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2006-09-07 03:31:56 · 21 answers · asked by blazzingred30 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

I believe conservative prohibitions against sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes as well as objections to sexual education that would make these practices safer go hand in hand with commands to be fruitful and multiply as parts of an effort by conservative ideological authorities to motivate communities of faithful believers to out number competitors in the global culture. In the past, those communities of faithful believers that out worked, out fought and out numbered competitors won in the game of survival and sacrifice. That means those ideological traditions that best motivated communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competitors survived and those that did not were sacrificed. This explains the success of books like the Bible. Books like the Bible survive in part because of their usefulness to conservative ideological authorities in motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight and out number competition.

Conservative Christians would argue that success is proof that books like the Bible contain words expressing the will of God. Here is a problem with that line of reasoning. There are other books besides the Bible that have been successful in motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight and out number their competition: the holy Koran being a notable example. I believe both books are products of an on going evolution within the global culture of ideological traditions where in those ideological traditions that best motivate communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competitors survive and those ideological traditions that do not perish. I believe the much talked about clash of cultures between Islam and Christianity reflects an on going conflict to determine whose holy book best expresses the will of God as well as a fight between motivated communities of faithful believers over increasingly scarce natural resources of our body consuming biosphere of limited dimensions. I believe the much talked about race in racism is a race towards Armageddon run by communities of faithful believers motivated by conservative ideological traditions to out work, out fight and out number the rest of the world.

As a liberal, I love to be free to make up my mind about myself; about all I find. I do not claim to know the will of God or even if God exists. In my efforts to achieve and maintain happiness and good health, I find it more useful to converge upon a model of self and world that enables me to have the highest esteem of self and world I can possibly imagine. I do this by choosing to include in my model of self and world the idea that divine eternal aspects of self and world exist. I call these divine eternal aspects of self and world; soul and spirit. In the reality I fashion in my mind, the spirit is an infinity divinity eternally one and is in and a part of every one and every thing. Every one and every thing is sacred not just holy books, holy buildings and or holy men. There is no escaping sacredness.

2006-09-07 03:34:10 · answer #1 · answered by H.I. of the H.I. 4 · 0 2

I believe in Jesus 100.99% - but I really don't understand your question. In terms of human wealth - he did not need it and the secular would say he was unsuccessful.

He saw his mission through, knowing full well the horrors he would face in his final day.., the last day. If he had been some jerk using some made up religion as a means of wealth, he certainly would have lived much better and definitely would not have recanted everything to save his bacon.

No one will die for a lie. He believed God's promises and his love for mankind (in offering them a means of forgiveness & eternal life) was great enough to keep him going through the hardships.

If that is what you call successful - he was indeed VERY successful. And I thank the God of my Lord Jesus that he was!

2006-09-07 04:01:45 · answer #2 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 0 1

The "Jesus Police" is a internet website run with the help of a clinical psychologist. It makes use of sources like G. A. Wells, Alvar Ellegard, Joseph Wheless, or perhaps the discredited Acharya S. a number of their "revelations" like "Did Jesus have lengthy hair and a beard" are arguing about trivia and the very undeniable reality that the Magi visited the youngster Jesus in a house and in no way the new child Jesus in a strong, will come as no wonder to any Bible student who might want to also be conscious that "Jesus" is the English version of the Jewish/Aramaic Yeshua /Joshua and that Christ replaced into his call no longer his surname! They then bypass on to organic hypothesis which incorporates "replaced into Jesus married" and "How badly replaced into he truly beaten up" and their suggestion that the 12 Apostles were depending on the 12 signs and indications of the Zodiac seems unusual on condition that Jews did not trust in or keep on with Astrology. they say that persons were no longer nailed to the bypass in Jesus' day yet that has been shown incorrect with the help of cutting-edge archaeological findings. I do besides the undeniable fact that help their argument that Jesus had brothers and sisters who were the youngsters of Joseph and Mary as, in spite of Catholic claims on the opposite, it truly is what a straightforward face-value interpreting of scripture says. The Joshua ben Stada tale comes from second Century Jewish sources and has no evidence to back it up. curiously to be a failed attempt to discredit Christianity. Joshua ben Saphat, Joshua ben Sirach and Joshua ben Gamal? So what? Joshua replaced right into a really common call and 1000's Jews considered as "troublemakers" were killed with the help of the Romans throughout the time of that era. there is not any reason to imagine Jesus replaced into in accordance with those adult men. Joshua ben Ananias, the mad prophet predicting Jerusalem's lack of life, began his doom-crying after the execution of James, the brother of Jesus. So Ananias replaced into basically parroting what the Christians were already declaring in accordance with Jesus' a lot before predictions. the biggest flaw in those theories is, if Jesus replaced into only a made up personality, why might want to his followers willingly wade through arrest and execution truly than admit that they had basically made all of it up?

