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If repentance requires that you cease the sin, doesn't it require you to cease living in a divorced state and return to your earlier married state of being? Shouldn't you try to convince your ex-spouse to repent and remarry you, too?

2006-09-07 01:41:48 · 22 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

IF you is christian THEN
Answer =
"Shouldn't you try to convince your ex-spouse to repent and remarry you, too?" Now thats scary! What does a christian mean by 'convince' and 'repent'. Dont get violent with her if she doesnt.
Answer =
Clever observation

2006-09-07 01:50:36 · answer #1 · answered by CJunk 4 · 0 0

Divorce is not a sin. Divorce is a legal proceeding that ends a civil marriage. Divorce has ne effect upon a sacramental marriage. A civil marriage is merely a social contract. Contracts can be broken. A sacramental marriage is a covenant. Covenants cannot be broken or ended by a legal proceeding.

If a person has a valid, sacramental marriage, divorces and then remarries, that person is committing the sin of adultery. If a person divorces and wished to remarry, then the first marriage must be declared invalid because it was lacking something that would make it a sacramwental marriage. This is called an annulment.

A person who divorces, but does not remarry and does not have sexual relations is not in sin and can participate fully in the life of the Catholic Church. The may receive Communion and participate in any ministry in the Church.

2006-09-07 08:54:02 · answer #2 · answered by Sldgman 7 · 0 0

All sin is forgiveable except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. God allowed Moses to grant divorce because of the hardness of people's hearts. Married people can become enemies and decide they would rather live apart than to really discuss the issues they face with each other. It's a matter of selfishness or self-centeredness. We are often unwilling to hear the other's opinion because we have our mind made up and think the other person is wrong. The selfishness is the sin we all are guilty of.
If the ex wants to remarry that's fine if both have worked out the problem that led to the divorce; otherwise, it'll just go on and on the same. It is easier to walk away from a p ro blem than to face it.

2006-09-07 09:12:50 · answer #3 · answered by preachingmissy 2 · 0 0

In the Catholic church, divorce is not recognized. And many annulments these days are not for good enough reasons. If the couple married, but there was a hidden lie (ex: one spouse was going to convert, but planned never to follow through after the vows were taken, or unfaithfulness etc.) then the marriage can be "erased". And you can seperate from someone, and not have to go back to them when you repent, you just can't be with someone else... Because you have already promised God that you were married "until death". It would be adultery if you did.

2006-09-07 08:53:00 · answer #4 · answered by lily 5 · 0 0

Divorce isn't the sin, it's remarriage. If a husband and wife can't live together for some reason, they shouldn't. But having sex with anyone else is adultery. So a Good Christian who's repented of their sin should stop living with the partner who now makes them happy, and instead be alone and miserable. It seems screwed up, unless you understand that the goal of Christianity is to cause misery, because that's what pleases God.

2006-09-07 08:51:27 · answer #5 · answered by Steven S 3 · 0 0

Our God is a God who is also reasonable.He never ask the impossible.Yet as christains if we have wronged anyone in the past God might lead us to apologize or make some form of restitution.But this is not to earn salvation but for a witness that we are no longer the same as before . Jesus has made a difference in my life .You see we can't make the sin write , nor can we justify it. It is Jesus that presents us blameless before His Father.We could never do that .Our righteousness is as filty rags.It would be like taking a dirty rag and trying to clean up a dirty spot.

2006-09-07 09:00:52 · answer #6 · answered by don_steele54 6 · 0 0

The only grounds that Jesus gave for divorce is adultery. Divorce for any other reason is wrong. If you are a christian then you should be able to forgive the other person for whatever wrong the other person did, just as Christ forgave you. Therefore, I say, why divorce if you have forgiven? Keep praying, with God all things are possible.

2006-09-07 08:56:11 · answer #7 · answered by Hope 1 · 0 0

from my understanding you can divorce if it was indeed adultery. then on the other hand just getting a divorce because your tired of a person that's different. i feel that it is between husband and wife because if either party decides to stay together that is their business. if my husband cheats and i decided to stay with him that is an individual thing. do you want to go back to your ex-wife? does she want you back? you can ask her to forgive you, then you have done your part. repentance is good.

2006-09-07 09:15:05 · answer #8 · answered by sweet sexy san 4 · 0 0

the bible explains 2 causes for divorce. you can repent if you are the one who caused the reason for divorce, but it doesn't mean you have to remarry the person you wronged, if they don't want you back. and if they don't want to remarry you it doesn't mean that they haven't forgiven you, sometimes the damage is just to great and why be in bitter marriage?

2006-09-07 08:53:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No you don't have to, Contrary to what some Church of God of Prophecy teaches. That sin is put behind you forever. If you truly repented, stay with your spouse that you have now.

2006-09-07 08:57:06 · answer #10 · answered by birdsflies 7 · 0 0

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