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And if Jesus existed where is the prove? I dont accept the bible as prove...men wrote that! And has every catholic person forgotten that Jesus was a Jews!! Shouldnt catholic people be Jews? And if we all believe in God, shouldnt we all just believe in one higher power and not destroy the world because of religion?

2006-09-06 23:02:18 · 32 answers · asked by tinkerbell 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

free will doesnt cut it as an answer!! its proof not prove..im still sleeping

2006-09-06 23:04:01 · update #1

32 answers

What makes you think that there is a god. Do you see evidence for it. There is ONLY science. What you see is NATURE and the workings of nature, nothing more. Just because nature is awesome is no justification to invent a god to explain it. Religions are all myths, legends and superstitious nonsense. Mankind is still primitive to embrace these myths. Free your mind to embrace the truth instead of all this supernatural crap.

2006-09-06 23:14:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was going to slam you with the whole free will thing until I saw your additional comments! I wrote an A+ university essay on this last year. Funnily enough I was arguing that God does not exist but had to use it for an arguement. I think the point is defined by the fact that if God stepped in to let us avoid any pain at any given point then we could not deny his existence (and please excuse the neutral preposition) and we would therefore be automata. The most telling point however is pain that is pointless eg the pain people experience after a severe impact or trauma where death is inevitable and period pain. There is certainly no need for both types of natural pain. It serves no purpose as a warning to danger. I question the Bible also because it seems to me like writing about a work experience or concert from one perspective. In saying that, I respect people who live their lives in a moral way but I worry for the future of the human race if people continue to interpret the bible literally and do not consider that the messages within should related to the modern way of life.

2006-09-07 01:28:37 · answer #2 · answered by sticky 7 · 0 0

Religion is a method for control, out-dated nowadays however. Back in the BC's or however far back it would go, the very small educated minority, or perhaps just an enterprising few, created a story about a God and the rules you should live your life by. The reward for which was that you get into heaven. (Note: Helping comfort people's natural fear of death.)

It's no coincidence that todays laws are based on the 10 commandments because they were indeed the very first basis for laws themselves. Thou shalt not murder, prevents people fearing for their own life. Thou shalt not steal, prevents the rich people having their property and goods stolen by poorer, but physically stronger people. I firmly believe that religion was created by the leaders of the time, who could keep control by enforcing the laws as word of god, but side-lining the blame to themselves because they were appointed by god. It was not their choice that they happen to run a country and get plenty of wealth out of it.

It would also explain why religion occurs all over the world and in wildly different forms. Because a few people, in different places in the world, realised that by pretending some higher power was leading them, they could be the leader of a country and get all the riches and nice places to live they wanted. Arguements between religions are no different to large companies fighting to stop themselves losing control of a market.

It's not to say religion doesn't help people live good lives, or comfort their pain - I'm sure it's helped a lot of people. But there's a time to realise that you have to stop believing in fairy tales one day - just because they're a thousand years old, doesn't make them anymore truthful. I wonder if i could create a religion and a thousand years down the line people would be unable to tell if it was real or not?


But that's the reason why if god exists in the world why is there so much hatred and pain:

Because god doesn't. People are too stubborn to admit that they are wrong after having believed in something all their lives and so they will hide behind 'god works in mysterious ways' if you ask them why people are dying and suffering.

Jesus of Nazereth did exist. He was an actual person documented in roman records and history. He was executed for saying he was god's son and trying to therefore undermine the roman empire. Whether he was the son of god or not is the actual question.

Just because men wrote the bible, that doesn't make it the over-riding factor in why it's wrong. The fact that it is lies created to control people - both men and women, does. Feminism is no different an extreme to chauvanism. Neither is acceptable. So get out of that phase please.

In the words of George Carlin: "Have you ever noticed how feminist chicks, are women you'd never want to sleep with in the first place."

2006-09-06 23:28:12 · answer #3 · answered by Adam L 5 · 0 0

Do you give children everything they want and ask for, to make them happy? Most parents care about their children enough to know what is not right for them and so in the children's eyes, they (the parents) appear as being cruel. The best part of knowing God exists in the journey a person goes through searching for Him.

Religions are mostly man-made. They are meant to act as guidelines for a person to live in order to experience God in the form in which they prefer. Those that view their own religion and method of worship as the only way to God are the ones causing the problems we hear and see about in society. Every individual has a unique and personal relationship with God (whether they realise this or not.) It isn't necessary to go in search of God as He isn't in a far off, distant place.

