15:24:45 · answer #6 · answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 · 1 0

Unfortunately, they think they ARE reading up on evolution. The trouble is, they are reading up on it at Liars For Jesus (LFJ) web sites, which specialize in promulgating pseudoscience, misrepresentation of facts and misquotations of scientists. Lies are their forté... and they know that they can do it with impunity, because they know that their constituency is scientifically ignorant... and they have convinced them that science is working on behalf of the devil. LOL. So, they don't need to worry about them becoming confused by those pesky 'facts', which get put out by actual scientists.

2006-09-07 15:20:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Natural biological evolution fails at all levels except for those species numbering more than about one quadrillion individuals with generation times less than three months and body sizes smaller than one centimeter.


2006-09-10 03:10:52 · answer #8 · answered by mrpink 2 · 0 0

music_girl is exactly right. I have been having a conversation with a young-earth creationist, and he has pointed me at more drivel on the web than I could ever have believed existed. But the simple answer is this: evolution is correct; I have a proof. (the_advisor, please take note.) Write me via avatar if you want the details.

2006-09-07 15:19:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am a Catholic. I think that evolution is true. You have been talking to creationists. Please don't generalize, and get the term correct. I understand that MOST Christians are like this, but not all them (us) are. Creationist is not the same as Christian, although the majority (I would venture to say 90%) are creationists.

2006-09-07 15:18:08 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. T, formerly known as Shadow. 3 · 4 0

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