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53 answers

1, Get another computer!!
2. Out of the budget? Use a alarm clock and set it for
the allowed time she can have.
goes over take away 10 minutes the next time she
will get the idea!

2006-09-07 07:14:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sell the computer. Seriously.

If that's not an option, password the computer and give her limited time on it. For example: You could tell her she's only allowed on the computer for 1 hr a day and do NOT provide her with the computer password (YOU have to put in the password and make sure she doesn't see you do it and don't write it down anywhere or use something easy like your birthday or whatever). After the hour is up, tell her it's time to get off. Actually, tell her 10 mins before the hour is up, so she can start winding her conversations down. If she does that "in a minute" crap, you march your @$$ straight to the power chord and UNPLUG the computer. If she throws a b*tch fit, ground her from it. You're the adult in this household, so don't let her run you over. Also, try to get her involved in something like a sport or club. I'd be very careful about letting her on the 'net 'cause there are a lot of pervs out there.

2006-09-07 08:09:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That would be the day I would let my 13 year old hog any thing of mine. Who is the boss ? You or the 13 year old ? Get her a computer of her own ? I think not . Not unless you have money to spend on one . Then your buying your daughter off with a gift for being inconsiderate and selfish . Tell her after home work is finished and you see that it is finished then let her have two hours on the computer . And at any time you fell you have to use the computer while she is on tell you have to use it . Make sure it isn't for gaming or just looking around the web . You do want to set a example for her as well . You chose what she does on it . She is only 13 for God sakes . You let her run you now over the computer when she is 16 and up it won't be the computer you will be worrying about .

2006-09-07 07:28:35 · answer #3 · answered by Angel 2 · 0 0

Set Up A TimeTable, With Rest Time And Eating Time,
Also Make Slots At Reasonable Times And Switch Off Computer At 0000 Latest, Plus A Slot Could Be Overided By Homework Or CourseWork - Evidence Has To Be Provided...

If Rules Are Not Followed, A Ban Of Up Too One Month can Be Enforced - Everyone Obeys Rules.

2006-09-07 10:31:54 · answer #4 · answered by Alien Boy 3 · 0 0

I do not agree with the idea that parents get to decide what kind of music their children listen to. So it's not your choice. Big deal. Music doesn't hurt people. However, by telling your daughter that she can't listen to a certian type of music because you don't like it is going to push her away. The more you push the more she will rebel. When I was a kid I got into an all out war with my parents. It got to the point where I would listen to music JUST to make them mad. This happened at the same age as your daughter-13. At this age she is figuring out who she is going to be. But that's who SHE is going to be, not who YOU want her to be. It may sound harsh, but it's the truth. As to hogging the computer, let her know that she's not the only one in the house who likes the computer. If it is a problem, think of getting another computer or sending her to a library to go on the computer. Very often libraries have several computers where she can do what she wants to do. If you don't like to hear the music she listens to, buy her a walkman. But don't act like she's doing something wrong because she is expressing herself.

2006-09-07 07:17:51 · answer #5 · answered by Stephanie C 2 · 0 0

Getting a second computer won't solve anything ! She needs to learn some respect and earn her right to use YOUR computer ! If she is being unreasonable just take it away - password protect it until she agree's who's boss, then time limit her for a while and maybe dangle the carrot of getting her a computer of her own with a wireless internet connection - if she can prove that she can be trusted with it and that if she starts to act up again she will loose her rights to use it. As for the music, It takes all sorts, I was a professional DJ back in the 70's and 80's and concider that i have pretty wide musical taste but some of the stuff my kids listen to makes me cringe! it's a generation thing so let her be with that one - if she plays it to loud tell her to either wear headphones or to turn it down. Good luck

2006-09-07 07:35:59 · answer #6 · answered by The all seeing all knowing one 1 · 0 0

I think you should do what my mom did to me when I was that age. You should go to a store with her, like walmart or something, and let her pick out a hobby that she would like to do. It worked with me. If she gets into it then she will spend more time with that than on the computer listening to music. She will still get on the computer but hopefully not as much. It also might take a couple of trips to the store until she finds something that she likes. Another thing you could try is to set limits for her on the computer. Try telling her certain times she is allowed on the computer.

2006-09-07 07:14:28 · answer #7 · answered by boxers_r_us2006 1 · 0 0

I am 13 and I am usually on msn or listening to music. My parents didnt mind as long as my grades in school are fine and as long as i help around the house.

I do my homework, wash the dishes, study, and then the rest of the time i am on the internet.

My dad then rewarded me with my own laptop in my bedroom.

It is natural for a 13 yr old to be on msn and listening to music, but u should tell her that she should spend as much time as she does on the computer studying. If she is fine in helping u, and school then i dont see where the problem is, but if she dosnt do any homework then u clearly need to take some action.

And then u can reward her with her own laptop, she will be delighted :)

Good Luck :)

2006-09-07 07:33:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sure. Plenty of suggestions. Well, I lied. Only one. Answer the question as to who in the house is the parent and who is the child? If the 13 year old is the child, why is she acting like the parent? A child with no rules is not a child. But, 13 is too young to be the parent.

2006-09-07 07:11:33 · answer #9 · answered by DelK 7 · 2 0

Your the parent you regulate what she does and doesn't do. If you have a problem with the time she spends on the computer just set rules and boundaries for her. Maybe 45-2 hours a day on the computer if she is not doing homework.

2006-09-07 07:09:39 · answer #10 · answered by Domo 2 · 0 0

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