2006-09-07 02:07:51 · answer #4 · answered by Fragile Rock 5 · 0 0

Oh my goodness you have a LOT of studying and pondering and researching to do honey!
God exists and there is proof everywhere around us that he exists.
The bible is the word of God because the MEN who wrote it generally were prophets called by God to write it, or they were holy men inspired by God's Spirit to write it, or it has stories in there that are true that will inspire us to believe in God and in Christ. The bible is a collection of works such as what I have just mentioned all compiled into one source, which is as we know it to be, the Holy Bible.

Also, Jesus was born a Jew because the Jews were the Lord's chosen people, and also they were the only ones wicked enough to kill their very Savior. No other race would've done it. The Mosaic Law, which was first instituted in the beginning with Adam and Eve was given by Jehovah, Jesus before he was born in the flesh. He said that when he would come he would FULFILL the law, or in other words, he would offer up himself as a sacrifice for mankind so that offering animals up as sacrifices would no longer be necessary. We just needed to do a few things in order for the Atonement to take affect on us: repent, keep the Commandments, endure to the end, recieve necessary saving ordinances, have faith, forgive.

Also, the hatred and pain and sorrow and hard times we go through in this life are here to teach us that there is opposition in all things. After all, how can we know pleasure if we do not know pain? How can we know love if we cannot experience/see hate? How can we know truth if there was not lie? How can we know good if there was no bad? etc., etc. These are necessary for our growth, our experiences, our choices (we can choose to be the bad one or the good one instead of everyone being good), and for our development and also helps one come closer to God and rely on him for his help and strength; we get more faith.

Also, when an innocent person suffers/dies then that person is recieved into Heaven and their blood spilt is a testimony against the bad person/persons who did it that will be used against them during Judgement Day as proof of their wickedness. It sucks that the innocent have to suffer, but if nobody did, how would we know suffering and how would we have proof of a wicked man by heart if he couldn't ever hurt or kill someone on the outside? I wouldn't want to be in heaven with a person who is wicked in his heart.

Anyway, hope this helped some. But like I said before, you need to do some research and reading of the Bible to understand it better. Maybe even investigate some Christian churches just to hear their side of it and to understand it better. Open your mind and heart; there may be more truth out there than you realize.

2006-09-06 23:12:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The world is what we make of it. Hatred and pain exist in this world just as as love and happiness does. Yet we rarely question why love and happiness exist in the world do we. Instead of blaming God for the existence of hatred and pain, which is all a product of human will anyway, why don't we work instead on healing and forgiving others?

"Be the change you want to see in the world" M. Gandhi.

2006-09-06 23:33:11 · answer #6 · answered by cebukitty 2 · 0 0

The whole thing is just a ruse to herd people but one that has been deviously and painstakingly preserved by the religious manipulative's for century upon century. Irregardless of what religion people claim to align themselves with, in the end, they're all the same in that they have this insatiable need to follow and be led by the fear factor of some Armageddon future. Isn't it ironic that those same people who 'crucify' the president of the US of A for a campaign on terror that has cost innocent lives are he same people who fear and believe in a 'God' who was so egotistic he allowed his own son to be tortured, humiliated, nearly whipped to death and ultimately nailed to a set of wooden beams to hang in the air until dead. I'm sure that's the kind of 'leader' I want to follow. Can you say NOT!.

2006-09-06 23:18:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey freewill does count !!!
anyway, God wont intervene with that,.
after death there will be no hate or sorrow or pain(if you are forgiven by God before you die, mainly human nature leeds to pain and in that testing your faith in God.Thats the world...

The Bible has many proofs,The ark at mount Ararat, the scrolls that we have just found...

And faiths differ , Jesus is a part of God sent to earth to lead man in the right direction which differs from Jewish ways, he learnt us the Christian ways....And Allah is not God, Christ is God,God has 3 parts...The father son and holy ghost. Religion doesnt destroy the world it builds it up

2006-09-06 23:33:14 · answer #8 · answered by saltsniper 1 · 0 0

Religion is a culturally based psychological phenomenon which is why there are a variety of Gods on offer. The one thing they all have in common is that they are imaginary and hence unable to do anything about hatred and pain, other than generate it by the actions of some believers.

2006-09-06 23:07:27 · answer #9 · answered by bonzo the tap dancing chimp 7 · 0 1

In every phase of life & everywhere else their is a balance of everything,... Air, water, soil . In life Joy & sorrow.. we have a balance & we have a balance only so that we are able to understand the value of one.... Evem pain & hatred is required in this world for many reason like :
1. To test your grit & willpower fight & over come against them
2. For you to know who are really your foes and friends
3. For you to understand how valuable Joy & happyness is.

We all wont understand how joyful a reunion can be until we have had the pain to be parted.

& Yes There is only one superme power .. Give it any name....Doesnt matter....

2006-09-06 23:15:24 · answer #10 · answered by Ashish Samadhia 3 · 0 0

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