By definition yes Atheism is a religion. It just lacks the structure that most religions have, but they have their set of beliefs just like any religion, as is evidenced by Yahoo answers they preach just like any other religion, and have a god just like any other religion (themselves, science or evolution)
A true atheist is enlightened enough to at least admit that.
Most of the bitter posers online are IMO simply following a trend and haven't really given all that much thought to what an atheist truly is or believes.
2006-09-07 04:14:38
answer #1
answered by Psionyx 3
Here's the definition of religion:
Main Entry: re·li·gion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Anglo-French religiun, Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
It's tricky, cause their belief is that there is no God to belief in. But it's definately not a faith or a set of principals or practicies. So I would say its a "belief" but not a religion.
But then you have to go an mention "Secular Humanism"
Which is a whole other can of worms. Don't refer to Atheism as "Secular Humanism" cause they're not the same thing, but they're also not neccisarily mutually exculsive either.
I have no idea what "Should they be given their own religious boundries before they whitewash everything else?" means exactly, but it doesn't sound like compassion and understanding to me.
2006-09-07 04:02:58
answer #2
answered by Dizazter 3
You can't give it religious boundaries. They are either there or they aren't. Atheism is a belief, just like any spirituality. Religion suggests a set of rules, established by believers of a certain set of ideas and as far as I know this does not fit most atheists. I suspect it doesn't really fit most believers in god either.
There is no law of physics that states religion and spirituality must go together. Secular humanism is not a religion, it's a philosophy and a belief that 'you' are the center of your own universe.
No one should use their beliefs to "whitewash everything else". Why is it people of 'faith' must insist that their point of view is the only right one? So many people who subscribe to a specific religion, insist that theirs is the only one and everyone else is wrong. Except for a few exceptions, the religions we subscribe to are relatively new. What is to say these are more right than the ones that came before?
If you don't like being painted by a wide brush like that then try not doing it to others. They don't like it either.
2006-09-07 04:20:17
answer #3
answered by icetender 3
No atheism is not a religion or a belief.
Atheism is simply not sharing the belief that theists hold about the existence of a God or gods.
Atheism does not require is not a belief and it is not a system of any kind, there is no formal dogma or book of atheism.
Atheists do not have to "believe" there is no God...they simply do not share the belief of some others that there is a God.
Just as some people might say they believe in a purple teapot that orbits saturn...people who do not share that belief do not need to hold a belief that there is no teapot orbiting Saturn it's the believers claim /delusion that is lacking evidence and therefore of no particular interest until the evidence is provided by the claimant.
The burden of providing proof is always on the person making the claim.
2006-09-07 04:10:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You know I really didn't think it was, but apparently I am wrong. One of the 4 defintions for religion in the dictionary is "thing or belief that one is devoted too". WOW! "Some" Atheists ARE religious. I mean I see ALOT of devotion to Atheism on this site. It is DEFINATELY a "belief" that there is not a God, so yes, it is a religion to those who hold strongly to this view.
2006-09-07 05:31:47
answer #5
answered by dooder 4
Atheism is not the belief that "you are your own god". I've never had that thought in my life, and I've been an atheist for a good 25+ years.
You are sadly misinformed about atheism, and certainly too ignorant to be making the kinds of statements you're making here. I am very unimpressed with your morals.
2006-09-07 06:04:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You're mistaken about secular humanism. Humanists don't "worship themselves as God" as priests and preachers would have you believe. We do not worship anything. We simply believe that we must look after ourselves and each other, as there are no supernatural powers to do this for us. We aren't "escaping the consequences of our actions." To the contrary, we believe strongly in living ethical lives and taking responsibility for our personal actions. We have no Satan or demons to blame for our mistakes.
It is not a religion, and neither is atheism. Atheism simply means not believing in supernatural beings.
2006-09-07 04:01:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Since they defend it dearly, Atheism is definatley a belief system or philosophy, hence it is a quasi-religion or neo-religion.
They may not like this moniker, but since they come here and inject their views, they are trying to impress, convert, disuade and otherwise posture themselves.
Many are evangelical by nature!
Every time they open their mouth or make a post, they prove it!
2006-09-07 05:23:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well it is a system of unbelief. However, the word "religion" (re-lig) means to tie back ( to God). Atheists don't believe in god. And "secular humanists" LOL are not their own gods, but you appear to be acting in god's place. You are displaying your prejudice. Did the god of your understanding appoint you the arbiter of what others should or should not hold to be true? Live and let live, and leave it alone.
2006-09-07 04:08:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Atheism is a religion in the same sense that not collecting stamps is a hobby.
2006-09-07 03:59:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous