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and your pastor said that it was because God wanted another angel, how would you feel? Would that mean God cared more about himself than the people on earth who loved the child?
Why give someone something precious just to take it away again?

2006-09-07 02:49:56 · 53 answers · asked by BRICK 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

First of all angels are not dead people. Psalms 148:2,5
Let the angels praise the name of Lord ; for he himself commanded and they were created.
Col 1:15 and Rev 3:14 says that Jesus was the first of God's creations and by him and through him all other things in the universe was created. They were together for billions of years.
Createing millions of angels, spirit persons each with a distinct personality and job.
Millions more years the earth a real flesh and blood person was thought of. So taking millions more years the earth was created and gotten ready as mans home.
He told Adam and Eve when they sinned for dust you are and to dust you will return.
Eccl.9:5 The living are conscience that they will die but the dead are conscience of nothing at all.
The baby is sleeping in the grave. And in God's memory
When the great tribulation is over those in the grave will come back to live forever on the earth. Daniel 12:2 tells that those asleep in the dust will wake up.
Daniel 12:13 says to daniel you will sleep and wake up at the end of the days. Or in the new paradise earth.
So the baby is sleeping waiting to be brought back at some future day. At that time he will never get sick or die again.
If Daniel was already in heaven why would he say he would have a future resurrection?

2006-09-07 03:04:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Not a traditional believer, but I must reiterate what Lisa said above. There is no scriptural basis for the myth that people become angels. In Judeo-Christian scripture, angels are a separate class of being, not something humans turn into. People have constructed an enormous body of folklore around angels and treated it as scriptural, as they so often do with regard to other subjects. It a big part of the reason why I view scriptural religion with such skepticism. The basic moral teaching gets swamped in mystical crap, which is then used by the pastor to blithely explain away a very real and unjustifiable tragedy like the death of a child, instead of having the courage to admit that he doesn't have all the answers.

2006-09-07 03:30:23 · answer #2 · answered by x 7 · 0 0

God gave us the gift of children and I do not believe that he would give us a gift and turn around and take it away without having a good reason. The bible says that God knows who you are even before you were born and he knows how many hairs on your head and what you are going to do with your life before you do. If someone has lost a child for whatever reason I do not believe that God would take that child without a good reason. He does nothing without having a purpose for what he does. That doesn't mean that God cares more about himself rather than the people on the earth. Remember God sacrificed his child, Jesus, on a cross to save us from our sins and wrong doings. The best thing that I could tell you is that is someone lost a child for whatever reason, try to think and remember that that child is now in heaven with Jesus. That child is safe from this world and what is has to offer. That child will not have to go through the hatred, racism, death, and all of the tribluation of this earth. That child is sitting in heaven running through the streets of gold with Jesus. That child is safe. If God took a child away from its family there is a reason and a purpose. God doesn't do things for his benefit or because he is in "a mood" to do something disturbing. I would pray about the situation and think that the pastor was trying to find a way for comfort for the loss. It was bad comfort because God doesn't give and take without a reason or for selfishness. You will get to see the child again in heaven and he will be happy and anxious to see you when you get there, he will know who you are when he sees you. He is watching you through the clouds with Jesus at his side through the clouds ready to meet you someday.

2006-09-07 03:16:53 · answer #3 · answered by busyliz 3 · 0 0

First of all, I don't think what the pastor said is correct. Second, I believe the child now lives happily in the heaven. Also, I think all what God does, they have good purposes for us. Though we cannot understand the reasons why He does it ( because we are not God, but He is the one "I am"), one day you can ask Him when you meet Him. Just believe He still loves you very much and He knows how you feel and will comfort you and bring you go through the difficult time in your life. God bless you abundantly, no matter you are one of the parents or not.

2006-09-07 03:15:49 · answer #4 · answered by Music & laughter 1 · 0 0

Honestly....there is no answer to that. This world works in mysterious ways and we all know that.
But for that pastor to say that it does seem selfish to us but to him he thinks he's doing his job and giving the only answer he knows to give that will make the person asking shut-up.
But what if it was that pastor who lost a child, do you think he still would be saying that behind closed doors????
I'm still debating if there is a God or not, it seems god would bless those who deserve and need it (including sparing a childs life) but instead we have perfectly healthy children dying horrible deaths and rich old people winning the lottery. Why is that?????

2006-09-07 03:04:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, God created the angels. People don't turn into angels when they die. Your pastor doesn't read his Bible if he believes this. However, if we look to the words King David spoke in the Old Testament when he lost his child (I don't remember if it's in the 1st or 2nd book of Samuel), children go to heaven when they die. There is an age of accountability (the Jews recognize this at the 13th year), in which they no longer are children and must decide for themselves. But the blessing is that the child escapes other hardships of life, and is in heaven now. It's a difficult thing for us to understand as people, why God would do this, and I wonder that a lot, too. But I trust that one day, God will reveal things to us that right now just seem confusing.

2006-09-07 02:57:26 · answer #6 · answered by Lisa 6 · 0 1

If this happened to you or someone you love, I extend my condolences. I would ask the pastor the reason he said that and tell him how you felt about what he said. This the only way to get a clear answer. I think it was inappropriate just like I did not like people telling me my brother was in a better place when he died but I guess it is people's way of trying comfort those in mourning that no matter what kind of death, that God will take care of us in the afterlife.

2006-09-07 03:06:09 · answer #7 · answered by sam 7 · 0 0

The pastor is confused. People do not become angels upon death but the child would go to heaven because it has not reached the age of accountability.
God has his reasons for doing what he does. His ways are not are ways. What seems like cruelty to us has a purpose that we do not see yet, but it will be revealed in time. The book of Job teaches on this subject; God does what he wills and we must trust his decisions though they may not currently make sense.
I hope that is comforting to you. It is to me.

2006-09-07 03:02:51 · answer #8 · answered by musarter 2 · 0 0

I think the pastor's answer is a horribly insensitive, condescending cop-out. And you're right: The underlying message is that God is selfish and wants the best for Himself. That is no way to treat One's children. Unfortunately, the pastor probably doesn't get second-guessed much since most parishoners are blind sheep.

The "condescending" part is that we, humans don't always need an ANSWER; we need understanding and empathy. You can't explain Nature or sorrow away.

I'm so so sorry if you suffered the loss of a child. There is no worse pain imaginable to me.

2006-09-07 02:52:01 · answer #9 · answered by georgia b 3 · 5 1

God cares about you than anyone, everything else. Maybe that child died because God wanted to spare him some pain, and to test you to see if you're gonna thank him and be happy with what you have knowing that God will always be with you and has bigger plans for you AND the child. Trust me, God loves you. Pray more if you can for the child and you.

2006-09-07 03:24:39 · answer #10 · answered by chocolaterain 3 · 0 0

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