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28 answers

Our actions are not determined by God--He knows what we will do, by virtue of His omniscience, which I don't think any of us will ever come close to even remotely comprehending, but that doesn't mean that He predetermines what we will do. As for the matter of our nature being sinful, it's not because of God that we are sinful, but because our human nature has been inherently corrupt since Adam and Eve--none of us chooses on our own to follow God. He has to draw us to Himself so that we might choose to follow Him and to ask Him for our sins to be forgiven. His forgiveness is ours through His Son Jesus Christ if we ask Him to forgive us and truly mean it, so since He freely offers forgiveness to those who ask Him, this is in no way unfair--rather, God is doing the totally inexplicable thing of offering us forgiveness and restoration even though we absolutely do not deserve it.

2006-09-06 23:43:55 · answer #1 · answered by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com 6 · 1 1

I asked the same type of questions yrs ago and this lead to my
revision of how and sometimes even if God should be portrayed.
And how can God both determine and yet not determine at the same time....? Or how can a Supreme Creator be understood or realized by mere humans..? I think Freud ascertained we blame our selves ; Hence, the guilt complex .Also how does God blame
and forgive simultaneously... I wish I knew that one too. and if God gave us knowledge why not give us enough to always determine the truth so we could be without flaw.

2006-09-06 23:40:40 · answer #2 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 0 1

Allow me to give you an illustration to answer your question about, if God predetermines our life course?

In the book of Job we are reminded that God is not one who acts wickedly nor does he act unjustly.

In the book of Romans we are also reminded that God does not try anyone, or another words tempt or in this case predetermine your life course.

We do have free will, no doubt about it, a good point to realize is that if we did not have free will, that would mean, the minute anyone of us commits a sin, we would be struck down immediately.

But that's not the case, he allows time for us to make our own decisions and he hopes we make that right one and follow his laws and principles, because who better to listen to then our creator.

With that said let me give you the illustration that I promised you:

A Father and son lives in this house, everything that the son needs to survive and be happy is provided to him in the house at all times...

The Son one day decides that he wants to be independent from his father that he will be better own his own...

So he moves out the house leaving all the things that were provided to him for free, things necessary for him to survive..

But he was not stopped to leave the house, his father allowed him to make that decision..

And here is my question, is it the Father's fault if the the Son begins to suffer hardships outside the house? No it is not! Just because the Father allows it, does not mean he is the one who causes it!

John 3:16 shows that he loves all of us, and yes the problems of life are still present with us but soon there will be a time when the horrors of life will be experienced no more.. they will be nothing more than past memories and for some ancient history

Revelation 21: 3, 4 says: " And I heard a loud voice in the heaven say, Look! The tent of God is with MANKIND, and he will reside with them and they will be his people and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death is to be no more, nor suffering, nor pain be anymore, the former things have passed away."

The promise in John 3:16 at that time will finally be realized!!

So don't worry the horrors that we experience now is only temporary, sooner or later the end of wickedness will be eliminated.

Matthew 5 on the sermon on the mount Jesus comforts everyone in teaching, "Happy are the mild tempered for they shall inherit the earth."

So God does not try anyone, nor is he the cause of the problems that we face today, it is do because of mankind's error and mankind's decision to be independent from God.

He allows the suffering but he is not that one who causes it, he hates the suffering that we go through more than we do, so remember God loves all, 1 John 4:8 says: "He that has not loved, has not come to know God, for God is love."

2006-09-07 01:18:49 · answer #3 · answered by Whistle 2 · 0 0

If you think about we were told that and we are not sure. But what is sure is that the nature of being human and making mistakes is what God determines. He gave us free will and the freedom to do whatever we please. People ask if God made earth, sun, goodness, light, angels, love, and miracles....why did he make hate, demons, discord, fear, evil, darkness, emptiness? But what happens when you turn a light off after leaving a room, and it becomes dark?....You didn't create darkness, it just came with the absence of light, that is how these things work. When there is absence of light (god) then darkness comes, and since he gave us the option of freewill, its up to us to do as we please. But your future only becomes determined by the choices you make.

2006-09-07 00:51:18 · answer #4 · answered by vanity_luvs_u 2 · 0 0

God does not blame us---he holds us responsible. God does not determine our actions nor does he force us to become anything that we do not want to become. We can only blame ourselves if we do not measure up to God's standards. This is why we have the blood of Jesus---that we may be forgiven of our sins and start anew in Christ. If we do not take advantage of God's saving grace through Christ, then we have only ourselves to blame.

2006-09-06 23:36:52 · answer #5 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 1

Our actions are not determined by GOD. He does not make you sin and do things. Don't you have a mind of your own?

2006-09-06 23:28:40 · answer #6 · answered by kingofnarniaforever 4 · 1 0

Following catholic theologians, our actions are not determined by God. On the contrary, God abstains to manifest Itself in his creation
so as to make our free will possible.
But they are of course paradoxical situations such as: since Judas was predestined to betray Jesus, how could he be held responsible for what he did?
It remains that we are free to believe it or not!
So, it is impossible to disentangle free will and predestination from each other.

2006-09-06 23:49:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God do not determine our actions, instead he gave us our free and intelligence so that we can think before making or taking decisions. We are ourselves responsible of our act.

2006-09-06 23:39:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Throw out the concept of a god and free up your mind to embrace the scientific world and you will learn that you, including your behavior and tendencies are a product of your GENES. Use your eyes and observe the world of nature. How much free will do all creatures- including man, really enjoy. We are programmed by our genes to think and behave in a certain way because it enhances THEIR chances of survival. You are merely the vehicle that your genes use to get around in. Get used to the fact that they created you to ensure their own survival.

2006-09-06 23:50:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have said it
determined by God,

how can god < this god is a false god

Free will use it wisely
You are what you are
You are responsible for all you do
and you are the blue print of who you are

all of what you are is recorded
so live well
and blame no one for your actions

2006-09-06 23:27:55 · answer #10 · answered by Queen A 4 · 0 1

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