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why am I always hungry,I always eat and eat loads of crap and whilst I am on a diet I fail by eating junk and then I feel downright gutted n stressed by trying everyday. Why's this?

2006-09-07 05:21:45 · 16 answers · asked by ♥HELLO♥ 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

Also, I don´t do anything around the house and I don´t do enough exercise...and yes I know I am greedy!

2006-09-07 05:23:43 · update #1

16 answers

OMG we are carbon-copied?I face the same problem(Don't worry it's just the age)

2006-09-07 22:13:28 · answer #1 · answered by Demi 2 · 0 2

I have heard many different reasons to why people are always hungry. One of them being that obese people have a problem with a part of their brain that would tell them that they are full and have had enough to eat, which is why they always feel hungry.

Another explaination is that our emotions have a lot to do with how we eat, like being sad or depressed could make you actually eat more because that could be a way for you to feel better. Same thing goes with being bored, if your eating, you're mind is keeping busy.

The reason why you probably fail on diets is probably the reason most people do; they have a lack of will power. This could lead to you actually gaining wieght because like stated before, you are depressed and stressed so eating food could make you feel better. Try thinking positively, or try to have some goal in mind when you diet (like maybe fitting into the next pant size down). Also, try do something like this, after losing like 10 pounds, treat yourself to something you like. This way staying on your diet will be easier.

If you still have problems with that, try going on the Wieght Watchers point system diet, you can eat whatever you want, as long as you have enough points for that day. I hope this helps in answering your question. I lost 50 lbs by using this system.

2006-09-07 12:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by link_2b 1 · 0 0

Some foods, especially those high in sugar, can leave you feeling hungry shortly after you eat them...try to eat things that will "stick with you" so to speak...things high in fiber that will help you not feel hungry so soon...

Control your portions...if you eat every time you think you are hungry, you may be responding to thirst or stress and not actual hunger...eat a small meal (about 300 calories) every 2 hrs (6 meals in a day)...eating that frequently will help keep you from getting hungry and is actually better for you than 3 large meals a day...

Eat healthier...cut out the junk food...it does nothing for you inside or on the outside...when you get used to eating better, it'll become a habit and you won't feel so deprived...save the "junk food" as an occasional treat...

And get active...go walking or take up a sport or something that'll get you moving and get your blood flowing and calories burning...this life is too short to ruin our health early on...there are many more fun things to do than eat...

2006-09-07 12:28:11 · answer #3 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

Hi, can i ask you a question are you taking any contracetive pills, because these increase your appetite and so you feel hungry all the time. The only thing that will work for you is weight watchers, as you can eat what you want and when you want and really its not like a diet just as long as you use you points and take what you eat off your points. I was actually eating more and losing weight so its a bonus. Just see where your nearest meeting is, and if you need any help contoling hunger and other issues with dieting them you advisor will guide you in the right direction,

2006-09-07 15:44:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your probley really not hungry you just think you are out of habit. If you can drink a whole cup of water and still feel hungry then you are, if you feel full your really not. If you feel hungry all the time your probley not getting enough protein. Protein helps you feel satisfied, and helps kirb the feeling hungry all the time. When you eat a salad put some chicken, or pork in it to make it more of a meal. Just salad will leave you full but not for long. I hope this helps you :) good luck

2006-09-07 13:08:16 · answer #5 · answered by hollie 3 · 0 0

because of the diet you eat so much junk food. i know it does not make sense but bare with me: i took enough science related classes to understand how the body works and from everything that you are saying when you are on a diet you deprive yourself. that is the biggest mistake you could make.you could still be on a diet but cut down the amount of sugar or fat intake vs. cutting all of it all at once. i was on many diets trying to look skinny yet at the age of 22 i dont have to: i am wiser about wha i eat, i read the labels, know my caloric intake as well as the fats intake, proteins, etc. so i know how much i can splurge on. yet i also work out 1 hour and 20 minutes to keep myself the way I am. onmost occasions. you can still endulge yourself in a cookie ot tow but as long as it is not the whole box you will be okay. the reason yo are hungry os much is because you are either bored or stressed out or are used to the amount of food you used to consume. my best advice: work out. do not deprive yor body at all, make wiser and helathier choice.

