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38 answers

The dead sea scrolls are proof that it was written a long time ago. Jesus is written about in historical documents.

BTW love your y-answers name....

2006-09-07 02:41:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The Bible was wrote in a very long period of 1,600 years, and shows an outstanding unity and internal cohesion that is amazing. It's not a Book on Geography or Medicine, but when it says something about that, it's correct. Many times the people around the writer, more developed, had not the correct information.
Moreover, all the prophesies that it contains that was told for the past, become true. Then, why should we to hesitate about it? Its advices for family and social relationships have shown to be useful in every time, even today!

2006-09-07 02:53:49 · answer #2 · answered by Ana 2 · 1 0

I'm answering 12 hours after you posted. Some very good answers.
The Book is very real. I agree with one person that answered and said he thought you meant the content of the Bible, is it real.

The Bible is the story of a man and woman and the life they led and the children they produced in this life. Its starts with the First Adam and ends with the Last Adam. The Bible in brief, informs us today of the best way to live and the worst way to live.

A true Christians know from deep inside and through the urgings from the Holy Spirit of how precious the Word of God is.

The Word is not paper and thread. Its not leather or fancy printing. Its God.

The proof you want, you will never get from the world. The Word of God is spiritual. But I will tell you this. When God reveals His Word to you, you wont care to ask for proof.><>

2006-09-07 15:28:54 · answer #3 · answered by CEM 5 · 1 0

I don't know the biggest piece of evidence, but I was just watching something on the Grand Canyon and there is some debate that it isn't as old as geologist say. They said that judging by the amount of erosion and the fossils, it may have been formed by the flood wrote about in Genesis. I thought that was really interesting. I also heard the other day that there is nothing about a human that could lead a scientist to believe that we evolved from monkeys. Evolution is just the most educated guess that scientist could come up with to explain our existence. I guess it is all up for debate, though. I have faith in God, so I just believe. It is up to you to decide what you believe is real.

2006-09-07 02:50:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1)The Bible is true because of it's supernatural unity.
The New Testament was written 400 years after the Old Testament, there was 40 different writers with 19 different jobs, and it was written in different places, all this and there are no contradictions.
2)The Bible is true because of it's indestructibility.
In 303 A.D. Roman Emperor hated God and wanted to burn all Bibles. In 1193 A.D. Pope Innocent the III tried to get rid of the Bible. Even after these attempts the Bible is still around.
3)The Bible is true because of it's historical accuracy.
The Garden of Eden was found. The universal flood. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Fall of Jericho (including Ash). Revival in Nineveh. Over 96 historical proofs of the Bible have been documented (Ungers).
4)The Bible is true because of it's scientific proof.
Earth is round. (Isaiah 40:22) Earth is hanging in space. (Job 26:7) Facts about human blood stream. (Leviticus 17:11)
5)The Bible is true because of it's prophetic accuracy.
100's of prophecies have been fulfilled. 37 prophecies about Christ was fulfilled while he was on Earth. Prophecies about men, towns, and nations have all come true.
6)The Bible is true because of it's impact on civilizations.

2006-09-07 02:59:15 · answer #5 · answered by j_son_06 5 · 0 1

Yes it is actually real.. Look around there is proof everywhere... In Revelations it talks about the end times well we have that like wars, famine, political unrest, cosmic disturbances... They have also found Noah's Arc.. now if the Bible was not real then where did that Arc come from.. They have also found the Dead Sea Scrolls and the actual tomb of Christ ( supposedly)

2006-09-07 02:42:41 · answer #6 · answered by Clints_wench 4 · 1 1

Yes it is real........History supports it and They keep finding things like the dead sea scrolls and hieroglyphics about it.The bible is a lot of books and letters put together. There are some letters that didn't make the cut. Of course the forms we have may have lost a little in translation (1611 king James version)

2006-09-07 03:09:26 · answer #7 · answered by dininat 3 · 0 1

The biggest 'proof' for me apart from faith is the prophetic witness we find in the Bible. There is no other so called holy book that can compare. There is too much to mention here. Go to your local Christian bookstore and ask for a book on prophecies and how they have been fulfilled. It's mind boggling.

2006-09-07 02:46:00 · answer #8 · answered by SweetyPie 2 · 2 1

Is George Washington actually real? Whats the biggest evidence we have to prove its real?
These questions here are to make you think about what you asked. History books make it all real, but faith is the biggest of them all.

2006-09-07 02:45:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Bible is a collection of writings from the time of Christ and before it, it is real but the passages that were put in were decided by man.

2006-09-07 02:42:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Only Quran is real in its original language, preserved letter by letter word byword and today as fresh, as breautiful and as effective on day 1. It is the protector of all previous divine books as it removed all man made fabricatiosn and this is the precise reason why the worl media is after Islam and Muslims through all sorts of schisms, conspiracies and plots.

2006-09-07 02:43:49 · answer #11 · answered by pathowiz 3 · 0 2

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