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Couldn't it be true that God was bored, so on the 1st day bang, 100,000 years later God looks around bored once more and does his thing. That was the 2nd day and so on. I can't imagine time was measured in 24 hour days, before we even had day and night. Also "Cruel God" if you made an ant farm would you look so close that you'd stop one ant biting another. No. So why would God especially as we are so ungrateful. Maybe God made 100's of worlds and our is one of the worst. Not worth the effort. Just a thought.

2006-09-06 20:24:55 · 25 answers · asked by Powerpuffgeezer 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Just as a belief in God does not necessarily rule out an acceptance of evolution as a means of explaining the diversifcation of life on earth, there is no reason why a belief in God should necesarily rule out acceptance of the big bang theory. These things never have to boil down to a case of one or the other; they have never been mutually exclusive.

The Bible explains that God created everything. But it doesn't say how He did it. So why assume He wouldn't have initiated the big bang as a means of getting the job done?

There is more than enough scope for the religiously inclined to embrace rather than reject science, and there is more than enough scope for the scientifically inclined to embrace religion, if they want to. These things never have to break down to an either/or situation.

The "Curel God" thing makes no sense either.

Truly religious people know better than that, and atheists have no right to condemn or otherwise question the motives of an entitiy they don't even believe in. It's like saying in one breath "I don't believe in Father Christmas" and in the next criticising him for not bringing more toys on the big day.

Finally, I reckon that if God existed He'd probably be be pretty pleased with this world. Why would He think it the worst? We live on a beautiful planet, and we're surrounded by the most extraordinary things. And while it's true that humans can behave pretty badly at times, they can also behave well when they want to.

2006-09-06 21:29:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I thought about this too. The fundamentalists would disagree with you because their argument would be that day 2 would have to be the day after day 1, since the Bible does not explicitly state that 100,000 or a billion years passed between day 1 and day 2. But I for one, think that you have a good point.

If one take the creation story in the Bible as figurative but not literal, then not only can the Big Bang theory be compatible, even the theory of evolution can co-exist with the Biblical account of how humans came about.

"Let there be light" -- At the time of the Big Bang, with all the matter that formed our universe and enough energy to send the matter going in all direction, it must be a pretty darn spectacular firework display.

When it comes to the life-forms, the order described in the Bible does NOT conflict with the theory of evolution. In fact, the theory of evolution would support what was described in the Bible. So if one were to think of the Biblical account of creation as God setting things in motion, then the theory of evolution can co-exist with the Biblical account.

2006-09-06 20:45:52 · answer #2 · answered by corous 2 · 0 0

Beg bang or the great explosion theory:

" And have the unbelievers not considered that the heavens and the earth were a mass joined together, then We split them? And We made every living thing of water. Will they not then believe?"
[Qura'n 21:30]

The Universe is expanding "Expansion theory":
"And the heaven, We built it with might, and We will surely be extending it"
[Quran 51:47]

The end of the universe (science says that this universe will eventually die, scientists believe that it will re-collapse again:
"On that Day, We shall roll up the heaven like a written scroll is rolled. As we originated the first creation, so will We bring it back again. This is a binding promise on Us which We shall assuredly fulfill."
[Quran 21:30]

2006-09-06 21:36:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anas 3 · 0 0

21 Billion Years Ago...scientists believe that the first crusts of earth peaked out of the water to form Minnesota. And god created dry land...through an evolutionary process. Now consider that He "formed" man from the dust of the earth and very well could have breathed intelligence in to a creature who through an evolutionary process even from sea creature to full upright stature of ape like huminoid, came to be tired one day and He formed over 21 Billion years such a unique specimen of life...breathed His intelligence into it and "man became a living soul" So...21 Billion years for each Evolutionary Day that Jesus, the Word and Creator, and God of the old testament gave for scientists and God fearing Christians alike to marvel in the wonderfull purpose of an all loveing and all encompassing Friend to every creature of this world. You take this last day that we are Adam through 21st century and you get a mathmatical answer of a 7th day rest being 147 billion years. 144 + 3. Oh, stop being so naive. After all, God is the author of #s and science and most of all, the author of new frontiers. Big Bang? No...intelligent design through an evolutionary process. We both agree.