2006-09-07 12:36:12 · answer #6 · answered by icycrissy27blue 5 · 0 0

its not even really "hunger". i was chubby as a teenager (not fat) but i lost it when i got to university because i made some lifestyle changes which were gradual.
I tried substituting junk food with delicious fruits. These were filling and i ate them after say, a sandwich. I cut down my sugar from 2 teaspoons per cup, to one. (i know some superslim people who dont have sugar at all...)
what you need to do is to take time and care with yourself. you sound like you're living your life from day to day without any structure or routine, so perhaps its just a feeling of being 'out of control' of your situation. you need to TAKE control or your circumstances will control you. try to put pictures of slim women and studs over your bed so that when you wake up, you'll regain focus of how you would like to look like. ask yourself, whenever you look at a piece of junk food, if THAT is more important, or a controlled better, slimmer you. picture how you would look in a sexy outfit, being oo'ed and ahh'ed over by a groovy dude! then consider if that bag of crisps is really a 'feel good' thing as you've come to believe. a cream cake tastes good for a few seconds on the tongue, but you'd much rather have something dishier on the tongue than just...food, if u know what i mean?
ok, so if u cant convince yourself on the odd occasion when you feel YOU SIMPLY gotta be greedy, then at least CHEW SLOWLY. pretend your'e chewing the cud. sit down, focus on what you're eating (if its chocolate, suck it slowly) and then you'll somehow get to get the true taste of just how nauseating those junk foods can become in your mouth.
what i used to do when i was really trying to ditch these habits was to chew on crisps and spit them into an empty bag (in this way i got the taste but i never needed to chuck it into my body!).
DO NOT do this with good healthy foods.
make sure you eat 5 portions of fruit and veggies and protein (meats / fish about the size of a small bap) and 2 litres water everyday.
(you can do a yahoo search to find out about balanced meals).
drinking anything before you eat a meal (a glass of water) or a cup of tea, makes one SO full that when you eat your dinner, you're half full already.
make sure that once you've eaten. you GET ON YOUR FEET. no matter how tempting it is to lie on the sofa like a beached whale, get up and maybe do the dishes, or go for a walk or tidy up, cleaning helps burn calories! go on, take charge of your life, you only live once!

2006-09-07 12:43:59 · answer #7 · answered by Wisdom 4 · 1 0

Stop eating so much unhealthy foods because it will tell on you later on in life. Take care of the body now before you wind up eating something that really disagrees with your metabolism. Junk food is not an everyday meal. It's not healthy! Try eating something that's healthy and that you like in the place of something that you yourself know is not healthy for you. For instance:

If you don't like raw spinach maybe you might like the spinach noodles steamed.

You don't like cooked carrots---eat them raw

Broccoli raw (you don't like) Try steaming them with other veggies.

There are so many foods that are the same but taste completely different prepared another way.

Only you know what your likes and dislikes are. For health purposes, try switching up on the preparations of your meals.

Eat Hearty!

2006-09-07 12:31:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honestly - drink loads of water! It makes a huge difference - literally 5-6 pints per day, minimum!

Also - after you have eaten a sensible sized meal, wait 20 mins before eating anything else - it takes 20 mins for your stomach to register it's got anything!

ps - I lost 4 stone this way!

2006-09-07 12:25:57 · answer #9 · answered by ShowMeTheLite 3 · 0 0

it's because your body associates the junk food with feeling full and you begin to crave it. Trouble is it makes you crave it more, and you feel rotten for having eaten it. Perhaps you just haven't found a healthier food that you likes as much. It's all in the experimentation. there's so much good food out there to try.

2006-09-07 12:26:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When you are hungry, eat fruit.
Good quality fruit is expensive, but try it.
Different fruit at different times of the day should cover your needs in sugar but also reduce your fat intake.

2006-09-07 12:28:39 · answer #11 · answered by savs 6 · 0 0

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