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Is God scared?
is God just watching and having fun?
God wanted to make it tougher for us?
God wanted to show us he is boss?
God is different from people and needs to show the differentiation by not holding conversations with us?
It is Gods way dont even bother to try to understand?

2006-09-07 06:32:49 · 31 answers · asked by rekha c 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

if i created something i would most probably talk to it...unless i thought i was too high and mighty and it was not worth wasting time talking with my creation

2006-09-07 06:42:32 · update #1

maybe those people said they will not talk to God and only talk to Moses...well i am also a person and God's creation and saying I would like to talk to God...Why wont God speak? Those quoting the people in the bible can quote me a living being "God I want to talk to you"

2006-09-07 06:44:38 · update #2

31 answers

...He did.

Exodus 20:19 They said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself. Then we’ll listen. But don’t let God speak to us. If he does, we’ll die.”

2006-09-07 06:36:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The answers are none of the above. And God did not 'choose' to not talk to people.
Here's my answer from the Bible:
Adam and Eve had a relationship with God until they rebelled against him. They were perfect and yet chose to follow a selfish course - so they lost eternal life in Paradise, perfection, and an ongoing relationship with God - not just for themselves, but for all their children as well - us today.
However, God paid the price so we could get that back by sending his son, Jesus as a sacrifice. Soon the benefits of that payment will be manifest on the earth. Mankind on earth will have a good relationship with God - provided they show themselves faithful to him. They will have everlasting life without problems, sickness, pain or sorrow here on the earth. In the meantime, for us today, we have his written Word, the Bible, if we want to 'listen to what he has to say' - on many issues. He teaches us to benefit ourselves with a Godly lifestyle that can make us happy now. And, we have prayer, so that we can talk to him. Also, we have the hope of having eternal life in the near future, right here on the earth - which was where God meant us to live in the first place. This is the loving God, the Almighty, Jehovah.

2006-09-07 06:58:32 · answer #2 · answered by nolocanal 1 · 0 1

1) He does talk to people directly. (Were you asleep during the Reformation?)
2) God is not scared though perhaps you should be to think you could converse with the Almighty. He might actually give you what you ask of him, though not with the consequences you imagined.
3) God is actively involved in our lives, but he isn't a show off, it would be bullying to dazzle us with his glory and power.
4) How could it be easy to talk with the Infinite? Do you just pick up your cell and get George Bush whenever you feel like it?
5) He need show us nothing, he is what he is. Your arm is too short to box with God.
6) He is something else entirely. But it's your denseness that makes you not hear him. On one occasion the Father spoke to the Son and the crowds thought it thundered. Why couldn't they hear God? Because they hadn't the discipline of faith. It's all there in the gospels, try John chapters 5 and 8.
7) Oh, yes, try to understand, but understand that to hear Him you must first know the Son. No one can come to him except through the Son.
— God has spoken audibly to me twice in 33 years. Hear him I did, but only after years of holiness and prayer. It is a momentous thing to hear from the Lord of the Universe.
— Who do you think you are, little maggot, for imagining you are entitled to it?

2006-09-07 08:19:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The reason we are here in this material world is because we didn't want to talk to God. He fulfilled our desire to forget Him and not engage in His service here and plenty of opportunity to pretend we're free and happy without any relationship with the Lord. Now you say you want to talk to God? If you are really sincere and serious, then your desire will be fulfilled. But talking to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all material and spiritual manifestations, is not some cheap and easy thing like walking up to some guy standing on the corner. Even if you want to see an important person in this world you may have to make an appointment weeks in advance and then be patient. So be sincere in your desire and be patient. Having an audience with the Supreme Lord can happen even in this life, but you must be pure and qualified. You cannot take your lust, greed and anger and all your material conceptions and attachments with you. You have to check all that at the door. You have to be fully purified of all envy and completely absorbed in love for the Lord having no desire for anything but His service.

The Lord states directly in the Bhagavad-gita what is required for someone to see Him. You must be his unalloyed devotee completely engaged in His transcendental loving service.

