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12 answers

Call out your state National Guard, put them on the border, round up the illegals and turn them over to the Border Patrol. Deny any state contracts to any business that hires illegals. Limit state services to Citizens--let 'em sue--Make the state policy one of hostility to illegals.

2006-09-07 06:24:44 · answer #1 · answered by LoneStar 6 · 1 0

City ordinances,state laws ,enforce the laws already on the books.Take state action to prevent the desecration of our American deserts and our flags by illegals.Charge the people that hire illegals with the bill for deportation.No exceptions.Arrest the illegals and take them to the border then let Border Patrol take them the rest of the way.I live in Arizona and we are trying to stop the problem and the government is not helping one little bit.One thing Id really like to see end is the demonstrations by illegals,they have not got the freedom of speech here in America because they are not legal Americans.Human rights,yes, but not civil rights.Go home and fix your own country do not try to change the USA into Mexico.No amnesty.Locate,and deport all illegals of all nationalities.To the government I say place the military on the border and close them until we can get all the illegals out of this country.The time has come to do whats best for all Americans not just the Hispanics.

2006-09-07 05:59:49 · answer #2 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 1 0

Advice? Ok....Gentlemen and ladies, please issue forth a good set of revised laws that will guide our Nation toward more effective control of our borders, and inhibit people from entering our country in a manner not in keeping with the relevant laws that govern the immigration process to the United States and serve to prevent citizenship in our great country from being sold like a box of cheerios. Generations of immigrants did things the right way, the legal way, there's no reason to slack on the standards regarding the process, abuses of the immigration process need to be dealt with professionally, and ethically, and effectively, and with one unified voice so that there's no 'wiggle room' for subjective interpretation based on the convenience of whatever employer might see fit to try and apply pressure to seek their personal gain over the lawful processes and standards involved.

If there was no money involved in illegal immigration, it would not be happening. Since there is an evolved franchise that has been built up to circumnavigate and subvert the process of emigrating to our country, I would ask that bright sunlight be cast in any and all relevant darkened corners, so as to protect and preserve the public interest in this matter. It's been said that we are a nation of immigrants, as well as a nation of laws, and to keep things lawful and equitable, these laws need to either be enforced, changed, or even abolished. What decision is finally made lies in the hands of our representatives, and it is to be hoped that our representation views us not only as a revenue source, but also as their constituents and supporters.

Never before have so many people tried to simultaneously gain entry into our country, for purposes not entirely clear. Never before have there been this many people in the world. If we are to at least sustain our livability, such as it is in some areas, it is my view that immigration should be a regulated and highly controlled process, rather than a 'first come, first serve' land-grab as was the practice 150 years ago. In this day and age, our country is already inhabited, our infrastructure already heavily taxed, and there are some problems that cannot be fixed through 'growth' but rather insightful guidance derived from the input of the public as to the impact on our cities and communites today, and also the potential impact of future policy in this matter.

2006-09-07 05:55:20 · answer #3 · answered by gokart121 6 · 2 0

Enforce the law. If the feds won't help put your guard troops on the border. We need to enforce the laws first, look for a illegal immigrant solution second.

2006-09-07 05:42:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Thank you for this question. I think that we need a couple of approaches.

1. Fine EVERY employer $5000 for each illegal immigrant. Once you fine them for 20 occurances, the CIO goes to jail. That will put the brakes on the 'demand' of illegals.

2. Put some of the money that was going to build a wall or fence or helicopter directly into the Mexican economy about 100km south of the border. Use it to build roads, electricity, manufacturer goods.

3. Just my opinion, but I think that illegals are coming to america for the exact same reason my ancestors did - to have a better life. Our lives are touched by their work every day that we eat, or go to a clean office, a clean park, drive on a road, etc etc etc. There's no need to punish people that just want a better life.

2006-09-07 05:47:54 · answer #5 · answered by words_smith_4u 6 · 0 3

I would advise them to totally close their border with Mexico and cut off all social aid/services to illegal aliens. Then to start a state wide roundup of illegal aliens, and deport them immediately.... It is up to the state governments to take ACTION since the CORRUPT US GOVERNMENT REFUSES to ACT on this ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION.

Also, that illegal aliens are criminals, illegal aliens have absolutely NO RIGHTS in the USA other than the right to GET the HELL OUT and STAY OUT.

I would urge the governors to pass a law that provides NO LESS than FIVE YEARS in PRISON for those who hire illegal aliens, coupled with a huge fine..... no parole, 5 years in prison mandatory.... NO EXCUSES.

2006-09-07 05:51:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Build a wall and enforce the laws on employing the illegal alien invaders
Deport the invaders and JAIL the employers, Big Co's and those that hire from day labor.

2006-09-07 05:44:13 · answer #7 · answered by buzzy360comecme 3 · 3 0

Give every citizen a gun and teach them how to use it. If the greasers keep on coming across the border the way they are, everybody will need one to protect themselves.

2006-09-07 10:56:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I live in a border state. My advice shoot first ask questions later. There are murders, rapist, drug dealers, etc coming over. HELP!!!!

2006-09-07 05:54:20 · answer #9 · answered by marge8710 2 · 4 0

Obey the current laws. Real simple.

2006-09-07 06:02:32 · answer #10 · answered by sassyk 5 · 0 0

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