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When starting out in life we often get with a roommate to help share expenses. Over the years I have had good roommates and bad ones.

The worst one that I ever had was a guy who dating a woman with 3 kids. At some point he decided to allow her and her kids to move in. It was a total disaster. The utilites TRIPLED in price yet he only wanted to pay half. The kids would eat all of my food and his girlfriend would use all of my laundry detergent and cleaning supplies. We had separate phones at first but after he ran up his phone bill to over $3000 he started using my phone. I didn't mind the occasional $50-$70 long distance here and there. Over time the bills were getting higher and he was comming up with excuses.

To make a longer story shorter I ended up locking up everything that I had inside of my room. His girlfriend asked me what happened to the toilet paper, the snacks, and the case of sodas that I brought home the day before. I was amazed at her beligerance!

2006-09-07 02:30:21 · 18 answers · asked by Joe K 6 in Society & Culture Etiquette

18 answers

I needed a roommate in college, and decided to rent to this guy that then went out to a gaybar and brought his trick into the house. You could hear them going at it...you could smell them going at it, and when they left...I went over to the supermarket, and got a cart...put everything in it of his, and gave him his money back.

2006-09-12 20:17:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My worst roommate was an alcoholic. He was a friend of my boyfriend's from a few years ago. In the year and a half that he lived with us he went through seven different jobs. One time he got fired on the last day of the month and then claimed that he didn't have rent because he had lost his job. Apparently he was going to make $400 in three days. He was also a slob, especially with dishes. I never saw him put a dish in the dishwasher. Also, he would try to save money by turning the A/C off and opening his window and the door to the balcony. Which would have been fine, but a.) he never paid the power bill anyway, and b.) we were in Alabama and it was summer, so it was 80 degrees in our apartment and it was filled with mosquitos.
He also never bought groceries (I'm glad I'm not the only one who has resorted to hiding the toilet paper) And he would drink any alcohol that we left out. My boyfriend, who is studying to be a chef, made bananas foster, which is a flaming dessert, so it uses a few tablespoons of Bacardi 151. The liquor store didn't have minis of 151, so we bought a pint, the smallest bottle they had. Two days later our roommate drank the rest of the bottle. (basically all of it.) The worst part though, was that when he got really drunk he would often pass out and pee on himself. We had to throw away one of our couches because of this. There's more, but I'm tired of typing now.

2006-09-07 09:32:41 · answer #2 · answered by kitty 2 · 5 0

Wow, that is one horrible experience. My worst roommate was a pot head, which would have been fine except that she only worked part time and she would choose to buy weed with her money instead of paying her half of the bills. I had to cover her half repeatedly. And she would drink all of my sodas and use all of the toilet paper without ever replacing either one. I finally started keeping the tp in my room, but she still didn't go buy any. We finally decided to go our separate ways and she got rid of all her stuff and moved to California (from Florida) with only a backpack of stuff and very little money, of course. She promised she would clean her room out before she left and that she would meet the landlord to do a walk through, because I had to work and I had cleaned most of the house myself. I was also moving to a different place. Well, she did a half a*s job on her room and left before the landlord got there. We got $20 back out of our $600 deposit all because of her. And she never paid me for the rest of the bills. She promised her mom would send me money, and I went back and forth with her mom for a year before I finally gave up. Last I heard she was sleeping on someone's floor in CA, cause she didn't have any d*mn money, what a surprise. I forgot to mention how she caused our kitchen to become overrun with roaches. There were no roaches when we first moved in. She would clog up the garbage disposal and then keep using it to the point that the sink was constantly full of water because it was so clogged. The landlord would fix it, and she would do it again. That constant water attracted a butt load of roaches, I couldn't even use the kitchen anymore, it was so gross.

2006-09-07 05:43:04 · answer #3 · answered by SweetPea 5 · 0 0

My first college roommate was from the same state, but we were completely different people. He was very religious, and completely anal retentive. Not a bad person, though, and he got the larger bedroom while I took the smaller one.

We needed a third to help us with the rent, and we ended up with a complete slob. This wasn't good in Phoenix, the cockroach capitol of the planet. The guy would pour out an entire cereal bowl full of salsa, eat some of it, and leave the bowl next to the open chips when he left. He would eat all the food in the house, and then buy a box of cookies to "repay" us. At a party, he spilled an entire 64 oz strawberry margarita, then got down on hands & knees and proceeded to SUCK it out of the carpet! He blew all his money on beer and then didn't have the rent, so we booted him out.

