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Atheists and agnostics are sometimes vehemently abusive toward people of all faiths. It can be seen by some replies here at Yahoo Answers. OTOH, people of faith are usually cordial and gentle. What can change this? Do atheists & agnostics do this in public when face to face with strangers and other people of faith? What can both people of faith and atheists & agnostics do to be more respectable toward each other? Thank you for your answers.

2006-09-07 02:54:28 · 23 answers · asked by TubeDude 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

I agree with your point, but I think it is not limited to atheists and agnostics. MANY Christians on here say ignorant things to people of other faiths too. I think, in general, people are afraid of [or maybe even angry with] people who believe differently than they do. Your belief structure is such core part of your being, people get riled when it is challenged.

Of course, this forum is technically anonymous, so a lot of these folks may not say the same thing in person.

Mutual respect would sure be nice in here! :)

2006-09-07 03:04:14 · answer #1 · answered by Char 7 · 5 0

I don't see a neutral ground at all but separation from them. Alot of good people of all faiths and non religions have left this site because they were hurt by both. I still talk to some who just don't understand why people are attacking each other. It's not only on this site but other websites too. Sadly, the Christians get more of the flack which I believe is very racial. I haven't heard a legitimate reason for the abuse but only the Blame Game.

2006-09-07 10:06:14 · answer #2 · answered by Pashur 7 · 2 0

I don't agree with your premise. I'm agnostic, or at least spirituality deferred, and I have a lot of respect for people of faith first, because of the incredible amount of courage it takes to give oneself over to an ideal and second, because as a rational man I can't prove the non-existence of God.
I think the dilemma you pose has more to do with people's tendency to see arguments that agree with their deeply held beliefs as rational and those ideas that challenge their beliefs as wrong-headed or even hostile and abusive. I surmise from your post that you are a person of faith and hence suspect (this is a shaky argument indeed) that you view atheists and agnostics as opprobrious since it's their arguments that challenge your world view.
My advice for what people of faith and atheists and agnostics can do to be more respectful of each other is to listen to one another and even if they don't agree, respect each others viewpoint as valid.

2006-09-07 10:32:51 · answer #3 · answered by eds8531 1 · 1 1

Right, how many atheists have come to your door to tell you that your way of life is wrong? How many times has someone handed you a leaflet saying the only way to avoid eternal damnation is through atheism? When was the last time you heard an atheist speak poorly about buddhism?

We can all get along better by accepting each others' differences and not trying to force personal beliefs on the children of others.

2006-09-07 10:06:57 · answer #4 · answered by 006 6 · 2 1

For one thing, you have offenders on both sides. I've admonished my fellow atheists here when someone's comments got out of line. I have also seen far too many questions such as:

"What is more reasonable, to believe in God or not to believe?" (The writer then made it clear what side he was on)
"atheists: did you know that me and the rest of us christians are going to be dancing with jesus?"
"Is it easier to cure an Athiest or a homosexual?"
"There is an atheist in my class, what is the subtlest way to threaten him so he agrees with my beliefs?"
"when would American's wake up to truth?This is the last chance for all americans?"
"How come all you non-christians don't believe and are destined to go to hell.?"

Not to mention non-answers to questions that are all variations of "you need to read the Bible and believe", or "Believe in Jesus and everything will be made clear". Plus the usual dismissive "You secretly believe in God" , or "You love your sin so much you're choosing hell".

Atheists and agnostics may come across as hostile because of many reasons. Often we are treated with condescension and contempt, as though we are somehow handicapped or amoral. We get told over and over again that all we have to do is "just read the _____", as though somehow everything will become magically clear when we do. We are somehow assumed to have never read any religious works whatsoever, when in fact the opposite is true. We are subjected to harassment in public if we dare to mention we are atheists or agnostic, often plied with fliers and Biblical quotations that mean nothing to us.

That's not even mentioning the slander, the misinformation, and the outright lies that are told in the name of religion...such as "Intrelligent Design", Pascal's Wager, accusations of Satanism, threats of hellfire, judgement and prejeduce. I've had Christians try to get me fired for being an atheist, and I have been physically attacked for the same reason (problems I've never had with any other faith).

The stereotype of the "Angry Atheist" comes from our exasperation at hearing this sort of thing over and over. The major reason I am here is because there is a lot of disinformation being bandied about regarding atheists and others like me, and I feel the need to clear the air. Would you like me to reprint some of the nasty comments about my Q&As?

2006-09-07 10:17:52 · answer #5 · answered by Scott M 7 · 1 1

A tactic among skinheads and neonazis is to follow potential victims around, harassing them, pushing them, using racist insults, impeding their victim's from moving where they want. When the victim, out of frustration, pushes past one or physically touches a jackbooted bullethead, the racists then violently attack the person and claim self defense.

In the same way, christians, muslims, jews and your ilk constantly harass and berate atheists. When an atheist has an appopriate response, even one that is not "offensive" (despite your claims), you then attack and claim to be the victim of "atheist aggression".

It's an appropriate analogy, given that, almost without exception, skinheads and neonazis are christians like yourself. Atheists, for the most part, do not attack; rather, our words are valid responses to assaults and insults...much like the one I am replying to.

2006-09-07 10:32:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Most agnostics find fundamenalist beliefs harmful to human life.
Its like a disease of the mind.
Kinda ticks us off when you claim its truth without proof.

2006-09-07 14:03:29 · answer #7 · answered by Alexander Shannon 5 · 0 0

Proverbs 1-7 says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Be kind to one another .

2006-09-07 10:33:26 · answer #8 · answered by B"Quotes 6 · 3 0

You have to be joking. You have no idea how many times I've been told repeatedly I am going to hell. Nor how many believers come on a question of mine and rather than answer the question, give me some insulting garbage. I try and ask neutral questions that could go either way as well as atheistic questions. I get the same responses from believers on both. Clearly, you have not done your research.

2006-09-07 10:00:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

People of faith are usually cordial and gentle??

I'm sure some are. Many are not. Plenty of them are totally prejudiced against people who refuse to let others do their thinking for them. That goes double and triple for Protestants.

2006-09-07 10:03:59 · answer #10 · answered by The Bird 3 · 5 2

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