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what kind of mental diseases could be caused by depression or sadness? is there's any medicine for depression ? what is it ?

( the most good answer 10 points)

2006-09-07 02:30:04 · 17 answers · asked by Dina 2 in Health Mental Health

17 answers

Perhaps one of these numbers will serve you best. You need more than a pat answer, trained professionals can answer you better.

Mental Health Info Source 1-800-447-4474 Mental Health Resources and Information

National Institute of Mental Health 1-888-ANXIETY Mental Health Resources and Information

Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999 Help for Troubled Teens

National Hope Line Network 1-800-784-2433 Suicide Prevention

Talk Zone 1-800-475-TALK Peer Counselors
Teen Help Line 1-800-400-0900 Help Line For Troubled Teens
Teen Hot Line 1-800-747-8336 Hot Line For Troubled Teens

VOICES In Action, Inc. 1-773-327-1500

Youth Development International 1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663) Youth Crisis Hotline

National Crisis Line 1-800-334-4357 Crisis Help Line
National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663 Youth Crisis Hotline

2006-09-10 13:29:10 · answer #1 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 0 0

Depression IS a "mental disease." It can lead to physical problems as well...tension has numerous symptoms.

There are ALL KINDS of medications for depression. If your depression is interfereing with your life...that is, if it's not just a normal up and down that we all have, but something that changes your functioning for more than a couple of weeks...see a doctor and talk about those medications.

Good luck!

2006-09-07 09:36:10 · answer #2 · answered by CuteWriter 4 · 0 0

you can have weight loss, heart, suicide, a lot of things. You can take medicine for it if that is what you want. You need to start a journal and write down how you are feeling physically, what you do( cry, sleep don't eat and etc) but keep a journal to express how you feel emotionally. if you are angy, write it and what angry about and why, scared- what scared of and why and express your feelings. if you feel like screaming than write it and then sit and scream. do it and realease it, if you want to cry , once in awhile cry. Find a friend to talk to that will listen and not judge nor to give you advise. You need to vent. Then the major things is these 2 things first 1. tell your self if that you can solve the problem then do it and if you can';t solve it , you just forget about it(life is to short to get stuck in this mess) 2. Read the Bible and ask God to help you, talk to God because he hears and will help you.and that is also a good way to vent,. Dont be afraid to tell him how you feel becasuse he already knows. Nothing is going to be overnight but give it some time and try to think of someone else and help them, give them a smile or something to laugh about and then it will come back to you.. You are not alone in this. But try to get councilliy if need. I am not a advocate for meds but some are and some need(which some of meds can cause other problems). Try to figure out how it started. Don't let the problem take control of you , you take control of it. You control your emotions and feeling,. Cry scream, jog write what ever it takes but tell yourself(MIND) that you are not going to fall into a rut and that you are going to take control. when you start feeling down, think of a great song or something that makes you feel good. Think on good and not bad. What is put into your mind is what comes out.

2006-09-07 09:38:43 · answer #3 · answered by singingnurse932001 1 · 0 0

Dear Dina,

Depression IS a form of mental illness and can affect your whole body. I've suffered with Clinical Depression for about 16 years.....after a divorce and moving with my ailing Mom to care for her (there were other factors but too numerous to mention in this forum).....at times, I was physically/mentally unable to even get out of bed....crying all the time....aching all over.....apathetic, no energy......it was awful.....then I started drinking to "ease the pain" and it only made matters worse!! I finally sought and received help, treatment & medication. Over time, the depression has lessened but still remains inside of me. Now, at a much older age my body is "falling apart" and now that's depressing me. But, with the help of a wonderful Rheumotologist, I am on the mend. I am taking Cymbalta for the depression AND pain plus two other meds related to my arthritis. I'm feeling much better emotionally, mentally & physically. If you are suffering with what you think is depression.....check with your Physician......there are many treatments to help you plus therapy, exercise, etc. Good luck & Blessings to you!