2016-11-25 02:22:35 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Successful at what? Do you mean it in the sense that he is all knowing,all kindness, all loving. If so I would call this successful, everything that ever was, is, or will be, belongs to him, WHY? Because he always obeyed his Father, HE earned his success the hard way. he died for it. YES,,, HE WAS & AND STILL IS VERY SUCCESSFUL.

2006-09-07 03:43:29 · answer #4 · answered by littlecwoman 4 · 1 1

Can you turn water into wine? Can you cast a legion of demons into a swine of pigs? Can you walk on water? Can you make the blind see? Can you turn 5 loaves of bread and 5 fish into enough to feed 5, 000 people? Can you walk on water? Can you die on a cross and hang for three days and not complain about the pain of dying? Can you ressurrect yourself from the dead? Can you raise the dead? Can you not get yourself into a fight withsome that mocks your beliefs? Can someone touch the hem of your garment and be healed?

There are numerous reasons Jesus was a successful man in the time that he was here on earth. He accomplished more in his lifetime than what we will while we are here on earth. We worry about going to work, being on the internet and taking care of kids, going out with friends, watching Tv, and playing games rather than trying to take care of the people around us that need help and reaching out to someone that needs to be loved. We are turning into a selfish hateful society that doesn't care about anyone but ourselves. Jesus put everyone before him and took care of everyone around him before he was took the time to take care of himself. He even helped out the people that hated him and mocked his teachings. It would take alot for people today to try and follow Jesus' example, because we don't have that kind of heart. We think to much of ourselves to try and be successful in our lives like Jesus was. Jesus did something on this earth as a man in flesh that no other man has attempted to do with his time that he was here. He was successful because he accomplished alot in his life and he left us an example of what we should do with our time while we are here. He is the only one that showed that much compassion for humanity regardless of what they did with their lives and their time. He still does to this day even though he is not here on the earth physically anymore.

2006-09-07 03:56:40 · answer #5 · answered by busyliz 3 · 0 1

oh no babe it's just what you think

be it jesus or any others, they are just someone that carries out the director's scriptures

if you be jesus or any other messengers
would you say you'll be a successful person?

yes, they're just actors in god's play for humans today to unravel his puzzles

2006-09-07 03:44:10 · answer #6 · answered by St.Jon A 3 · 0 1

Jesus Christ is God.

2006-09-07 03:36:11 · answer #7 · answered by P P 5 · 1 1

I dont think jesus is successful

Jesus = a total fraud

now go an tell your imaginary friend (jesus) to send me to his imaginary "hell" LOL

2006-09-07 03:42:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

i believe that Jesus is a prophet ,i am Muslim and it really upset me off when ppl insult Jesus cuz he is a messenger from god and we should respect and love all messanger even if i don't agree with Christians that he is a god but at least ppl show some respect to that others ,its OK not to believe but don't insult ( this speech is not for the asker but for those who insult those who don't agree with their beliefs )

2006-09-07 04:06:14 · answer #9 · answered by SARAH 3 · 0 2


2006-09-07 03:38:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Poor guy, he was tortured and brutally put to an agonizing death. Not my definition of success. How was his carpentry? Was he successful with that?

2006-09-07 03:36:45 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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