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1) Death for a person born of muslim parents or a convert to Islam who decides to leave Islam.
2) Stoning to death prescribed for a man and woman having sexual relations outside marriage.
3) If a person criticizes or so much as gives an opinion against Islam or Mohammad (however respectfully) then jail or death.
4) A woman who has been raped (and becomes pregnant) to produce 4 witnesses to certify that she was raped. Else punishment (2) applies.

When Islamic countries have such laws, how can you call Islam the religion of peace? Do not the “peaceful” suras and links which many muslims provide on YA ring hollow when viewed in the light of ground realities.

2006-09-06 22:52:14 · 16 answers · asked by yoyodda 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Poki - If you are a muslim you will know better than me that what I have said is true.

2006-09-06 23:02:44 · update #1

Abir- There have been several cases in the Gulf & Pakistan where people have been been imprisoned for real or imagined slights against Islam.
As regards a woman having to prove her innocence, are you not aware what is going on in Pakistan recently?

2006-09-06 23:06:36 · update #2

Patricia- I am not at all bothered by what the religious texts SAY. What is important is what is being IMPLEMENTED.

2006-09-06 23:08:09 · update #3

1) There was a live case of recently of a muslim in Afghanistan who converted to Christianity, was sentenced to death and forced to flee the country for his life. Check it out.
2) Stoning to death is the law in many Islamic countries for Adultery. Check this link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapidation
3) I am talking of what is happening NOW. Vietnam is history.
4) Don’t you agree that checking women in hospitals is slightly better than stoning to death.

2006-09-06 23:21:02 · update #4

khapera- very well said. However please note that these laws apply to both muslims AND non muslims in Islamic countries.

2006-09-06 23:29:35 · update #5

Maria G - Fight, fight, fight................Dont you have anything else to say?

2006-09-06 23:42:04 · update #6

cooldude- Pl check carefully - I am not talking of stoning to death of the rapist but stoning to death of the victim.

2006-09-06 23:46:39 · update #7

NQV-What you are saying about the context is understood for those times. But how can you apply them to the present times & conditions.
The law for born muslims to be executed if they leave the faith is there in ALL Islamic countries. FIND OUT.

What will you do if a woman who has been raped becomes pregnant from the rape? Is abortion not an alternative? In fact this has been applied in Islamic countries. When Iraq invaded Kuwait its soldiers raped thousands of kuwati women. Later on when Kuwait became free, the state allowed abortions for pregnant women in such cases. So do not view things only in black & white. Life & conditions come in all colours.

About people being jailed /killed for insulting the Prophet, and to get the complete picture on the life of the prophet, please google the story of Asma bint marwan & Kaab (among others) from the life of the prophet.

2006-09-07 22:44:32 · update #8

Valentino- Thank you very much for a frank reply. As regards your response to question (1) I find that Islam allows for killing people based on the ASSUMPTION that they would do something not acceptable in Islam. Is that what you mean?. Well in that case all I can say is that the value system of muslims is totally different from others. Now try to see the issue from the other point of view - How will muslims react if christians/hindus etc. pass a similar law ie. if a christian/hindu converts to Islam he is to be killed. Would you accept that?
I will get back to you later on other points.

2006-09-08 19:57:05 · update #9

16 answers

i Start with The Name of ALLAH, The Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful.
Peace to u. i also want to thank u, for asking questions abt my religion 'Islam'.
i m a Pakistani Muslim, so i know what u r refering to. i'll try my best to answer ur every questions, and hope that it clearifies things to u. So, according to Islam :

1) Short Answer :- True and Very Fair.
Long Answer :- A Muslim is Not allowed to Convert, 'coz if ALLAH (GOD) has guided the person to The Path of The Truth, then why does he turn his back to it? i know most of u wont get my point. but what i m trying to say is, a person like that is a Traitor to The Islam and The Entire Muslim Community, and the punishment for Treason has always been Death. Now, most of u will be wondering, why m i calling such a person a 'Traitor'? its because, u usually find ex-Muslims to be staunchest of critics (Even Enemy) of Islam and fellow Muslims, they spread misconception and misinformation on the basis of those things that they weren't able to understand, and instead of asking for someone's help to clearify them, they instead turn their back towards Islam and walk away from it. and, when they are out, on the basis of those things they didn't understand they criticize Islam harshly, and even make other weak Muslims (Muslims whose Beliefs are Not Strong) go their way and turn away from Islam.
So, the penalty of death is NOT 'coz they turned their back from Islam, But its because they conspire to even turn others (weak Muslims) away from Islam, instead of letting them firm their belief by asking those who firmly belief and know abt Islam (True Muslims). And, mostly these are the ppl who commit Blasphemy abt Islam and insult the Muslim Community, causing Muslims great grief on both accounts. For example sake, salman rushdie with his book 'satanic verses', well, in two words the whole book can be described as "Bullshit" and "Falsehood".