The next roommate was the one I hated most. He had the same religious background as my first roommate, and shared the same bedroom with him. They were taking the same classes, had the same class schedules, and even worked at the same job!

So guess who the odd man out was?

From that point on, every piece of food that "disappeared" was because I ate it, every light left on was my fault, the AC was low because I left it there, and while it was perfectly fine for them to come home after 11 PM and raise hell, they constantly bitched about me getting up at 5 AM for class. We ended up marking EVERY piece of food with our initials, which was stupid but necessary.

The first roommate moved somewhere else, and his "twin" ended up dropping out. My girlfriend moved down with me in my second year and we got our own apartment while I finished school.

2006-09-07 02:47:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I recently had a roommate. He would sit on my leather couch and play video games so long (12hour stints) that my beautiful leather sofa was permanently indented. The sofa was lopsided. He never cleaned his room and when he left, the odor (the spicy musk equivalent to the smell a locker room of teenage boys) stayed in the room for four months after. Scrubbing and cleaning was to no avail. We will need to paint the room and see if that helps.

2006-09-11 15:43:41 · answer #5 · answered by muffin 2 · 0 0

In the dorms almost always got bad ones. The worst was probably when my friend and I got roomed with these two girls (yes, 4 person room). The first weekend we were already in 'roommate counseling' with the dorm manager, the one girl's mother was yelling at my friend because getting a back massage from your boyfriend obviously means you're going to have sex in front of everyone, etc. They wanted to make ground rules for our room, which of course they didn't follow. One of them and my friend really butted heads; they would argue all the time. We lived with those girls for about 2 months, it was a long 2 months. As we were moving out they were making threats at us and then went to tell the manager they were afraid of my friend. After we moved out they came banging on our door after midnight wanting their toilet brush back. Weird to say the least. Then we found out one of the girls had had the cops called on her for getting in a fist fight at class. Definitely glad we moved out of there!

2006-09-07 02:40:33 · answer #6 · answered by Christina 7 · 0 0

My boyfriend's sister and old man. Her (sister) boyfriend is a real old friend of mine.

In late December I was moving. They had been evicted and were with us.

The first place I moved wasn't acceptable so in 2 months I moved again. She finally went back to her baby daddy (no intimacy) because she also had her daughter.

She called after several days and asks to come down for boyfriends birthday weekend and then during Easter vacation. She hasn't left since, then proceeds to have her daughter come down during summer break. (You do see that I am dealing with this since Christmas and now it summer).

My oldest child is geting her own space. My middle leaving for college. I'm moving, I only have one child remaining at home and all the extra room people ask can they utilize so I am downloading to a smaller place.

Meanwhile the sister and etc. finally find some personal space to occupy. They have family members to assist them is the relocation. The day this was to occur she had a stroke and didn't finalize the lease (of course she couldn't) but neither did her man.

This just happened this the day after Labor Day and she is still hospitalized.

Don't let me forget to inform you that they paid very little money, had access to cable, internet, washing machine, refrigerator and had their own personal space. It cost me more money.

Some people will ride the wagon till the wheels fall off. You can tell if they are ingrates or not, but if someone is not willing to get off their *** to help themselves, BEWARE!!!!

Love, peace andhair grease!!!!

2006-09-07 21:59:28 · answer #7 · answered by mzpickles 2 · 0 2

Dorm Room in college. Not only was the guy a racist I am Latino he would call me names and make threats...The guys was a slob. He also chewed Tabbaco and left his spit cups around the place. Of course he is in and out of jail now and a total loser. I have a great family great job and one year away from my MA so I gues Karma plays a big roll.

2006-09-07 02:39:20 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 2 0

My worst roommate was a older hispanic lady who immigrated from mexico by herself she was a bit strange collecting pictures of monkeys wearing clothes.I was really irritated when she put up a picture of a monkey wearing a wedding dress.It just looked stupid and out of place. Then she insisted her granson move in who as it turns out was a gang member.I told her yet she would not beleive me My landlord was a tough guy so he got him to move out.Thank god she left a week later mad she said he needed her.Well a year later he hijacked a car and shot a doctor.

2006-09-07 02:45:17 · answer #9 · answered by butterflyspy 5 · 0 0

I had no bad experience as we paid our dues in time and never interfered in others business. Had defined the ground rules before we moved into that apartment and stuck to those. Over all never heard from him after I moved into another one when I was to get married.

2006-09-07 02:42:15 · answer #10 · answered by Coolguy_punjabi 3 · 0 0

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