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I hear that on saturday that most television stations are going to be viewing programmes relating to the events on 9/11. When will America & the rest of the World realise that what happened on 9/11 just happened & get over it. I think the Americans invasion of Iraq was alot worse that 9/11. I dont hate America or anything I just wish they would shut up about it. They have terrorised the poorer countries of the world for years & when one event happens to them they cant handle it. There is no war on terror & whatever problems they have with the muslims the fact is in the end the muslims are going to win. Hope they remember the following: You give flak, you get it back.

2006-09-06 21:19:32 · 24 answers · asked by Bosco 2 in Politics & Government Military

24 answers

America as a country just seem to overreact to everything.

America is like the school teenage bully who cries when hes falls and scatches his knee, just after kicking some poor child in the nuts.

2006-09-07 00:50:46 · answer #1 · answered by Sandie 4 · 0 2

Never. The world cannot forget 9/11. It is the event that changed the entire course of history. The nations changed, the equations changed, the minds changed and the entire world saw it. The mindset of the people changed. Life of the Muslim (in non-muslim countries) changed. Religious hatred has set in and that is not insignificant. Dear friend the world cannot forget. I just fail to understand how you can call it insignificant.
America invaded Iraq, but you know the natives of Iraq and most of the Muslims supported the US with intelligence and bases. 9/11 was an act of terrorism and Iraq invasion was also an act of terrorism.
The US is just like Frankestein - the scientist (being eaten by its own creations). The foreign policy of the US has been such for decades now. And the entire world will have to pay the price.

But no one can defend/support an act of terrorism like 9/11 or the acts which are putting the US and the entire west to ransom by plotting hijackings and bombing innocent people.

2006-09-06 22:36:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Im English and live in the UK, I watch the documentaries every year about 9/11 and it has not lost its effect.

How can you say Iraq is more significant when that is combatant vs combatant? - 9/11 was every day individuals completely innocent who simply went to work in what was thought to be a safe area. More than 3 thousand people were killed within 20 minutes, is that insignificant?

I think you are a muslim, and can you please tell me how muslims are always going to win? - they have failed miserably so far- the world is becoming increasingly anti-muslim due to the actions of a few.

Also these terrorists gave flak and now they are getting it back.

2006-09-06 21:32:24 · answer #3 · answered by Dale W 2 · 3 1

Norman Podhoretz is a Zionazi pushing the U.S. into wars in Iraq, Iran, and Syria. he's between the architects of Bush's unlawful conflict in Iraq and he's now working for Rudy Giuliani. The chilly conflict became into in basic terms a standoff. conflict ability huge deaths. No huge deaths is not any conflict. Norman Podhoretz is an fool. The 1000's of Islamic fundies can no longer take over any united states of america interior the middle East. They could no longer even triumph over a U.S. city. Conservatives would desire to end insulting our troops by implying that our forces could no longer defeat some thousand punks.

2016-12-12 04:03:13 · answer #4 · answered by endicott 4 · 0 0

I agree that there needs to be some perspective. One would think that the USA was the only country in the world that had been attacked. There is now a 9/11 happening every month in Iraq thanks to the invasions and subsequent incompetence of the occupying (mal)administration. Iraq had nothing to do with Iraq and their innocent citizens are paying the price in ever greater numbers. NOT combatants, but thousands of innocent men, women, children, the elderly and the infirm.

Terrorism happens all over the world. Much of it with the funded support of the USA as in the Kurdish terrorist groups commiting terrorism in Turkey and Iran, and the US funded the IRA for years to name but two examples. Al queda was created by the CIA and MI6. The Pakistani ISI was used to funnel arms, funds and training to Al Queda (when they where known as Mujahadeen freedom fighters the Russians called them terrorists back then.) The details of all the equipment and monies and personel sent were stored in CIA databases. The database for personnel was called AL Queda. That is where they got their name from. It is a database of CIA Assets! So the USA have, for years, used Terrorism as a tool to achieve it's political aims. They have used the fear of terrorism as 'psychological operations' to manipulate populations at home and overseas. It is an accepted, documented central part of what the CIA is created for. It is part of their primary purpose. It is exactly what the USA taxpayer is being taxed for. To create terrorism and then use the fear of terrorism to manipulate populations.

