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29 answers

Why was your child pinched? Was it as a punishment, was it an accident, were they play fighting?

If it was as a punishment, have her charged with assault and report the daycare to the appropriate authorities.

If it was an accident, found out how that happened and discuss this thoroughly with the teacher and her superiors.

If it was during some type of play (fighting) thing, make the teacher attent that you do not approve of that type of behaviour and that you will be watching her for future incidences.

In the above answers, I am also assuming that you child has some bruising and/or is old enough to tell you happened.

2006-09-06 22:23:21 · answer #1 · answered by Jacoba D 2 · 2 0

Well I was abused in day care as a kid and my mom found out long after the fact because I was affraid to tell her. She pulled me out. I guess you could report it and pull your child out. I am not sure who you report it too, but sometimes like in my case it was because the day care center trained the ades to do things like that. Get your kid out of there and then start reporting them to children youth and families they can get investigated and inspected and possibly shut down. They probably are doing many things wrong at that place.

Talk to the kid was that because they were working on a project together or did the teacher come after your child with those tongs? Anything is possible. Day cares are cruel. The ade put dirt in my mouth as a child that is how I was abused in elementary school. I was too ashamed to tell my mom for 2 years. She was very upset when she found out.

Try to ask your child open ended questions as to get the correct story. Like what happened. What was she doing with the tongs. What were you doing. Ask if they were working on a project. Ask if you child was helping with something or picking ups something. Our child will tell you the truth you just have to be careful not to put ideas in. Just ask what was going on at the time. What activity they were doing. If they child says he or she was learning to pick up ice or pick up something you will know. If the child says that he or she was doing something else and being punished will be something different. If it is part of normal learning it is one thing. Also ask the child to point to where he or she was pinched. Try have this be open. Ask the child where the pinch was on his or her body. Then you will know. If it was on something other than the hand it is a dead giveaway that it was not an accident.

Kids need to learn and tongs are not a dangerous thing. I understand that montisori schools use them often. It helps children learn. If we take everything out of schools children will not learn.

2006-09-07 05:09:15 · answer #2 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 3 0

I would go directly to the director and discuss the matter with her, then ask for a meeting with the director and the teacher together. I would also pull the child out of the center until I could clear up what is going on in that child's classroom. Then after the meeting chose if you want to keep the child there or find a different center.

2006-09-08 10:48:30 · answer #3 · answered by axegirl72 2 · 0 0

go in to school the next day and pinch her with some hot tongs, and see how she feels and then tell her the next time she puts a finger or a tong or your child, you are personally going to stick your foot up her behind, and tell her that's a promise. She got to know your serious! Good Luck!!!!

2006-09-09 02:44:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Report the incident to the school administrator and if you do not get a satisfactory response, go to the police. No one should touch your child like that. If it was an accident, report the childcare center to the Better Business Bureau and take your child out immediately.

2006-09-07 18:15:09 · answer #5 · answered by tealover 2 · 0 0

If it was purposeful, you need to inform the principal and have your child transferred to a different classroom. That is unacceptable and that teacher needs to be disciplined and even fired. Your child needs to know you stand behind him or her. You don't have to bad mouth her a whole lot, just let your child know that no one is allowed to treat them like that and you will do whatever you can to make sure it doesn't happen again.

2006-09-10 00:48:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

depends on accidental or with malice. (everyone who says report her even if it was an accident has evidently never ever ever had their child bump into something, fall, get in their way, pinch their finger in something, or in anyway get a bruise, red mark, or cut, etc...! or they could report themselves for abuse as well!). report the latter to police and local govt. can help with follow up. if an accident, talk to determine the how's and whys , express your concerns and question what is being done differently now...

2006-09-07 05:13:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i would definitely call the police.

also, i would read the NICHD research data. It's been known and consistently shown over decades that day care before age 5 is very harmful to children. Even if the day care is high quality, even if there's a live-in nanny, even if dad is the substitute care giver, there are bad effects.

Why? Because we are mammals, we evolved to need our mother's milk and our mother's arms and we are less without those.

Just some of the bad effects demonstrated through extensive research (by women who are trying to prove day care is okay, by the way, which is the saddest part of this) - baby's IQ is lowered, baby's social skills are impaired, baby is more at risk for depression and anxiety, father is more disapproving of baby, mother is less attached to baby, child has more discipline problems, child at risk for attachment disorders, which include sociopathy.

All in all, being pinched in day care is probably one of the smallest problems a child has from day care. It's the perceived abandonment by mommy that's the worse part. People think if their children stop crying, they love, or have gotten used to, day care. No, the child has merely learned that crying doesn't work. In fact, the child learns that what he wants is not important to mommy! The child learns that he/she can't really make an impact on his own situation through his best efforts.

When babies are apart from mommy, their brain floods with stress hormones. This impairs learning and predisposes a child to depression.

2006-09-07 08:59:54 · answer #8 · answered by cassandra 6 · 0 4

im in child care so here is what the book says to do.... 1 if any of the co-workers know about this abuse their just as guilty as she is...they are a mandatory reporter and would be protected by confidentiality and immunity from legal action.... but if they know of it and dunt report they can face a thousand dollar fine and or time in prison.to report by telephone the abuse hot line is

2006-09-10 05:33:43 · answer #9 · answered by Brandie 1 · 1 0

Contact the regulatory agency that provides the day care's license. File a complaint. Move your child out of there!

2006-09-07 20:04:48 · answer #10 · answered by pixiechick 3 · 0 0

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