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I'm getting married in another 6 mths and I'm overweight by 50 pounds. Please suggest me how should I plan my day/diet keeping in mind that I have a sitting job from 9 AM-6 PM (software engg). Also I am a vegetarian (no meat/ no eggs). Please help me with this.

2006-09-07 05:46:57 · 20 answers · asked by BT 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

20 answers

You don't need to care for that when I am the person marrying you. To me you are the most wonderful and beautiful person in this whole world.

2006-09-07 16:21:59 · answer #1 · answered by Latitude 360 5 · 1 0

First of all, you do not need to lose 50 pounds. What you need to do is get your body fat percentage down to 20% if you are between 20 and 35 and 24% if you are over 35. This may mean only losing 40 pounds, which is doable in six months.

Whatever you do, do not try any of those fad diets or diet pills. You will have success on those, believe me. But then you will gain the weight right back, probably you will gain even more weight, and you'll be a disappointment to yourself and your husband.

I was 203 in September of 2006 and 34% body fat. I joined Weight Watchers and started going to the gym 3 times a week on average. Now I am 148 and 24% body fat. I can not recommend Weight Watchers enough. I really works. You don't have to change anything about your vegetarian diet. You just have to keep very good track the amounts of food you eat. Weight Watchers now has a website that can assist you and a software program that helps you keep track on your PDA. If you go to the meeting consistently and if you keep your food journal consistently, you WILL lose the weight. I know because I did it.

If you can not afford to join Weight Watchers, that is okay. You can join the Weight Watchers website, which allows you to keep track of your food online and gives you helpful tips, techniques and coping devices about dealing with food. It is $12.95 a month. But please, try to join the full organization and go to meetings. If you can not afford it, let me ask you a question. Have you already had your bridal shower? If you have not, ask the hostess to put a note in the invitiations stating that in lieu of gifts you'd appreciate it if the invitees would chip in a buy you a Weight Watchers membership and a membership to a gym near your work or home.

2006-09-07 06:00:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is one time I will venture away from the line that rapid weight loss diets are useless because you'll gain the weight back...

A wedding is a once in a lifetime (hopefully) event where you will probably spring for the most expensive photography you have ever invested in and be wearing a one of a kind gown....

Lose as much weight as you can over the next six months... Cut back your eating to a bare minimum that still has the nutrition you need. No snacks or alcohol or junk food at all... Take up jogging and try to work your way up to 20 miles a week or more...
If you are vegetarian for health reasons and not religious ones add some canned tuna (not albacore) in spring water to your diet... very high in protein with almost zero fat and very few calories...

If you go off the diet after the wedding and put the weight back on you will still have some great photos to remember your slim figure.... they might even give you the incentive to try to keep the weight off...

Good Luck!

2006-09-07 05:57:20 · answer #3 · answered by Andy FF1,2,CrTr,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 5 · 0 0

I have been struggling with weight for many years. Two years ago, I lost thirty-five pounds. I set a monthly goal of three pounds a month. This may sound excruciatingly slow for weight loss, but overall, the slower you lose weight, the more likely you are to keep it off. I am also a vegetarian, but I eat eggs. Adequate daily protein is very important in weight loss. I would recommend alot of cottage cheese and yogurt. I don't know if you have a sweet tooth or other problems, but it is usually best not to make your favorite foods totally off-limit no matter what their fat or sugar composition is. It is okay to eat small portions of any food. You need to minimize the feeling of being deprived or you may binge. I ate french fries, chocolate and pizza whenever I strongly had a craving for them. I think when a craving is very strong, it is best to just give into it. I allowed myself a few caloric drinks, but I mostly drank water and seltzer. I don't trust artificial sweeteners, so I will not drink a diet soda. Never clean your plate. You must leave at least one bite. This will eventually cause your mind to want to stop eating when you are full. Never eat past being full. If you are at a restaurant, take a doggy bag home.

When I lost my thirty-five pounds, I walked on the threadmill 3 times a week for about 20 minutes a session. I also walked in malls for the exercise. Don't underestimate walking as a good exercise. It is also good for your mental health.

Even with losing only at a rate of three pounds a month, I was hungry at times. I have heard of people being on some diets and never being hungry, but I have never had this experience (except when I am sick.) You should probably expect some hunger.

2006-09-07 06:11:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your wedding day is still going to be targeted. You have got three choices: 1. Preserve the date, get another gown and appear glowing and pregnant to your pictures (not always a nasty thing!). 2. Move your marriage ceremony up just a few months (this may not be possible with deposits and bookings, and many others.). Three. Move your marriage ceremony again unless your baby is as a minimum a pair months historic (but be aware of that you may to find you should not have a lot time for planning). I'd go along with either 1 or 2, however that is just me. Also, tell your fiance about this...I'm sure he'll be overjoyed! Your households will get over it. Earlier than telling household participants get it tested with the aid of a health care professional with a blood test and probably wait unless your three month mark to tell them. Good good fortune!