There is a saying, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Your government does fund and create terrorism, don't be surprised when it bites you! if you do not like that fact, get organised and tell your government to stop funding terrorism.

Like Steve Irwin, he took risks I was not at all surprised to hear of his death. I was deeply saddened by it, but not surprised. The USA has been taking the same risks with the safety of it's nation for years.

2006-09-06 22:01:54 · answer #5 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 3 0

Well America is in a tough position. Everyone comes for help,money,support. We open are doors for others to have a better life. But the minute we take a stand on anything we are arrogant, or intruding!!! We are not playing a game with Muslims,we are not at war with Muslims,...YOU are using the word WIN, so that shows where your mind is at!!! We are against terrorist,so you shouldn't be putting all Muslims in the place of being terrorist, it's not right!!! In almost all of the situations America has been involved in, we have been asked to be involved in!!!
You are forgetting that in all the acts that the terrorist are involved in ,they always kill more of their own than anyone else! Well the reason we won't forget 9/11 is that we lost fathers,mothers,children, and our own mean something to us, their not expendable just for the name of hate! I'm sure lots of Muslims were in that building that day, we loved them all the same,...why did they kill them? Killing for the sake of killing, no meaning to it, no reason for it, not one pure,good motivation, just hate,killing for hate! You say you don't hate America,but I'm not sure thats true! I think you need to get real with yourself!!!
Iraq will be free to be any kind of Nation they choose to be,...only the terrorist force their way on others!

2006-09-06 22:03:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think the truth of the matter will never be revealed, it is probably more scary than the fiction.
My first thoughts and I mean absolutely no disrespect to any of those traumatised by the violence of the occasion, were `burning of the Reichstag` but it got america half the bloody world didn`t it ?
It will be Iran next then Pakistan, I really can never see it ending until america has complete control of the world.
It will be one scare after another now for the american people, rustled up by their media, trying to terrify the population into saying `please do something about this awful threat` and they will happily send their children to die for god and america.
What a wonderful way for a very few people to get very rich.
Freedom appears to be ok as long as it is american freedom.
They events of that day have made the world a very scary place.

2006-09-06 22:20:53 · answer #7 · answered by Robert Abuse 7 · 0 3

We should never forget about what happened on 9/11, 7/7 and what happens every day in the middle east. Only by remembering these atrocities will we stop future generations repeating our mistakes.
Show some respect for the people who died on those days and die every day in the various wars going on around the world.

2006-09-06 21:27:37 · answer #8 · answered by Tuppence 4 · 5 0

As if the US govt is gonna pass up an opportunity to get full backing from its country to invade two very strategically important countries to US economic greed. The Govt. in britain an america have milked those events so much its rediculous. new laws, new foreign policy, new enemy, new contracts to replace weapons used in the subsequent war on terror. (investigate govt shareholders of the Carlyle Group and haliburton, and what they do) strange how they cater for every part of the war on terror. its all a con

2006-09-07 00:43:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

America is not accustomed to being attacked.....I'm afraid that if it happens again our response will escalate and part of the world may be completely destroyed. Not just bombed and broken, but erased. We have a military might you apparently are not aware of. I do not wish to see this happen. By the way we are not at war with the Muslims, we are at war with terrorists......Many Muslim people are peace loving and wish no harm to anyone.....try not to confuse the issue.

2006-09-06 21:45:42 · answer #10 · answered by frogspeaceflower 4 · 2 0

being part of the military i feel as if you are wrong about the muslims winning... yes there are more...but we have better wepons than them...and as for 9/11 insignificance...thousands of people died that day... how could you say that has no meaning? it also brought terrorism up when it need to be brought up... the situation needed to be assesed and it was... like it or not... we are still out there and we will be for a long time... so ya

2006-09-06 21:30:00 · answer #11 · answered by tony r 1 · 3 0

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