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Let me start here: I am not one of you. However, I respect your religion greatly, and I respect that there are many of you who *do* practice the words of Jesus. I thank you for it. You're the ones who have helped me out many times in my life, and I appreciate it greatly.

My question: What is your outlook on those who preach hate in the name of Jesus? What, if anything, do you/can you do about them? On one hand, this is incredibly damaging to the image of your church (and these people are the ones who fuel many of the fires on this site), as well as simply harmful in general.

I personally know, from my own experience, that there are a lot of wonderful people who are Christians. Not everyone has this to draw on, and it's the hatemongers who yell the loudest and get the attention. I know, I know this is almost a hopeless task, but...how do you deal with these people?

2006-09-07 07:43:34 · 53 answers · asked by angk 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

We must love and pray for them. This reminds me of a song that goes like this: "They will know that we are Christians by our love" and this so true.

2006-09-07 08:00:33 · answer #1 · answered by Pashur 7 · 0 0

Thank you...and I agree with your observations. Fortunately, like Islamic hatemongers, Christian hatemongers are relatively few and far between. But they are out there...having hijacked the religion for their evil purposes.

There's not much anybody can do on the big scale of things. Christians (and non-Christians) have to take them to task...one-by-one, and try to help them see reason. Usually it's a futile exercise. Evil will always be with us.

Part of the problem is the people who choose to condemn an entire religion consisting of millions of kind and honorable people solely because of the actions of a misguided few. Very few...if any...large religious groups actually have institutionalized evil. So...say the actions of one pedophile Priest...in their mind...becomes the "official" teaching of the church. Logically, this is nonsense. But in some peoples' mind, it is used as an excuse to hate an entire group of people. This makes them no better (or worse) than the hateful or sinful religious person. And it goes around and around...

2006-09-07 07:59:03 · answer #2 · answered by 4999_Basque 6 · 1 0

Personally, I consider them EVIL. Spreading hate in the name of God is, to me, sheer EVIL.
I was just at a bike rally (motorcycle) last month and "encountered" one of these so called men of God screaming fire and damnation on myself and my fellow bike riders. We were there, minding our own business, no problems among 750,000 people and here comes this jacka$$ down the middle of the street. My response (s) were 1) Judge not lest ye be judged; 2) let you who are without sin cast the first stone and 3) love one another as I have loved you.
That's how I handle them. As far as what others think of my religion, well, I really don't care and do not feel the need to defend my religion to anyone. I don't think it's better or worse than any other religion. All of them are run by human beings, so I can't say any is worth defending. I respect the right of any person to worship any version of God they choose. I just wish everyone would. Display any type of religious symbol you want, if it promotes treating others with at the very least common courtesy, I'm for it.

2006-09-07 08:05:20 · answer #3 · answered by N0_white_flag 5 · 1 0

Great question. Thank you for the respect you offered. It is rare on this site to find someone who respectfully disagrees with someones beliefs.

My thoughts are that those who preach hate in the name of Jesus, are not Christians. How can they? Christ said "turn the other cheek", and "I will forgive who I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."
When people preach hate and cause contention and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, they are doing the work of the devil. Contention is the work of Satan, not God. It doesn't matter if they are trying to prove to someone that Christ is the only way back to the Father. The manner in which they are doing it is of the devil and the Holy Ghost does not/ can not be in the midst of contention. And since man does not convince, but the Holy Ghost, they are not doing any good.
These are my thoughts. You can't really do anything about them, if you wish to keep/have the Spirit with you.

2006-09-07 08:01:27 · answer #4 · answered by Tonya in TX - Duck 6 · 1 0

First off pray for them. If the behavior continues go to that person in love and confront them with the issue. If that doesn't work try again with another person. Still having problems, then the church needs to take action. If the person is a staff member or pastor who refuses to change then there position should be questioned and ultimately they should be removed. If this is not possible then members should seek the word of God from another source. If the person is a church member they should be dealt with in a similar manner. Churches have the right to ban members from attending. People like that can destroy the unity of a church for good.

