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2006-09-06 22:21:47 · 17 answers · asked by chikwz 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Your relationship with God begins with prayer! Has that thought ever crossed your mind? Afterward it is how you maintain a close relationship with Him. With daily prayer you find comfort, joy, peace, and happiness in all situations, and in their truest forms. Loneliness dissolves! And you know there is someone who cares and is always close by. His "line" is never busy. Without prayer this relationship will quickly wither; for it is the means of communication with your loving heavenly Father! While you can't talk with Him face to face, as with your earthly fathers, it is how we talk with the Lord. Not with the mouth alone, but with the heart also. When you allow your prayer life to fade, life's problems and trials seem to take over and all you can seem to do is focus on what's wrong in life. With prayer you can focus on our Lord and be reminded about what really matters. Does it comfort you knowing that just by simply asking, God can take over any problem and work it to His will and your benefit? That no matter what the outcome you can trust God, who is in control? With prayer comes assurance that all will be well. Without prayer there is uncertainty.

Prayer is walking hand in hand with the Creator of life. A big hug from a loving Father. A long talk with your best friend. Even when you're alone you don't have to be lonely. It's taking an uncertain situation with many options and outcomes and being given the right answer through God's perfect will. It's knowing that you don't have to depend on YOU, but on the almighty God who knows everything.

And even when God says "No", you can know that it is for the best. You don't have to wonder "if" you did the right thing when God reveals his answer to our petition.

Prayer is love in motion when you pray for others. And when you ask for something for another (instead of for you), then it is selfless.

Always begin you're prayer with thanksgiving and praise from the heart! Really mean what you thank God for. Don't just say "Thank you Lord for your blessings". Begin with something you are really thankful for and then tell God why you're thankful. This will cultivate true praise and keep you from becoming ungrateful.

Thanking God for His grace and mercy in any situation will see you through even the toughest of times. And you can often learn to be gracious and merciful towards others when, through prayers of thanksgiving and praise, you remember the unmerited grace you have been given. Don't forget to thank God for saving your soul from eternal torment!

Prayer is a means by which you can ask for material and physical needs. It's depending on God to provide food, shelter, clothing, etc. But there are spiritual needs you can ask Him for. His strength, power, and wisdom, self-control in any area of your life. Can you think of other things?

God desires your prayers and it is up to you to fulfill this responsibility.

Prayer is hope, joy, peace, comfort, contentment, happiness and a way of life.

Most importantly, it is private time with God. Just you and Him & nobody else!

2006-09-06 22:25:53 · answer #1 · answered by jollybear 3 · 2 0

Hello!! :o) I hope you're OK. Prayer is very important to me. It's a big part of my life. But I don't make a big production of it. I simply talk to God - whenever the mood strikes me to do so. Which - of course - is what prayer really is. [TALKING TO GOD] Some people - I think - make the mistake of complicating prayer. They have been convinced [because they heard it from someone, somewhere - most likely] that God only listens to prayers IF you SAY the 'right words'. I don't believe that. God loves us and WANTS to hear from us. There is nothing we could ever do OR say that would impress Him. So don't even try. Just TALK to Him. Have a great day!! Craig!! :o)

2006-09-07 06:18:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

prayer is very important in my life. Its the gate way to God. Its the best communication to God and He really is a wonderful listener. He also answers our prayers in His way if we only trust Him.

I pray that you also have a prayer life.

2006-09-07 05:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by Donovan J 2 · 0 0

Thank you for this question.

In Islam we are required to pray the Salat prayer 5 times each day at appointed times. There are also more "optional" Salat prayers that one can do at other times during the day or before and after the required ones. The word "Salat" comes from the Arabic root word which meand "to connect" so these prayers are a way of connecting with God at least 5 times each day. I like to think of it as connecting my heart with God's heart each time I pray these prayers.

The Salat prayers are not like other prayers in that they are not asking for anything, they are not suplication prayers, they are simply for the purpose of worship and paying homage and gratitude to your creator and caretaker. Acknowledging that one is obeying the command to do the payers and thereby submitting to God's will. But the submission is joyous to me, I get to spend time each day, 5 times per day at least where I take time out of my busy routine to be in communion with my beloved.

The other type of prayer in Islam is called D'ua. These are the prayers like the supplicatory prayers. They ask for protection, for safety, for guidance, for forgivness, for mercy, and etc. These can be done at any time, and some are done at specific times, but they are all optional. They can be added after the Salat prayers.

I feel that praying the D'ua is also a way of connection and of admitting that I am dependant on God and willing to live according to how he wants me to live in my life. Especially important in this type of prayer is the Istikhara prayer which is a prayer for guidance that the prophet's (saw) companions said that he taught them in the same way he taught them the Quran.

And Allah knows best.

Peace and Blessings,


2006-09-07 07:01:11 · answer #4 · answered by إمام سليم چشتي 5 · 0 0

prayer to my gods are not necessarily a primary factor in my life. It says they are not listening and watching and I have to actually seek them out. To me and my beliefs that's a bit of an insults. Mine are always with me regardless of my actions. Of course I don't scream out unfair when I find something that doesn't suit me. I am not made to feel inferior to mine, I actually have the option of venerating them and in such cases they have the availability to achieve other goals through me.

They are not parents I move back in with when I can't face my own creditors.

2006-09-07 05:31:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Oh WOW...it's amazing.
It has done SO much for me recently!!
I wouldn't be where I am right now in my life if it wasn't for prayer.
I pray every single day several times a day.
Prayer...it's the best thing ever!!
You're communicating with God, what on Earth could be better than that? Nothing!!

2006-09-07 05:24:38 · answer #6 · answered by redeye.treefrog 3 · 3 0

Prayers are important in our lives.
It is communicating with our heveanly GOD.When you pray you have that closeness with Him and loneliness ,despair is gone.
God is the best "person " to talk to .He knows our pain and understands our nature.
prayer brings one closer to God and he heals all our wounds.
When one prays he
/she surrenders everything to GOD and worry is gone.
Just pray!

2006-09-07 05:41:36 · answer #7 · answered by newdy 1 · 0 0

God speaks to man through His Word, the Holy Bible.

Man speaks to God through prayer.

The more I pray, the better the lines of communication stay open between our Creator and me.

2006-09-07 05:24:59 · answer #8 · answered by steve 4 · 3 0


2006-09-07 05:26:04 · answer #9 · answered by jk poet 4 · 4 0

How Important? Its Life or Death when you beleive.

2006-09-07 05:23:49 · answer #10 · answered by young_megatron 2 · 1 1

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