2006-09-07 09:41:49 · answer #4 · answered by Di 3 · 0 0

Yes dear. Depression is the mental disorder in itself. There rae many different medications to treat it, but you would have to be evaluated by a Dr. to determine which one is right for you. And yes, it can lead to a whole host of health problems. The influx of negative chemicals into your body over a long period of time can cause a myriad of health problems including blood pressure and heart issues.

2006-09-07 09:34:20 · answer #5 · answered by lizardmama 6 · 0 0

DEPRESSION is a silent killer. It plays havoc with our life if we dont get proper treatment. Go either to a professional and take medicines and counselling. If you are looking for alternate medicines there are medicines there too. Once proper diagnosis is made, it is not hard to find the most suitable remedy for your problem. Meanwhile try to eat well, exercise a bit and rest a lot.

2006-09-07 09:48:34 · answer #6 · answered by goodcitizenz 3 · 0 0

}Different people respond with different degrees of stress to different stressors, a fact which has dogged research. However, there are at least four factors which determine the degree to which one will feel stressed:

control: a person feels stressed to the extent to which they perceive they are not in control of the stressor; at work, employees have no control over their management
predictability: a person feels stressed to the extent to which they are unable to predict the behaviour or occurrence of the stressor (bullies are notoriously unpredictable in their behaviour)
expectation: a person feels stressed to the extent to which they perceive their circumstances are not improving and will not improve (a bullying situation almost always gets worse, especially as one gains insight into the cause)
support: a person feels stressed to the extent to which they lack support systems, including work colleagues, management, personnel, union, partner, family, friends, colleagues, persons in authority, official bodies, professionals, and the law
Once the stress response is activated, the body's energy is diverted to where it is needed, thus heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate increase. All non-essential body functions are temporarily shut down or operate at reduced level; these include digestion, growth, sexual systems (menstrual cycle, libido, testosterone production), immune system, storage of energy as fat, etc. In response to threat, glucose, proteins and fats are rapidly released from storage (in muscles, fat cells and liver) and energy becomes abundantly available to those muscles which will help you fight the danger or run away from it. In extreme cases bowels and bladder will spontaneously evacuate to lighten the load; the smell may also help to deter the attacker. There is no point in digestion, reproduction and immune system etc continuing to operate if you're likely to be the sabre-toothed tiger's dinner in the next ten minutes - better divert that energy into avoiding being on the menu.

Therefore, the prospect of going to work, or the thought or sound of the bully approaching immediately activates the stress response, but fighting or flight are both inappropriate. In repeated bullying, the stress response prepares the body to respond physically when what is required is an employer-wide anti-bullying policy, knowledge of bullying motivations and tactics, assertive responses to defend ourselves against unwarranted verbal and physical harassment, and effective laws against bullying as an ultimate deterrent or arbiter when all else fails.

2006-09-07 09:38:32 · answer #7 · answered by archie 2 · 0 0

having experienced this dreadful disease, yes, i believe it can be a danger to your health. WHY? the more depression goes untreated, the worse it becomes. a person can sink deeper and deeper into the dark abyss that accompanies depression.
depression can sometimes lead to thoughts and actions related to suicide. many depressed people (myself included) view suicide as the only escape from the mental anguish which accompanies depression.
what to do? seek the help of a psychiatrist ASAP. s/he can diagnose your condition and provide counseling and medication to get you through this tough time.
please follow this advice. you don't need to suffer one day longer.there is help available, go for it.
Good luck. I keep you in my thoughts.

2006-09-07 09:40:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cleveland clinic, its a hospital, that has a procedure,that will eliminate depression, its an implant in ones brain, and can be adjusted , to your needs, I have read the medical journal on this,its a painless procedure,and make you smile again, and fell good about yourself.............go online and type cleveland clinic, call and get the information you need

2006-09-08 10:41:44 · answer #9 · answered by bull 5 · 0 0

Yes it can cause all kinds of wrongs starting to happen with your physical health. Sweetie if you are asking this because you are feeling like this all the time please talk to someone you trust and go and talk to a counselor you will probably be on your way to good thoughts in no time.Please!!

2006-09-07 09:34:51 · answer #10 · answered by Mama 2 · 1 0

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