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I'm a big fan and have many friends who are policemen but I always feel agrieved when i see all the things on the TV that people seem to be getting away with and then I see people getting arrested for having petty arguments in the street (this is breach of the peace apparently)

Do you think they have lost sight of what the job actually entails as I don't see them protecting and serviing anymore, just harrasing people because they have the power. Again not everyone is the same but in every case I have witnessed this is the case?

Any ideas?

2006-09-07 03:55:24 · 17 answers · asked by atuniagain 2 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

17 answers

I think the government and thier laws, give cops too much authority, and have too many laws that we have to follow, ie, profanity in public, the English language is made up of a little bit from alot of foreign countries the word *sh!t is actually shoit and came from another country, so who decided that was profanity? However, the government says if a cop THINKS we're a threat to ourselves or others, they can take whatever steps they think are necassary and be completely legal about it. I'm seeing alot more complaints and lawsuits against cops and police departments, and we're starting to stand up, but again, most lawyers don't want to take cases against cops, you play hell getting witnesses to testify against the cops, with very good reason, I think the system fails people. And I think cops misuse thier authority too much, I don't call this a wel regulated militia.

2006-09-07 05:10:41 · answer #1 · answered by marquita 3 · 2 1

I suppose the question should be "have the general public lost sight of what policing is all about?".

So many of the EMERGENCY calls are because people have drunk too much alcohol, taken too many drugs and then decided to beat one another up. Or they have a "dispute" with their neighbours which has gone on for years and years and then decide that the police CAN & WILL sort it out for them IMMEDIATELY. They expect us to take responsibility for the children they cannot be bothered to bring up properly. They don't bother shutting windows and wonder why they get burgled, call the police time and time and time again when they quite happily let their mate into their house for a drink or a hundred - then call the police to get rid of them when they cannot cope anymore and make false allegations ........ I could go on being bitter and cynical - but I won't.

So many people out there NEVER have the need to dial 999 - because they know how to behave in society, understand their limits and are sensible and well educated. Sadly, when these people do GENUINELY contact the police, the officers are TOO BUSY trying to sort out the problems of someone else - who has only themselves to blame! Therefore, they get an inadequate service and have every right to complain.

Whilst the police are paid to uphold the law, they find themselves becoming truancy officers, samaritans, social workers, crime prevention advisers, drink and drug counsellors, safety advisers, arbitrators, housing officers, advice lines ........... etc. etc.

So, I don't think the police have lost sight of what the job entails but a proportion of society, hell bent on complaining (for no good reason) and refusing to abide by the law - and then suing when they get arrested, HAVE LOST SIGHT of what the police are for and what a decent society should be.

Sorry - on the soapbox - but it is about time people took responsibility for their own actions and stopped EXPECTING the police to babysit them 24/7.

2006-09-07 05:01:47 · answer #2 · answered by Sally J 4 · 0 1

Petty arguments have a nasty habit of turning into mass brawls,
most of which usually end up with someone getting hurt,so they have to be stopped.Take it from one who knows,the police would much rather not have anything to do with "petty arguments",but on occasions HAVE to intervene. You must also appreciate that due to the changing face of Britain,laws have been changed/introduced,which, in some cases does not help the Police do their work.Police have to work with one hand tied behind their backs.These people that are being harassed by the Police,it begs the question as to why? What are they doing? The Police know, only too well my friend,exactly what the job entails,but like everyone else, have to work within a certain criteria.You must also remember,they themselves are not above the law.

2006-09-07 04:13:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There are times it must all seem a waste of time to them, they put in a lot work only to find the courts fail them miserably.

Having said that I suppose they must obey their superiors who are more concerned with conviction figures and choose the easy option.

An example of this is what I came across last week.

I was driving along the road and became aware of a massive police presence ahead, 4 transit vans, 3 traffic cars, 5 motor cyclists and about twelve officers ( can't be exact as to the officers as was driving past ) with the road ahead being coned off.

My first thoughts were a murder had been committed but low and behold all this activity was to catch illegal cars, using their new camera number plate scanning device.

While I accept that illegal cars on the road are a problem it surely cannot warrant this amount of attention.

Would be interesting to find what other crimes were being committed whilst this circus was taking place, and those reporting crimes being advised that their call would be prioritised due to lack of police officers.

An absolute disgrace.

2006-09-07 04:21:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I wish the police had time to "harass" people, as you put it. Sadly, they are tied up in red tape doing moutains of paperwork back at the nick instead patrolling the streets which is what the public want them to do.

I dont want people out on the street shouting and arguing... you wouldnt be too happy if it was happening outside your house when you were trying to sleep, would you? I dont shout in the street because i have respect, so why should other people do it? The police are right to arrest them and sort it out.

More police on the streets to "harass" people, i say!!!

2006-09-07 14:10:17 · answer #5 · answered by PEP 3 · 0 0

Ohh dont get me started on the police
Our coppers seem to think threatning a taxi driver and not paying the cab fare is a civil offence and therefore not their problem.
A civil offence? what is one any way?
Ask at the station and they will tell you there is no such thing as a civil offence
Criminals are aided by the police who seem incapable of doing their job
we phoned the police to report a burglery in progress ie the burgler was still in the house and were put on hold by the time they decided to speak to us again the burgler had left out the back over the fence and gone

2006-09-07 04:10:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ouch.....come see what they do for a day. People need to feel safe on the street, so they have to deal with the breaches of peace, though there are lots of other offences. Atleast you see police on the street. With the resources stretched as they are it's very difficult to deal with anything!

2006-09-07 09:17:09 · answer #7 · answered by Simon B 2 · 1 0

The truthful answer to your question is NO! They do the best they can! The fact is all Police Forces in the UK are both underfunded; and under-resourced; as result, crime prevention;crime detection; and prosecution, are below the standards the public might otherwise reasonably expect of them.
Unless and until Government remedies, these mistakes Police performance will go from bad to worse. We the Public have only ourselves to blame; No government can afford to improve matters, without raising Taxes. We want to pay Less TAX.
Don't Blame the POLICE.

2006-09-07 05:15:06 · answer #8 · answered by jrjrjr_jr3 2 · 1 1

Its not the booby its the system. The government have but in so many targets coppers spend more time on paperwork than catching villains. The easier the case the less paperwork, so think about it. Breach of the peace or a major robbery.

2006-09-07 04:10:29 · answer #9 · answered by deadly 4 · 0 1

In our country police is not allowed to work freely,they are alway's pressurized by politicians who unfortunately hold their command.
moreover media shows only one face of the card , it is not that all of the police men are corrupt or all of them harress innocent person, many police personals do their job honestly.It is media's job to show that but many of them do not do so as the bad face of the organisation attract's more interest.
but it is also true that most of the police personal do not do their job honestly, but this does not mean me shuld lose faith in our system because we are a part of the system and losing faith in the system would mean loosing faith in ourself.
if u want our police to do their job well so first do ur job honestly i.e. vote for the right person because they are the one who will change our ailing system and Never Ever give up .

2006-09-07 04:21:46 · answer #10 · answered by saggy_g88 1 · 0 1

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