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8 answers

I was on a very low-fat diet and lost 85 pounds and have kept it off for over 5 years. I kept my fat grams to under 20 grams a day and sometimes quite a bit under that.

2006-09-06 21:25:11 · answer #1 · answered by Rockford 7 · 0 0

If you are starting a low fat diet for health reasons you should be more concerned with the types of fat that you are consuming instead of the amount. If you are doing this to lose weight, cutting down on fat isn’t going to do much if you don't cut carbohydrates, increase the amount of exercise and hydrate yourself.

Your age, general health, weight and cholesterol levels are also factors that you need to take into consideration. Someone just whipping out a number like "Oh just eat 30 grams a day" isn't going to do you any good. If you provide a little more detail, I can try to put you in the right direction as to how much you should consume and what you can expect from it.

2006-09-07 04:23:46 · answer #2 · answered by freak369xxx 3 · 0 1

While fat (especially saturated) is mostly bad, you do need some healthy fats known as Omega 3 and 6, mostly from fish.

If your trying to lose bodyfat, just cutting fat will not do much.

Refined foods that include sugar and white flour are just as guilty if not worse that fat, for making people FAT.

Are you trying to lose bodyfat? If so, the following info is all that you need.

The first things you want to eliminate from what you eat are: sugar, fried foods, and white flour. You want to eat as natural and unprocessed food as possible.

Sugar, anything with it is bad. From Coco-Crispies cereal, nearly all sodas, to a small bag a M&M's. All turn into body fat fairly quickly.

Fried foods. Chips, french fries, etc. All have very high levels of calories and fat. Cut out mayonaisse while you're at it.

White flour. White breads, spahgetti, Ramen noodles, most cereals, tortillas (corn & flour).

Your going to want to eat 5-7 small meals/snacks in a day. That may seem like a lot of eating, but look at it this way. Say your lost in the woods and you need to make a fire that will last all night. Will the fire last longer throwing all the wood you've collected into the fire once or twice during the night, or if you toss a couple of logs in once every 45 minutes-hour?

Your body is pretty similar. You need to feed it a little bit every 2-3 hours to keep it burning fat. The longer you go in between meals, the more likely your body is going to store what you eat as fat. This is because your body doesn't realize that there is food everywhere in the world we live in. It still thinks your a cave-man. And cave-men didn't get to eat very often. Sometimes once every 3-5 days...starving. So our body is designed to store what we eat as fat, because fat has the most energy (calories) per pound. So, if you sleep all night, then skip breakfast and don't eat until lunch at say 11:30am...you probably haven't ate anything in 12+ hours. So, your body thinks your starving, that there is no food to eat. Then you eat a nice, greasy, calorie-loaded slice of pizza. Your body will then store most of it as fat because it thinks there is a food shortage.

Aim for 250-300 calories at each meal/snack.
Also try to eat 20-30 grams of protein at each meal. And of course, your going to want to keep even healthy carbs to a minimum (less than 80 grams a day).

The healthiest carbs are:
Oatmeal (no sugar)
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice

OK carbs are:
Whole-grain bread/buns/tortillas (whole-grain should be the first name on the ingredients list)

Aside from the carbs listed above, your meals should consist of:
Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Egg whites
Low-fat cheese (cottage, string cheese)
Lots of vegtables
Lots of water

You need to drink 1 gallon (128oz)minimum per day. Water is what carries the toxins and fat you burn off out of your body through your urine. It also helps keep you feeling full and does wonders for your skin. If your urine isn't clear like water, drink more.

Also, take a multi-vitamin (like Centrum).

If you were to do cardio like ride a bike or jog for 20-45 minutes everyday AND diet, you'll be several sizes smaller in no time. But remember, losing weight is 90% about what you eat, not how much you exercise.

Bodybuilders and fitness models basically eat this way. Not only is it low calorie, low carb, high in protein and natural...it controls your blood/sugar levels and how your body uses the food based on the glycemic index.

Good luck!

2006-09-07 04:26:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the average for a women a day is 70 grams of fat but try to cut it in half but you've also got to worry about the amount of calories u have

2006-09-07 04:17:23 · answer #4 · answered by sammlwrd 2 · 0 1

how about, around 30, I lost 20 pounds like that!

2006-09-07 04:11:09 · answer #5 · answered by Rei 2 · 0 0

less than 30

2006-09-07 04:10:08 · answer #6 · answered by searay092003 5 · 0 0

15-25 g. / day

2006-09-07 04:21:36 · answer #7 · answered by KAREN 4 · 0 0

read tips on weight loss, claorie burning and exercise programs on this site

2006-09-07 04:11:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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