2006-09-06 20:49:59 · answer #4 · answered by frndchps 2 · 0 0

My thoughts: One wonders why Christians have not just taken the attitude of Marcion of Sinope, and just excise the first chapters of Genesis. Without that bothersome divine creation story, there would be nothing left to hold them against the sciences of geology, astrophysics, and evolution.

Instead, Christians are stuck trying to reconcile their mythos with science. And, of course, they cannot come up with a unified story. "Days of God are not 24 hour days." Intelligent design. Some Christians even go so far as to claim that when God created the universe, he went so far as to create fossilized remains of animals which never actually lived.

If we were to accept that last theory, then why not take it a step further, and say that we all were created yesterday, by God, with complete memories in place?

2006-09-06 20:41:59 · answer #5 · answered by Jim T 6 · 0 0

It never specifies how long god's day is. =) I can't look at this world and not believe there is a god. But it is also ignorant to believe out of no where poof-ed a platypus!!! If he created the universe don't you think he could work INSIDE of the rules in that universe. Come on have you seen some of the outrageous creatures here?!? Couldn't evolution have had a helping hand?

2006-09-06 20:33:32 · answer #6 · answered by Jess 1 · 0 0

Isaiah a million:13 - God starts off to bare His displeasure with the Sabbath. Matt. 28:a million; Mark sixteen:2,9; John 20:a million,19- the Gospel writers purposely show Jesus' resurrection and appearances have been on Sunday. it is because of the fact Sunday had now grow to be the main needed day in the life of the Church. Acts 20:7 - this text shows the apostolic custom of amassing jointly to have fun the Eucharist on Sunday, the "first day of the week." Luke archives the theory worship became into on Sunday because of the fact this became into between the departures from the Jewish sort of worship. a million Cor. sixteen:2 - Paul instructs the Corinthians to contribute to the church homes "on the 1st day of the week," it is Sunday. it is because of the fact the time-honored day of Christian worship is Sunday. Col. 2:sixteen-17 - Paul teaches that the Sabbath became into purely a shadow of what became into fulfilled in Christ, and says "enable no person pass judgment any further over a Sabbath." 2 Thess. 2:15 - we are to hold rapid to apostolic custom, whether this is oral or written. the two,000 twelve months-old custom of the Church is that the apostles replaced the Sabbath day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. Heb. 4:8-9 - bearing directly to the day of relax, if Joshua had given relax, God does not later talk of "yet another day," it is Sunday, the recent Sabbath. Sunday is the 1st day of the week and the 1st day of the recent creation further approximately by making use of our Lord's resurrection, which became into on Sunday. Heb. 7:12 - whilst there's a metamorphosis in the priesthood, there's a metamorphosis in the regulation besides. because of the fact we've a clean Priest and a clean sacrifice, we easily have a clean day of worship, it is Sunday. Rev a million:10 - John extraordinarily factors out that he witnesses the heavenly Eucharistic liturgy on Sunday, the Lord's day, the recent day of relax in Christ. Matt. sixteen:19; 18:18 - regardless of the Church binds on earth is definite in heaven. because of the fact the resurrection, Mass has been generally celebrated on Sunday.

2016-10-14 10:04:54 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If the big bang theory is true..God caused it.

The book Of exodus was just proven a fact on the history channels special : Exodus decoded. God works through Nature and Science, atoms, and Nutrons, matter, and substance is all GOD

2006-09-06 20:34:01 · answer #8 · answered by young_megatron 2 · 0 0

The big bang theory could be true if it was part of God's plan but the purpose of the big bang theory is to nullify God, deny creation and shut Christians up. It didn't work, we are still talking about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and about our having been created in the image and likeness of God.

2006-09-06 20:35:09 · answer #9 · answered by Robert L 4 · 0 1

If there was a big bang or not, if God cares or not. You are here. Regardless of trivial details, we all have a desire to be happy, figure that out, because it will help you out more than knowing how the universe began, which noboy will ever know, or has ever known.

2006-09-06 20:28:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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