2006-09-07 07:53:54 · answer #5 · answered by Rick D 4 · 1 0

I think you ask a reasonable and respectable question. Thanks for asking it with interest and respect.
I can only answer for myself...
I used to judge people all the time- sometimes I was wrong, sometimes I was correct on my evaluation. I also was judged as well- and it went the same way- sometimes they were right about me, and sometimes they were wrong. But, after many times of being hurt,a nd hurting others, I realized, we shouold not judge anyone. Then, God came into my life, and I saw the fault in taking anything into our own hands. God is the only judge, therefore, I make it a point to be openminded about everything and everyone, and that means not to judge anyone. We are all human and have been through emotions, situations, issues, mistakes, highs and lows, etc...So, why do we lack understanding and sympathy?
So, when someone comes up to me and says I am in a "cult" or they talk bad about God, although it hurts inside, I remember where I used to be, when Ididnt know or experience what Ihavce now, and just say "well, you are entitles to your views and feelings".
How can a person be wrong on how they feel? There is no right or wrong on emotion. There are too many ifs, ands or buts in life, and innumerable variety of circumstances on why we do things and feel the way we do. We should not judge.
I am human, and have my good traitrs and bad. When someone says something bad abouyt me, I deal with it and although hurt or angry, move on. When they bad mouth Jesus, though, it hurts more, because I believe I also feel for Him. I know what He did for us, and what He continues to do for us (and me and my family)on a daily basis, so, it hurts more- like when a parent hurts for a child. I never argue (that doesnt get anywhere) and I dont bad mouth people I see who just dont get it (or dont get me). In all honesty, and this is not to be offensive, I am sad for those who dont know Jesus and the truth of His Word and life. I pray for them, because, I know I was there once.
And lets just say, on the slim notion Christians are wrong about their belief (and by no means am I saying we are- I fully 120% believe in Jesus and The Living Word of God) but, if we were wrong, we still say we live by the Word of God, and we should not be judging anyone, or debating, or arguing- just trying to help them find truth and peace. If we are wrong, there will be no harm done either way.
On the same token, I know some people who claim to be Chrstians, who live anything but the life of, and there are also hateful (so-called) Christians. They give us a bad name lol We all just have to rise above the titles, labels, confusion, false doctrine and hypocrisy, hate and anger, rensentment and jealousy, misconceptions and lies, and just find the truth- not settle for just answers.

I used to be full of hate and confusion, sadness and hopelessness. I know what it is like to be content with the idea of no God. So, I can relate and am ok with them, and just want to help- because I have beenon both sides of the fence, and even on the fence, and this side, by God, is where the true light, hope, love and peace is.

Just another Christian view.

2006-09-07 07:58:55 · answer #6 · answered by heidiklinden 3 · 1 0

You cannot control another person, you can only control yourself. If you are in a position to confront a hateful person, then it is your obligation to do so. You should not do it in a way that gives that person any gain out of it, like here when we read some of the hateful things people say, it only fuels the fire. True Christians are those who have accepted the gift of redemption through the blood of Christ and are forever changed. That change should be for the better and unfortunately in some it brings out the sinner.

2006-09-07 07:50:05 · answer #7 · answered by Dave R 2 · 2 0

In every religion, there are some really good people who had their hearts touched deeply and follow the faith they are called to. There is also some pretty evil people who claim a faith and in their questionable devoutness, they miss the point entirely leaving others ignorant to the faith to color every member with the same tainted brush. For Christians we have the KKK, skin heads and Jeffrey Dahlmer, Muslims have Bin Laddin et al, etc...
Take the best of people and learn many faiths to the extent you appreciate it, if not fully believe. Then maybe we can have "peace on earth". We pray to the same God, follow some different rules and truly want to be the best we can be. Wow, we're not so different. Salam alaykoum (peace be upon you)

2006-09-07 07:50:46 · answer #8 · answered by littledarling54 2 · 1 0

Unfortunately there are always going to be the radicals and "hatemongers" regardless of religion, race, nationality and sexuality. Sometimes, driving a definitive wedge between your "group" and others is a sole means of identity and purpose for the individual. The move they can separate themselves, the more they can form a false self identity (because actually developing your own is "too hard")

Take heart in knowing not all Christians preach hate, not all muslims are terrorists, not all minorities are criminals and not all people of one country believe in the gubernatorial decisions imposed by their leaders.

We all have our own mind heart and soul... u seem to be very open minded... stay that way and do not let any asshole jade that... EVER!

2006-09-07 07:51:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've actually not dealt with one personally but I know they are out there because Jesus prophesied it in the bible about false prophets and that we need to be aware of them. There's actually nothing we can do to stop them from being around; but we can share the gospel to people about the love of God and that there is hope in Christ. I mean It may look like it does seem to effect a Christan's mission especially when seen in the natural. But we who are in Christ see or should see things through God's eye's which that is where faith comes into practice. We serve a BIG GOD who does the impossible working in mysterious ways. And as He said He shall not be mocked. It does not take a rocket scientist to see through Jesus but it takes a child like mind my friend. Join the crowd.

2006-09-07 08:13:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

May God deal with those who preach hate 'in his name'.
I just saw an email about a related topic. On 9-11, fly a flag. Why? To honor those who (christian or non-christian) gave so much, on that date for this country. I am sure not all of them were in a structured sense 'Christians'; but as Jesus told us; 'No greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friends' (John 15:13). Let us honor them that way, that day.

2006-09-07 08:12:41 · answer #11 · answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7 · 1 0

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