2) Short Answer :- True and Very Fair.
Long Answer :- No person can bear a spouse cheating on him/her. And, if the State won't prescribe the Death Punishment for this act, then the very core of society will rot from the inside. Also, if Death Punishment is Not Given on this matter, then most likely the person (cheated one) will take law in his own hands, and makes the matter worse. Also, stoning to death is the best punishment, as it sets fear in the heart of every person, and no one will dare to cheat on the spouse again, and "cheating" on a spouse will Not become like a "play" for anyone, as it has become today in the western community.
Also, it is to be Noted that, the punishment of such an act in The Holy Quran is, sthg like 100 hunter whips (in the opening verses of Surah-e-Noor in The Holy Quran) on both the adulter and the adulteress. The Stoning Punishment comes from the Sunnah (Prophet's Customs), which is of great regard to every Muslim, and both punishment can be followed, depending upon the intensity of this crime.

3) Short Answer :- True and also Fair, but take out the phrase (however respectfully) from the question.
Long Answer :- My Brother, u can criticize to me, abt Islam and actions of Prophet Mohammad (May Peace and Blessings of ALLAH Be Upon Him) as much as u want to, But only in The Circle of Respect, 'coz it only shows ur lack of knowledge, and u can be guided to Truth with Valid Reply (by completing ur knowledge on the matter), as ur basic intent is to Seek The Truth, and if ur intention is correct, then i'll respond to each and every criticism of urs with Logic. But, Plz dont get out of The Circle of Respect, 'coz that only means, that u are Not bothered to Seek The Truth, ur mind is made up (though False), and u just want to Hurt The Feelings of the Entire Muslim Community, and want to cause mischief all over the world (as was in the case of danish cartoonist), and NO Muslim can bear insult to Islam or Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). And, anyone who doesn't bother or care abt others faiths/beliefs, should only be Punished by Death.
NOTE :- Each and Every Teachings of Islam and Each and Every Action/Sayings of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), never contradicts each other, and are always in Conciliation, and they can be Rightly Justified, so if u criticize RESPECTFULLY, then u'll get a Valid Reply to ur criticism which will guarantee ur satisfaction and will be The Truth. if u have any such questions, then mail me at libransaif@yahoo.com , and Insha'ALLAH (With ALLAH's Will), i'll give u a valid reply to the best of my capability (But Plz, NO Blasphemy, NO Insult).

4) Short Answer :- Partially True, Partially False.
Long Answer :- It is True, that a woman who has been raped (and becomes pregnant), has to produce 4 witnesses, but if she can't, then Definitely punishment (2) Does NOT apply straight-forwardly. The solution to this is given in The Holy Quran in Surah-e-Noor (Chapter 24, Verse 6-7), that if she is reporting to be raped, and can't produce 4 witnesses, then she has to take an Oath of GOD 4 times, declaring that what she is saying is Truth, and 5th time Oath, that The Wrath of GOD be on her if she is telling a lie. This is sufficient enough for her to convict someone of raping her (only True Muslim, having The Fear of GOD in the HereAfter can appreciate It). And, then if it is evident enough at the end of the case, that indeed defendant is the 'rapist', then either, he is to be lashed 100 times (with a hunter) or he is to be stoned to death. But, if its proven after some time, that she was lying and the allegations she put forward on the defendant were false, then she is to punished with 80 lashes (of hunter). Also, a group of Muslims have to bear witness to this punishment of lashing, so that fear set in their hearts of such an atrocious crime, and that fear they can forward to other Muslims.

Note :- By the way, i believe u r refering to Mukhtaran Mai case, right? but, that was Not an Islamic Issue, that was a state Issue, as sadly, Pakistan has Not enforced the Islamic Law (Shariah), 'coz it follows its own state-law (basically british law, with few ammendments), which are made by men. So, don't blame cases as such on Shariah Law, where Shariah Law does Not even apply. As Shariah Law is made by ALLAH (GOD), therefore It has NO faults at all, whatsoever. Shariah Law is The PERFECT Law.

