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there is this hadith that Mohammed has said about Ali:Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali(both Sunnies and Shia have this hadith in their books) so why were some ppl in the begening of Islam ,such as Aisha,Moavia,... against him?(even some Muslims are against him now)
and why wasn't he the first calif,even Omar has said:if ALi wasn't Omar was dead(b/c Ali helped him in many cases)

2006-09-06 21:21:23 · 10 answers · asked by nicky 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It looks like you Muslims don't know much about your relegion,5 ppl saw my question,but only one answer,which wasn't a real answer any way.

2006-09-06 21:33:44 · update #1

Jamal thank you for your answer,but this somebody is the prophet ,if he says something about some one shouldn't ppl think more deep about it.and that is not the only hadith about Ali from the prophet,go and look in the sehah books (any of them) you would see many hadith about Ali ,how many would you see about Omar?
I am still waiting for answers.

2006-09-06 21:38:15 · update #2

so you guys sat b/c the Shia talked about this that means it's wrong,I am talking logical,go look in your books and see it for your self,
who chose Aboobakr to become the caliph:ppl at that time , just as ppl go and elect now days, don't ppl make mistakes?

2006-09-06 21:41:50 · update #3

marissa you didn't answer my qustion, either you don't believe in hadith(like wahabies)or you don't know what I am talking about.

2006-09-06 21:54:31 · update #4

marissa some thing else ,who tellsus what is the true way of Islam,Omar ,Ali ,Moavia,as you might know they don't say the same things!

2006-09-06 22:02:08 · update #5

Biomimetik thank you for answering but I don't get how that verses you wrote tells us any thing about Aboubakr,but there is this verse in the Kuran that both Sunnies and shia say its about Ali:
انما ولیکم الله و رسوله والذین آمنوا الذین یقیمون الصلاه و یعطون الذکاه و هم راکعون
ALL sects in Islam say that this verse is about Ali (I hope you know what it means)
and it means if you believe Allah and the prophet as your Vali ,Ali is the same.
the verse that you say is about Aboubakr,only some muslims say its about him but the vers that I said all muslims say its about Ali.

2006-09-06 22:14:11 · update #6

Anas,thank you for your answer,I think All muslims believe that Ali was not a cowered, why did he help Omar,b/c he was worried about Islam, he didn't want the ommah to be split in groups,look ppl went to Omar and asked him relegios questions which he couldn't answer so he sent after Ali to get the answer from him, and this has happened many times(all of them are menttioned in the Sehah books)

2006-09-06 22:18:55 · update #7


2006-09-07 07:23:25 · update #8

10 answers

You say nobody answered your question? Let's see what the questions were!

1- why were some ppl in the begening of Islam ,such as Aisha,Moavia,... against him?(even some Muslims are against him now)

God bless them all, they were not against Ali (God bless him), they were against the postponement of justice establishment about Othman's killers.

You say: "even some Muslims are against him now". This is not true! Some Muslims are against Aisha, Moawiah, Talha, & Alzubair, this is true. But all Muslims are in agreement about Ali.

2- why wasn't he the first calif

And if he was the first khalifa, some one else will come and ask why was not Omar, Abu Bakr, Othman, the first khalifa! Don't forget that Ali was the youngest among them (may God bless them all).

About the verse you added, I'm sorry to say that you did not translate it right! Arabic is my mother language, and there is no way that it could be understood the way you wrote it!

(إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون)

Verily, your Walî (Protector or Helper) is none other than Allâh, His Messenger, and the believers, - those who perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, and they are Râki‘ûn [1] (those who bow down or submit themselves with obedience to Allâh in prayer).

Wali in this verse is different than wali as per shia understanding. Shia say Ali is Allah's Wali. In this verse, God is telling Madina's Muslims that Jewish who left you because you converted to Islam are not your allies, your allies are God, his messenger, and Muslims.

The verse is talking about Muslims' allies, the Shia say Ali is God's ally. you see the difference, and why the verse is not like you understood it?

I know some books mentioned that the last part of the verse is talking about Ali (gbh), as he gave his ring to a poor while he was bowing down performing prayer. Assuming that the verse was talking exclusively about Ali, the verse means Ali is ally to the new Muslims but not children of Quraidah, and children of Qaqa'. Got the point?

About the verse that was mentioned by Biomimietic. Who told you that the verse talks about Ali (gbh)? It was Abu Bakr (gbh) who was with the prophet (pbuh) in the cave not Ali. It's well known that the prophet (pbuh) left Mecca with his friend Abu Bakr (gbh). Ali, who was a kid at that time, stayed in the prophet's bed pretending that he's the prophet so Mecca's heathens thinks the prophet is still there and would not follow him, as they wanted to kill him.

I hope these answers satisfy your search for truth if you are a truth searcher. But if you wrote your questions trying to challenge our beliefs, then you'll never find our answers convincing as we stand on different backgrounds.


2006-09-07 12:53:23 · answer #1 · answered by Weaam 4 · 1 0

These claims are started by Shia's. Well i dont think it is really important if Ali was first khalif or second or fourth. What difference would it make?I mean come on, even he didnt care about that. He didnt care about that as much as he cared about satisfying Allah and entering paradise. And no one ever speaks bad about Ali. Come on Shia's what is wrong with you?

I dont think this is important at all, what would have changed if Ali was first khalif anyway. They all were ruling by same Islamic rules. And by the way all muslims respect Ali same as they respect all Prophet's companions, but Shia's are taking this issue so sensitively i dont know why?

