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2006-09-07 04:43:27 · 8 answers · asked by david_nitro 1 in Pets Dogs

8 answers

Dogs usually have to go potty about 10-15 minutes after they eat, when they wake up from a nap, and when they first get up in the morning. The best way to train your dog to go outside, is to take it out at these opportune moments and use a verbal cue like "Do you need to go outside?" or "outside for potty". Stay outside with it until you see it go potty, then praise the dog for doing its business outside. Most dogs catch on within a week.

To help keep the dog from pottying inside the house when you're away, don't leave food out for it. Feed it only at specific times during the day so its bowels and bladder can get on a "elimination schedule".

NEVER hit your dog or rub its nose in its messes. This does nothing but teach your dog to fear you.

Crate training will help, but only if the dog is over 4 months old. Puppies that are younger than 4 months have no conscious control of their bowels or bladder, and crating them will not help.

2006-09-07 04:48:55 · answer #1 · answered by Fetch 11 Humane Society 5 · 2 0

If you have a young puppy its a good idea to sit outside with the dog until he/she goes to the bathroom. Then as theyre going you tell them good dog goes potty and give them a treat. After a few days of doing this you'll will be able to take them outside and say go potty and they'll go on command. I have three dogs they have all been trained to go on command. Also if it is a young dog sometimes their body cant hold it for long take them outside every thirty to forty minutes

2006-09-07 12:23:38 · answer #2 · answered by jg 1 · 0 0

We had great success with our dog by hanging a christmas bell on the door and every time we took her outside, we'd take her paw and hit the bell with it and say out.

We were very consistent on how often we took her out. Right after she ate we took her out until she did her business and after her long naps. Probably 20 times a day in the first week. Within a week, she was hitting the bell herself when she wanted out.

Today, she's a big girl of 3 and when she wants out, she goes to the door and taps the knob to let us know. If we're not paying attention, she'll go and grab one of her squeaky toys and squeak it all the way to the door and then squeak it there until we come for her *lol* Luckily, she only has to do that once every week or so.

2006-09-07 12:34:00 · answer #3 · answered by Canadian_mom 4 · 0 0

the best way is to crate train the dog. Dogs are naturally clean animals so they generally dont like to go to the bathroom when they are in a small space. Every time you take your dog out of the crate go right outside to go to the bathroom. Make sure you are always watching the dog when he isnt in his crate. Take him out as much as possible...after eating, playing, chewing, and sleeping. If you catch him going in the house stop him mid pee/poop and take him right out if he finishes outside give him LOTS of praise. The rule for the crate is you can leave the puppy in the crate for half his age in months hours. So if hes 4 months he can be alone in his crate for 2 hours.

2006-09-07 12:07:08 · answer #4 · answered by hopskotch 1 · 1 0

well the way I train then and it works great is i get a bell and tie a string to it and hang it from the door knob your taking your dog out then the first day i take the dog to the bell and shack the bell in his face a little and tell him outside potty then take the dog out and give him 15 min to go potty and if he gos tell him good dog with lots of energy so he knows he did good .. if he dont go i would take him to the door and repeet this ever 1/2 hr untell you catch him going potty . then onec you have gotton him to go potty out side 3 times then i would move the time up to 1 hr inbetween the times u ask him and repeat the prosse .. Now if he god potty inside the house i would get a crate just bigenough for him to turn around in and keep him in it for about 2 weeks but the key is to keep taking him every 1hr to the door and shake the bell and say out side potty then take him out for 15 min this gives him a chance to learn what the bell and the words mean and you can in creas the time in between potty breaks each day like the first day take him every 1/2 hr and the second day every 1hr and the 3rd day take him every 3 hrs and the 4th day try every 6 hrs then on the 5th day take him out every 8 hrs (rembering each time take him to the bell and say out side potty) now the second week is just to drill it in his head that he gos potty outside so i would keep him in the creat all night and let him out 1 time in the morning ( 7 am ) then put him back in untill about 3 pm thats 8 hrs in the creat so you would want to increas his time out side to like 1/2 hr to 1 hr he need time to run and play .. this world well for me hope it works for u good luck

2006-09-07 13:02:09 · answer #5 · answered by Terri M 1 · 0 0

A dog is supposed to go outside to the bathroom.... Here is how I train mine.. it may sound cruel but it is not and they LEARN...

When my doggie urinates or door doors in the house... I scold the dog with a lot of NO! NO!... etc.. take the dog and rub its nose in it and again shout out NO NO! and put her immediately outside.. I have had to do that only 2-3 times and they learn... Then in the future when they come to me.. sometimes whining and sometimes not.. just come to me wherever I am, I will know that they want to go outside.. I lest them out.. then when it comes back in.. I give it a treat

2006-09-07 11:48:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

take them outside and always to the same spot to go potty and at the same time, if possible.

2006-09-07 11:48:54 · answer #7 · answered by latterdaylady 3 · 2 0

do a search for crate training...that is how I trained my dog to do it

2006-09-07 11:47:51 · answer #8 · answered by Valerie C 2 · 0 1

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