Islamic Countries Should have these laws, so that Sins Do NOT become common in the community, 'coz if they Do, then as i said before Society will rot from the very core. If these Laws (Shariah Law) is applied all over the world, then i can say this thing in writing with confidence that "Crimes and Sins will Perish from the world, and all we will be left with is PEACE". That is what Islam Teaches and also Shows (unlike others who just Teaches) Practically, that indeed all of us have to live in Peace.
In the Light of ground realities, Islam is The Religion of Peace, Love, Humanity & Harmony.

i also want to invite all to Islam. Research on ur own abt Islam. Read The Holy Quran, Read Books of Hadiths (Prophet's Sayings), Research by Authentic Reliable Books & Sites (Don't count on sites that defame Islam, 'coz they spread mis-information and misconceptions abt Islam, and they cant even back up there claims with sufficient proofs, thus they are basically rambling Falsehood abt Islam). Do all this research on ur own and dont believe in anyone's hearsay (Not even mine). May GOD (ALLAH) guide u on The Path of Seeking The Truth. Peace to All.

Edit : Islam does Not allow to kill innocent people and it is very clear abt it. But, those who turn their back from Islam, always lash out at Islam for things they didn't understand, and they try to make more Muslims (with weak beliefs) to turn their back as well. So, to protect those Muslims, and give them time to strenghten their beliefs, without the misconception and misinformation being spread by the ex-Muslims, these ex-Muslims are needed to be executed. And, u'll always find these ex-Muslims commiting 'blasphemy'. i can give u some names of such ex-Muslims (i have already given one), but i don't want to give them more exposure, 'coz then i'll be helping them.
Also, in early years Muslims Have gone through the period of being killed for their Beliefs and they used to be Patient and Die for their Beliefs, rather than leave their Beliefs. So, if any such law is passed today for Christian or Hindus, then Any True Muslim (Convertee) would rather Die for Islam, than Leave Islam. And, they will have to be Patient like those before them, 'coz for their Patience, Paradise is Awarded by ALLAH The Most Glorious of All. Peace to All.

2006-09-07 23:38:20 · answer #1 · answered by Valentino 3 · 1 0

1. No.
2. Not to death. But public humiliation.
3. Yes and no. Lets face it can you in America do similar things , may it no concern religion or not, and not get away with it. Example: Vietnam protestors at the Universities being beaten!?
4. No. In so called western civilisations, dont they question women who are raped and take them to hospitals to make sure she is saying the truth.

The religion is peacefull but how can you guarantee the followers to follow it properly. If all Christians & Muslims did half of what they are supposed to do the world would be a different place!
You should look at all this in a broad sense and not try and find 4 questions which imply it is a cruel religion. Incidentally these type of interpretations of the Qaran were made by people and so called holy people and not by Muhammed. The only country in the world that is Muslim and partially follows harsh rules called
"Şeriat" is Saudi Arabia and not really any other. I hope this has enlightened you after all Holywood movies and CNN and alike.


You (questioner) suggest singular cases make out the essence! I could bluntly also say that is history! Besides I did say if people practice what they preach things would be different. You are suggesting the religion is that way not the people themselves or those that misinterpret. Who said a women who got raped will be stoned. I repeat what I said forget media and such campaigns that are out to form religious restrictions as a reality among those that do not belong to it. They are just being used to mind bogling.

2006-09-07 06:12:00 · answer #2 · answered by KCD 4 · 0 0

The context of this is to be understood. During the time of the Prophet pagan spies would convert to Islam and later convert back after getting the information. Many times Muslims who were going to preach to far off tribes were killed, because the so called converts to Islam would pass the information of their plans and they would attack and kill them. When such "Muslims" felt their identity was being known, they would run off, back to their pagan patrons. Such "converts" would almost always be executed when the pagan tribes were run over by Muslims. There would not no negotiation no compromise.

Apart from such situations, all Muslims understand that God Almighty has given people the freedom of conscience. In our view Islam is the best way of life. If someone can not handle it, he is not worthy of it, and his leaving is no issue. In accordance with this philosophy, the Prophet had an agreement at a place called Hudaibiya (accepted by all sects of Islam) that should a Muslim revert back to their pagan faith, they may remain so. FIND OUT.