2006-09-07 04:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Aby 3 · 1 1

Nobody is against Ali......
All muslims accept Ali as a historical figure and relative-in law of prophet Mohammed.
Indeed shia muslims give Ali more attention than to prophet Mohammed ( pbuh)..
At the end of all it was prophet Mohammed who had got the Holy revelation, Ali was a kid at that time.

2006-09-07 06:34:44 · answer #3 · answered by Suomi 4 · 1 1

You states in your question that Ali has Helped Omar in many cases, why would Ali help him instead of claiming his right to be chalipha, we sunnies are sure that Ali was not a coward

If he was worried about Islam, and he didn't want the ommah to be split in groups he himself allowed it to go, why wouldn't you –after 1500 year- do the same for the sake of Islam and the Unity of Ommah.

2006-09-07 05:04:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anas 3 · 2 1

It's been reported that Prophet Muhammad (May Allah Exalt his Mention) said:'My companions are like stars, whoever you follow will show you the way'.

Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) is the daughter of Abu Bakar. Hafs the wife of the Prophet is the daughter of Omar (May Allah be pleased with them).

It is up to you to worship people or idols. Muslims worship Allah and Him alone. So your ploy in turning Islam into a Christian Trinity have gone down the drains so far.

Is there any of the Prophet's companions mentioned in the Qura'an, apart from Abu Bakr, find me a verse. Here is one verse that speaks of him:

9.40 . If ye help him not , still Allah helped him when those who disbelieve drove him forth , the second of two ; when they two were in the cave , when he said unto his comrade : Grieve not . Lo! Allah is with us . Then Allah caused His peace of reassurance to descend upon him and supported him with hosts ye cannot see , and made the word of those who disbelieved the nethermost , while Allah ' s word it was that became the uppermost . Allah is Mighty , Wise .

2006-09-07 05:00:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think that this Hadith is found in the Shia books only, or maybe it`s in the Sunni books too but the Shias misunderstood it

this is a very sensitive issue by the way I would take care if were you!!!!!

2006-09-07 04:37:36 · answer #6 · answered by ahmed_mo2nis 4 · 1 1

1) I have no knowledge if Hazrat Aisha was against him
2) But as far as Abu Moavai is concern he was against him as he want to take over the califat for himself. a war of power. He was son of Hinda who killed Hazrat Hamza, unlce of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). so u can easily see why he was against Hazrat Ali.
3) I dont consider any one a Muslim if he is agaisnt Hazrat Ali.
4) Does it make any diffrence if he was not no1 calif? Why Bush is rulling now why he was not elected in 1990? i think its ridiculous to ask why he was not first calif. He was the youngest among all calif so he was elected as calif when time comes.

2006-09-07 05:56:08 · answer #7 · answered by Eccentric 7 · 1 1

woah, this is in no way going to help. follow the Quran and follow the teachings of Allah's messengers, be it Adam to Muhammed-pbuh. our prophet muhammed-pbuh was right.

remember the hadith at the time of muhammed's - pbuh death, when the followers asked -- who will go to Heaven? the prophet said -- the jews will split in 71 sects, but only one will make it to Heaven. the christians will split in 72 sects, only one will go to Heaven while the rest in Hell. Myummah will be divided in 73 sects, one will make it to Heaven the rest will lie in Hell. when the followers asked -- who will go to Heaven of all the saved? prophet replied -- the one who belives - there is no God but ONE GOD ALLAH

BE A GOOD MUSLIM, then u can be watever u want. as per prophet muhammed-pbuh --

the best of the muslim is he who beleives that -- THERE IS NO GOD BUT ONE GOD AND THAT MUHAMMED-PBUH IS HIS MESSENGER.

let he who worshipped muhammed-pbuh know that he was a messenger and that messengers have died before him, but he who worships Allah know that Allah is ALL-ETERNAL AND NEVER DIES.

the best of all muslims is he who follows the true meaning of Imaan-Al-Mufassal. the rest who choose to beleive in words of men rather than words of God are not muslims.

by fighting over the dead people, u are not only torturing their souls, but u are setting up bad examples in front of others. i'm sure even they are unhappy and ashamed about people like these who want to fight for authority. its a shame on muslim ummah's part.

EDIT: a true muslim will PREFER TO FOLLOW ALLAH NOT ANYONE ELSE. THEY WERE JUST TEACHERS FOR US. u know what people like these who fight for authority over dead people are such a disgrace to Islam. it is people like these (lusting for power and authority), who are the reason for Islam to be in such a state. Follow what ur heart says and remember this is such a shame for muslim ummah's part in front of the whole world. Allah, His angels, His messengers and His books must be sending something upon u.

remember, every word u speak is being recorded in BOOK OF DEEDS and on the Day of Judgement, u have to face ur Lord and give an answer to every word infront of Allah. Follow ALLAH AND QURAN, that would make u a better muslim, rather than all this useless talk. who is important to u : ALLAH OR HAZRATH ALI-r.a.? ALLAH CREATED U AND THE CALIPHS WERE TEACHERS. u decide, u follow and u answer to ur Lord.


may the peace and blessings of Allah be with u and may He guide u inthe right path. May He show His mercy on u.

2006-09-07 04:50:27 · answer #8 · answered by marissa 5 · 1 1

I am sunni i don't know anyone who speaks badly of Ali.

As to your question ... My interpretation. is
the division wasn't over the 'truth' it was over the course of action to take as to who should be caliph.
and Just because somebody compliments somebody doesn't mean he should be caliph.

2006-09-07 04:32:16 · answer #9 · answered by Jamal 3 · 1 2

you check the site www.nicheoftruth.org

2006-09-07 04:26:38 · answer #10 · answered by sameera 2 · 0 0

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