2006-09-07 08:42:13 · answer #4 · answered by Jagatkarta 3 · 0 1

God is talking to you from within your heart, but you have to purify your ears to hear Him. Until that time you must hear God's words from authorized scriptures and His bonafide representative, the spiritual master.
God cannot be scared, because even Fear personified is afraid of Him.
God is not having fun from the affairs of this material world. He has His own affairs with His pure devotees in the spiritual world, which are millions of times more interesting for Him.
God is always the boss. To those who lovingly serve Him, He comes in His personal beautiful form, and to those who deny Him, he comes as death.
God does not want to talk with materialistic people, but He is very happy to talk with His loving devotees.
God understands everything, He knows everything, and if He sees that some living being is very serious to understand Him, He guides that living being, so that he or she can come to Him.

2006-09-07 06:45:19 · answer #5 · answered by H. B 3 · 0 1

God does talk to people directly, every day.
His sheep know His voice, and He knows them. A stranger's voice they will not follow.
He certainly isn't scared. He is God, you're not, why should He be afraid of you?
He's definitely watching, but given the sort of things people are capable of, I don't think He's having fun.
If God wanted to make it tougher for us, all He would have had to do was to stay at home. He came to earth in human form to make it easier, not tougher.
God does't have to "show us Who's boss". If we have any sense at all, we already know this one.
God is definitely different from people. That may be why most of us have so much trouble hearing Him.
Again, if God didn't want us to understand, all He would have had to do was to stay home. But He came here, to us, in the form of a Man, to help us to understand.

I hope this helps you. I pray that you find what you are seeking.

2006-09-07 07:02:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

That is exactly the kind of relationship God wants to have with people. The names of David's men mean hearing God's voice and obeying God's commands. All the men of faith mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 all heard God's voice and obeyed. God walked and talked with his friends like Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, and David. That is exactly the point of Christianity. Christ paid for our sins so we can have a relationship with God.

2006-09-07 06:48:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because, historically, God has only talked to important political leaders (like the Toman Caesars, the Greek Kings, Moses, the Japanese Emperors) and to crazy people (Joan of Arc, Pat Robertson, St Theresa).

Wait -- maybe those people made it up!

2006-09-07 06:39:57 · answer #8 · answered by Ranto 7 · 1 1

The Creator does want to talk with all of us and He does. You have to understand that God is a spirit and we are flesh. We talk so easily to one another because our spirits are wrapped in flesh. God is only spirit not wrapped in flesh, therefore he can not speak with us in the flesh. But when we seek him with our spirits we have all knowing conversations with him. It is possible! When Jesus was born to us, God came to us in the flesh through him and lived amongst his creation for 30+ years, to teach, heal and to release us from our bondage. God is the very essences of what love is. Does that sound like someone who does not care? He loves you. He thinks about you constantly. With everything that goes on in the world God never forgets about you, NEVER.

God bless :)

2006-09-07 06:50:15 · answer #9 · answered by Nancy 2 · 0 1

How many people do you now who have something intelligent to talk about all the time? Seems to me most people fear to say anything that challenges others, so I believe God got bored, or upset that others couldn't work out the simplest answers without checking with him first.

2006-09-07 06:46:58 · answer #10 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 0 1

For the obvious reason. God does not exist. Here's why.

I don’t think there is much doubt today that all religions are just mystical cults with their clever magic tricks conjured up to awe inspire their believers and followers. Take the Christian mythological cult for example. God is supposed to have created the universe, incarnated (magic trick) himself as Jesus and written the Bible.

But today God is totally silent. The only thing we hear about God comes from people speaking on his behalf, namely cult leaders and followers, most of whom are lunatics and war mongers. If God genuinely existed, he would silence these people because they are an absolute embarrassment. Just check out some religious idiots who post on Yahoo Answers.

When you listen to these idiots trying to justify God’s love and existence, it takes very little commonsense to realise how imaginary God is. If God were real, he would speak for himself. The fact that God does not speak, and that he allows any lunatic who comes along to speak in his name, proves that God is imaginary.

If all religious people who try to mentally saturation bomb gullible minds could see how stupid and embarrassing they are to the intellectual mind, perhaps they’d stop making fools of themselves.

2006-09-07 06:39:33 · answer #11 · answered by Brenda's World 4 · 2 2

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