As far as born Muslims are concerned, know it that most Muslims around the Prophet were all converts. How can you have laws with regard to born Muslims?

Stoning to death is better than aborting a young little baby with a scalpel and cutting its little skin and body parts for no fault of its own. Many of the abortions take place due to illicit sex. So, Islam prefers to put the fear of god in those who create the circumstances for a little baby to be aborted from the womb, the very place where it received the gift of life.

You are wrong on the part where people are jailed or killed for insulting the Prophet. During his own life an old woman used to throw garbage on him. He used to not only not chastise her, but ignored her and yet, he would walk that same route, and she regularly waited for him to pass so she would throw the garbage on him. When one day she was sick and did not throw garbage on him, he enquired on her health and stopped by to check on her. This moved her so much that she never did that again.

Please do not be quick to judge. THAT SAID, I would like to add that if people begin to question God, and insult his prophets, soon they will turn to lawlessness, which usually affects the poor the most as they are the most vulnerable. Islam wants the laws of god to be respected. If you insult the Prophets unnecessarily and to incite you are stopped as it can become a law and order situation.

No woman who is raped is killed. This is pure unadulterated propaganda. If you really find out the truth, you will see that is not the case.

Islam is a religion of peace, like it or not. Do not always judge Islam by what Muslims do, if not I will hold you accountable for what Harry Truman, a Christian did to the Japs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki!!

Be good.

2006-09-07 07:11:48 · answer #3 · answered by NQV 4 · 1 0

I am not a Islamic scholar, but will try to explain them briefly:

1) True: provided he does not keep this with him and starts preaching anti-islamic feelings.
2) True: This is to be seen in a broder sense, this punishment is applicable only in a state where Islamic Law is implemented. This things will definately very rare where Islamic Law is implemented.
3) True.
4) False - If she is raped, she will not be punished. No need of witness in this case.

Well these laws are not man made, so please stop critizing or finding defects in them. Most of them are also mentioned in Old Testment.

If you impose stoning till death for a rapist, rapes will definitely reduce.

2006-09-07 06:30:36 · answer #4 · answered by cooldude007 1 · 0 1

Islam has been subjected to many misinterpretations like any other religion, ideology, or doctrine. Fundamentalism is just one of these interpretations. To judge on and assess such an ideology one should focus on the aspects and perspectives followed and hold by majority of average followers of that religion.

2006-09-07 06:22:18 · answer #5 · answered by reza 2 · 1 0

The Christian Bible recommends at times having children being eaten by bears for being rude, pregnant women being slain and the contents torn from their wombs, poisoning those accused of infidelity, and many other acts of gratuitous violence.

Not all Muslims are believers in a rigid and literal interprtation of the Q'uran just as not all Jews and Christian support the things I listed. So, why aren't you equally enraged by Christians?

2006-09-07 05:58:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1) true
2) true but only if the man or woman are married and had a sexual relations outside their marriage, if they were not married, the punishment is not death.
3) not true at all
4) not true at all
I am aware of what is going on in Pakistan, but have to remind you that these ARE NOT Islamic laws, i challenge you to give me one single rule from the Quran or Hadith to support your claims. Some muslim countries have laws which are not islamic, they are their traditions. ok?

2006-09-07 06:01:27 · answer #7 · answered by Aby 3 · 4 1

BINGO..,and why is it that muslims can strap bombs on their children to kill other innocent lives.Obviously they have no regard or respect for human life and I say are incapable of loving.As strapping a bomb on your child is a strange way to show love.

2006-09-07 05:58:58 · answer #8 · answered by halfbright 5 · 1 1

Yes God told us, muslims, to fight with the ENEMIES of GOD`s the- only- one- true -religion (which is ISLAM..)
Will do it inshallah.

Thanks for asking

2006-09-07 06:39:31 · answer #9 · answered by Suomi 4 · 0 1


how can you say such things without any proof that those statements are for real???!!!! ALLAH is the only god in our world.. he created us! please give respect.. just mind your own business.. every person has their own beliefs so if you wouldn't want your beliefs to be critize, don't critize other's belief too..


2006-09-07 06:06:43 · answer #10 · answered by genius777 2 · 0 0

they did that stuff in the old days, or in arabic countries atleast.

2006-09-07 13:20:52 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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