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I mean seriously, why is it such a big deal any ways? They already living together and having sex. What's the difference if they have a piece of paper with their signatures proving their commitment to each other?

2006-09-07 06:41:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jesus Christ people! Your ignorance astounds me. Just because we let a man marry another man or a woman marry another woman DOES NOT mean we can marry children. WTF? People who are uncomfortable with gays try to find anything to use against them. Jesus, people, the world will not come to an end if a man marries a man. Give me a break.

2006-09-07 07:00:08 · update #1

I almost wish I never asked this question because there were so many ignorant idiotic self-absorbed answers. You people can quote the bible to me all day, it means nothing to me. You might as well quote Stephen King. It's just a bunch of old stories meant to scare people into acting in a way that controling, frightened, old men wanted people to act. Get your heads out of that old book and think for yourselves!!

2006-09-07 07:05:25 · update #2

Mackdingy, you are the perfect example of the hipocracy of christianity. You say you don't BELIEVE in sex before marriage and yet you ENGAGE in sex before marriage because you believe your god will forgive. Why don't you try to live your confictions and beliefs and then us non-christians will take you more seriously when you open your mouth to spew your religious bs. Thank you for proving to every one who sees this that christian are all talk and no action. (I am sure there are plenty of christians out there who practice what they preach, but I am also sure there are more that do not).

2006-09-07 07:56:22 · update #3

26 answers

They have been brainwashed. They think they have the right to put their religious opinion into law. It infuriates me. I am a straight woman, so what. Does that mean that I am so stupid as to believe that a persons sexuality is a choice. My sexuality is not a choice. Why in the hell would any one else's be a choice? Marriage is a legal contract. I wonder, how many of those Christians are divorced? Ignorance, hate , discrimination, and bigotry are why they are against gay marriage.

2006-09-07 06:59:09 · answer #1 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 1 2

how about we take this out of religion,
Just think of the social implications here. Where do we stop? 14 yr old girls, 12,10. How many wives can we have? 5, 10? what about the lost taxes and if we lose taxes, Then we take it away from traditional families. Benefits at companies, ETC ETC. See this has way more issues than them living in same house and sleeping with each other. I know it is NOT PC, but could some one explain how, AIDS and other blood borne ailments were spread in the late 70's early 80's. But I am to trust that this new group will be only with one person? No Lets not push our luck! God said what he said, and that's that.
Min Will

2006-09-07 06:50:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Many Christians have trouble with anyone who does or thinks differently than they do. They do not believe in live and let live.

And, the sacrament of marriage is a Christian concept. In ancient Israel, all that was needed was giving of something of value, and go to the man's home.

2006-09-07 07:39:36 · answer #3 · answered by Shossi 6 · 2 0

Oooo I liked that top answer (NOT) gays making a mockery out of the sanctity of marriage. My Lesbian Marriage is 26 years long, monogamous and we're still as much in love with each other as we were when we first handfasted. Show me a few heterosexual marriages that have lasted that long, and then tell me where *Jesus* not the Old Testement or Paul said that being Happy was bad...
Sorry, I'm not harping at you, my Dear One. You simply asked a very relevant question. Somedays it makes me soooo bloody mad. There is no real difference except people who should love their neighbors actually hating them. My apologies for my rant and blessings to you.

2006-09-07 06:48:31 · answer #4 · answered by Mama Otter 7 · 1 1

Marriage between a man and a woman has always bee ordained of God. Genesis 2: 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. To be married to a person of the same sex is not only a sin against God but it is also a sin against nature. Romans 1: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1: 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

2006-09-07 06:53:08 · answer #5 · answered by Ray W 6 · 1 2

IIt's not Christians who have a problem with gay marraige it's God made man and women so that they could be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth if he wanted men to be together he would of made men and no women. By allowing to men to live togther and be married is like spitting in God's face saying that you don't care about the order that he placed in life. not only that but the marrige vows say i prononce you husband and wife not husband andd husband! get real homosexuality is not natural and never will be God didn't create people that way but one thing he did do is curse and destroy people for taking part in it. Remeber this God hates the sin not the sinner as christians we hate the sin not the sinner.

2006-09-07 06:54:57 · answer #6 · answered by livingforhim2006 2 · 2 2

it truly is not any longer basically Christians, in spite of the reality that. Even Atheists and persons of different religions are uncomfortable with the idea besides. We basically finally end up pointing palms on the Christian community, because the Christians that are hostile to it are the loudest. I genuinely trust you on a lot of your factors, it truly is ridiculous how those Christians who're hostile to gay marriage pontificate about fairness and kindness in route of others, and yet they hate anybody with gay tendencies. besides the undeniable fact that, you may want to understand from their point of view. in case you imagine about it, it does look unnatural for 2 adult men or 2 women persons to be at the same time because there is genuinely no thanks to make a toddler that way. From what i have considered and heard, there are believed to be many aspects contained in the Bible itself that state how homosexuality is a sin. it may look ridiculous to you strategies they don't comprehend it, yet homosexuality is going hostile to each thing they trust in and it truly is confusing to bypass hostile to that. basically imagine your self chatting with a set of people like that, who genuinely hate the idea of homosexuality. would not you develop into infuriated? annoyed because they couldn't know how stupid they're being. properly, the feeling you experience, it is an analogous ingredient that they experience even as they imagine about we who trust it truly is okay to be gay, or lesbian, or bi, or transgendered. They experience we are stupid for no longer expertise that it truly is incorrect even as it truly is proper there contained in the bible.

2016-11-25 19:18:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I'm not a Christian, but I think their problem is that as they are not married, they can be hidden under the carpet. If the law makes their couples official, that makes it more difficult to ignore them.

Anyway, I think that nobody's couple can possibly affect me in any possible ways. If other people being married affects them, that's because they are caring more about the others than about themselves.

2006-09-07 06:46:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Gay & marriage together is an oximoron, the two simply do not go together. I believe that it is well within their rights to have a "civil union", but it can in no way be called marriage because marriage was instituted by God as one man & one woman, so by definition the homosexual union cannot be called marriage.

2006-09-07 06:47:39 · answer #9 · answered by righton 3 · 1 2

Is it only Christians who object? From a Christian perspective, practicing homosexuality is wrong, so naturally to offer a marriage of same would follow suit.

The questions is, if they are comfortable doing what they are doing, why do THEY need a piece of paper proving their commitment to each other.\?

2006-09-07 06:46:43 · answer #10 · answered by chris 5 · 2 1

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