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was he? was there none else in the whole world who happened to be on their boat at the time of the flood, I believe the Chinese were great explorers at that time and had advanced sailing technology, did none of them survive on their ships

2006-09-06 21:31:57 · 22 answers · asked by gwbruce_2000 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

people actyually believe the Noah story!!!?????

what year is this? i am very upset, how can people be so silly?

2006-09-06 21:40:58 · update #1

22 answers

Only Noah his family and the animals survived.

2006-09-06 21:34:07 · answer #1 · answered by novagirl117 4 · 1 4

Yes. Scripture says Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. Eight people.

Prior to the flood the earth apparently enjoyed a uniform sub-tropical climate everywhere. There were apparently no storms (hence no rainbows, Gen. 9:13), no wind (Gen. 8:1b), no snow, ice, floods. Water from springs prior to the flood was evidently abundant (Gen. 1:10) and a generous nightly mist, or very heavy dew watered the ground (Gen. 2:5). Fossils of tropical plants can be found in Alaska today, great coal beds have been discovered in Antarctica, and hundreds thousands of suddenly quick-frozen warm-weather mammoth elephants in Siberia. The surface of the earth has been drastically altered as a result of the flood. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River was evidently the result of a sudden catastrophic draining of a huge inland lake, etc.

Most of the great mountain ranges we see today were probably build up after the flood by isostatic rebound, and by collision of the continental plates after rapid breakup and accelerated "drift." Before the flood the earth seems to have had just one continent. Division of the continents may have occurred rapidly "in the days of Peleg" (Gen. 10:25)---which was about 150 years after the flood. This can not be strongly supported from the Bible except for the fact that the root PLG (Peleg) is found in modern words such a "pelagic" and "archipelago." All that Genesis 10 actually says about Peleg is "in his days the earth was divided." This could mean a division and migration of peoples rather than referring to continental breakup. Rapid continental drift would have been so disastrous in terms of earthquakes, tidal waves, vulcanism and other upheavals that many scientifically-oriented Bible scholars believe the splitting of earth's original continent ("pangea") occurred during the year of the flood. Technical papers on the subject are available from the Ist, IInd and IIIrd International Conferences on Creationism.

Some people studying this subject seem to date the event far earlier than when you reference the Chinese sailors and explorers. Since there had never been rain before, nor where there oceans to sail on, no one else would have had boats or ships.

2006-09-06 21:36:33 · answer #2 · answered by Augustine 6 · 0 2

How can you be so silly to assume that you know what happened 4,000 years ago?

According to the rate of population, if you go backwards, reversing the rate, you wind up with 6-8 people about 4,400 years ago.
Fits with the flood story perfectly.

You're assuming that there were Chinese people. There weren't. Noah and his family had all the genes capable of producing all of the races there are today.
When people migrated and settled, certain gene traits stayed within those tribes and developed into the races you see today.

The ark was found by the way...right in the exact locations and with the exact dimensions the bible described.

Thinking logically, you would have to conclude that there is some truth to the story.

Thinking illogically would cause you to believe otherwise.


2006-09-06 23:02:00 · answer #3 · answered by IL Padrino 4 · 0 1

There were other ships too believe it or not. not just Noah's family and Friends. And although there's little to no record of Asians, I'm sure some of them made it. Better yet, what about the Africans? None of them on the boat, but they seemed to survive some how. Other "good people" were spared from the flood, Noah is just the most famous. ;)

2006-09-06 21:41:46 · answer #4 · answered by Coool 4 · 1 1

Here is the way to look at scripture. Do not add to it, or subtract from it and try to understand the context, and remember the divisions in the Bible are man made and often are misleading regarding context, in the beginning there was no punctuation it was just one long word, also in trying to understand that part of the Bible which is the old testiment was written in a language different than ours, it was a language based in pictures not ideas so you look for the picture. The picture presented is of a lonely boat on the water however it does not leave out the possiblity that there were other boats. So put it in the ido not know category for specific facts but in the area of trying to understand the story, then it is a picture of one lonely boat. Why is it important to know, except to have something to argue about no reason.

2006-09-06 21:41:03 · answer #5 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 0

According to the bible Noah and his family were the only to survive. We are therefore descended from his lineage.

Its true the Chinese were great explorers. If the Chinese had documented the Flood as had Noah done we would definately have a debate on our hands.


2006-09-06 21:35:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. eight people. Although we first originated with Adam and Eve, and they populated the earth, their descendants [ except Noah and his family] were all destroyed by an Act of God. All people since then are descendants of Noah. [ and he was a descendant of Adam and Eve]. And because he was told to preserve the animals, there is no break in their lineage either. so there was no reason for God to 're-do' creation. It is a matter of faith in what the Bible says.
Genesis 8; 21 And Jehovah began to smell a restful odor, and so Jehovah said in his heart: “Never again shall I call down evil upon the ground on man’s account, because the inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up; and never again shall I deal every living thing a blow just as I have done.
"EVERY LIVING THING" . Can't misinterpret this. Nothing survived, Chinese or otherwise. Only Noah and his family.

2006-09-06 22:11:38 · answer #7 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 1

according to the Biblical accounts only Noah and his family survived. However, there are similar flood myths in other parts of the world. The pre-christian greeks have such a tale, and there are several american indian myths involving the the land being drawn up out of the water.

2006-09-06 21:44:27 · answer #8 · answered by kveldulfgondlir 5 · 0 0

China did not exist in those days. First, God created people (whoever they were we'll never know). Then He created Adam and Eve (this is very confusing but just read Genesis) Well, apart from Adam and Eve, the first people turned bad, Noah was a descendant of Adam and Eve, and it was he and some of his kin that God decided to keep. Well, of course the first fish survived, but all those bad people got wiped out, and Noah and his kin repeopled the earth. Wherever the Chinese came from we'll never know, but they didn't appear till a lot later. Maybe the Chinese God made them. I wonder who He was. Confusing, isn't it.

2006-09-06 21:38:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

there was a guy in Babylon who clung onto a matchstick sized piece of wood and floated happily til the water went down.

As there was no flood does it matter. Lets face it some religious nuts think this flood caused the extinction of the dinosaurs! didn't realise people were around 65,000,000 years ago.

If only eight people survived and we are all descendents of those why are there none of the problems associated with inbreeding.

2006-09-06 21:37:11 · answer #10 · answered by paul m 4 · 0 1

Frankly I do not believe the biblical flood ever happened - there is scientific evidence to suggest that there was a volcanic eruption in the black sea area which caused a flood into the Bosphorous. Which coincidental took 40 days to subside.

This is geologically believed to have occurred 75,000 years ago, as such became legend and Incorporated into the bible as story

2006-09-06 21:40:57 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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