2016-08-09 13:50:12 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The problem with dieting and vegetarians (my wife is vegan) is that they consume lots of cabs and sugars. If you can cut that to a minimum, that would be a great head start. Aim for a low crab, high protein diet. Also, because of your job, you don't get much exercise.

Accepting the fact that muscle uses 3x more calories than fat, adding muscle to your frame will help you lose fat faster. More muscle on your body will help keep your metabolism higher, longer. Try to incorporate a muscle building exercise into your regimen. 3 x week should do it.

If you are not willing to make the time for that, try this exercise at work. Every hour on the hour, get up and do 10 squats and 10 push ups. That will firm up your arms and tone your legs. At the end of the day you will have done 80 of each. If you can't do 10, start with 5. (you should have a 10 second count for every squat - 5 seconds to go down 5 to come up).

Your biggest muscle group in your body is your legs, just working them out will boost fat burning. Your legs will look great in your honeymoon and your arms will look astounding in your wedding dress.

Remember what you are doing this for and don't get discouraged.

You will look beautiful on your wedding.

Best of luck.

2006-09-07 06:03:45 · answer #6 · answered by makawao_kane 6 · 0 0

I don't think you should plan on dieting. It will make fitting your dress a real problem.

Try and fit some exercise into your day as this will help you relax in the run up to the wedding even just walking for 15 mins a day.
Also if you eat a bit more fruit and vegetables it will help your complexion look lovely on your big day.

Then concentrate on a lovely dress that emphasizes your best assets.
My curvy friend had a lovely boned corset dress that showed off her fab curves and a little short sleaved white jacket type thing to cover the tops of her arms. She looked fabulous.

You're getting married, I would hope your husband loves your womanly figure.

Concentrate on planning a lovely day not a diet that will strip you of your energy for the big day.

2006-09-07 05:51:36 · answer #7 · answered by Bebe 4 · 0 0

I suggest start walking on an incline even for 30 - 60 mins.
I like to walk outside, and enjoy the day, it will also help with the stress.
I also suggest get to bed early by nine and before ten to stop the cortisol cycle, that produces a belly.
Drink green and white tea, AND DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER CAN'T STRESS THE WATER ENOUGH it will flush the FAT!!
If you don't like to drink water try Fruit 2o brand.
That's what I drink and try lemon or lime water.
Use your full capacity of your lunges for deep breathing,
aerobics = deep breathing.
If you have any problem areas = spot tone.
Get your mind happy, see yourself there.
Joyce L.Vederal,Ph.D.
It is a great resource and I read it as well.
Here's some food for though
Keep in mind the way we eat today verses the way we ate years ago, we had to chase our food not go through the drive through.
We had to cut fire wood= (exercise) not push the microwave button.
If we diet we tell our brain that there is not enough food and our body reacts by storing fat, same thing if we do not drink enough water = body reacts and HOLDS water= in water retension.

Best of luck and Congratulations on the Wedding!
Let me know how it goes.

2006-09-07 06:26:37 · answer #8 · answered by bella 1 · 0 0

Eat 1lb of fruit every morning. Sounds like a lot but it really isn't. 1 apple, 1 bannaba, 3 strawberries, 1 peach. Or any other combination.
For lunch, eat a salad, no dressing, because they are full of fat and vinegar which isn't very healthy for you. Dinner, should be at least 2-3 hrs before bed time. There are tons of delicious vegan recepies all over the web, or you can susbtitute the meat for "gluten", soy, or tofu.
You should also aim to excersice at least 30 min a day 5 days a week. Go out and walk during your breaks. If you want to tone, 20 min of yoga or pilates everyday will do the trick.
DRINKS LOTS OF WATER. no sodas, coffee, or juices.

Good luck to you, girl.

2006-09-07 05:57:18 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Definatly go for a walk/jog after you get home from work. And maybe if you have time, squeeze in 100 crunches or more. A vegan diet should be pretty good for you as long as you're not eating fried foods. Or you could try Slim fast, cut out 2 meals a day and substitute it with slim fast and get to exercising at least three times a week.

2006-09-07 05:51:32 · answer #10 · answered by Shell_Lynn99 2 · 0 0

First of all, don't be hard on yourself. By whose standards is the 50 lbs. Yours, your significant other, or society? If the weight gain is recent, it has to do with the stresses that comes with the engagement and I'd suggest stress coping skills rather than eating during stressful times. If the weight has been there all along, then your significant other accepts and loves you anyway. If you feel it would help your health, heart and endurance to shed some weight, try and squeeze in some walking or other forms of exercising in a religious routine and, of course, chose healthy, fiber rich foods, including fruits, vegetables and grains. Best of love and luck in your marriage and in the future.

2006-09-07 05:56:07 · answer #11 · answered by Serendipity 3 · 0 0

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