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If Islam and the Kuran in so great why do so many ppl strap bombs to themselfs and kill all the time?....This was going on even before the US went to war in Iran.

2006-09-06 19:40:43 · 16 answers · asked by Sandra♥ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Islam has much to answer for.
They've made themselves a disease.
It didnt have to be this way - Islam is the cause.

2006-09-07 02:50:23 · answer #1 · answered by Alexander Shannon 5 · 0 1

I'm sorry to tell you this but most westerners are blinded by their media. They show you what they want you to see, which is only their side of the story. I'm an Arab Muslim and I lived in the states for a few years back in the 80's. The war between Lebanon and Israel was on at the time and because I was young the only thing i knew from TV was that the Lebanese are terrorists and I started hating them. Now I can see what is actually going on. First, please understand that in Islam it is forbidden to kill civilians, women, old people and children but some uneducated people go out and do that in the name of Islam which made lots of people hate Muslims. They do not represent true Muslims or Islam.
Second the bombers in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Israel have been through hell with the West and their own government. We cannot judge them because we haven't been in their shoes. Did you know that the Israelis would torture a man's family in front of him then kill the male members and then rape the women in front of him then kill them then kill him. What would you do when you live like that everyday for decades? This has nothing to do with Islam now it's about human rights, dignity, revenge which every human being has in his soul. When you watch a movie aren't you happy at the end when the hero takes revenge for someone that raped his wife or killed his family? I'mnot encouraging it but what I'm saying is please don't think that these suicide bombers in England, Spain or wherever are representatives of Islam.

2006-09-06 20:19:34 · answer #2 · answered by Ocean 2 · 1 0

Just to play Big D's advocate here...

If Christianity and the Bible is so great why have so many ppl been so violent, depraved and decieved?

I cite The Witch Trials, The Irish Potato Famine, The Crusades... and many others.

I am Christian myself, but I do not consider all the things above as being stuff the wider Christian community should get into nor think they should have happened in the first place. I think the same leway should be given to Muslims - the great majority of whom have never considered strapping a bomb to themselves.

Look further back in history...

2006-09-06 19:59:18 · answer #3 · answered by Tish-a-licious 3 · 2 0

Since WWII ended Islam has been used as the focus, inspiration and rallying point of a new nationalist movement to take back power in the Middle East. The French in Algiers, the Jews in Israel, are outsiders, in the way of earlier inhabitants, who've found a means to seize power. At its top it's not a religious movement at all, but the ignorant religious masses are being manipulated by their own stupidity into becoming soldiers in the "holy jihad against the infidel." The leaders calling for a Muslim Theocracy in the Middle East are just trying to scam themselves into positions of power, like any other petty tyrant, on the heads of the soldiers who've died.

2006-09-06 19:55:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

please dont intemingle religion and politics. No religion in this world ever spread terrorism or war. It was and it is still all political thing. and few people name it as religion.
I think Hitler was not a muslim who killed millions of people. neither Mussolini or Napoleon was a muslim. As far as i know the first strap bomb was created and used by Tamils to kill Rajive, PM of India. and those Tamils were not muslims, (it was agian a political murder. and no body put it on religion) so why now a days all are blaming religion for todays terrorism?

Please for God Sake, see all these things in the light of politics and not in religion.

2006-09-06 22:51:03 · answer #5 · answered by Eccentric 7 · 1 0

There are two sides of everything, i.e. good and bad, day and night, black and white, hard and soft, etc. In the same way there are two sides of muslims, i.e. good muslims and bad muslims.Not all muslims are good likewise not all muslims are bad.

So stop taking all muslims wrong.Islam is the religion of peace and it teaches good things and kindness to its followers but if the followers neglect the teachings and follow their own stupidities then who is bad they or Islam, ofcourse they are wrong and bad but Islam and its teachings are not.

One more thing if muslims follow their supidities and wrong sides then remember Allah curses them and they are eliminated from Islam so please don't call them muslims, they are not muslims rather worst than non muslims.

Whoever is making terrorist attacks, it is still a mystery, nobody knows them.They could be non muslims in the disguise of muslims.We have not seen them just heard and there is a great difference between something we hear and see.May be somebody is trying to give bad name to muslims and islam in their disguise.So please open up your mind and don't associate terrorists to muslims because Islam strongly condemns the killings of innocents.The lives of all innocents are as sacred to us as our own lives then how come we could kill our ownselves.

2006-09-06 20:00:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

you tell me when the US went to Iran? i assume you said Iraq.

Al Qaida is a terrorist organization that swore allegiance to their leader Osama Bin Laden who was originally a CIA agent.
the Al Qaida group was invented/trained/supplied by the CIA to fight the soviet occupation of Afghanistan back in the 80s.

the US since then left them after the falling of the soviet union.
in the early 90s the US went to war in Iraq ( 1st Gulf war ) and ever since then they stayed in the middle east.
there are hundreds of US military bases all over the middle east as we speak.
Al Qaida sees this as a foreign Occupation and they believe they must fight them until they kick them out.

most of the middle east countries leaders are American puppets and dont do nothing useful for their people. they are there to do as they are told by the US and that's it.

AlQaida started off with attacks on American embassies and military compounds. all over the middle east until the last terrorist attack on 9/11 which may well be orchestrated by this administration.

Islam denounces terrorism and Al Qaida does not represent Muslims and Islam.
God does not want us to kill any one.
those people are NO LONGER Muslims the seconds they even think about harming an innocent life!!!

in the Quran it say that if a some one kills an innocent life it is as if he/she has killed ALL of humanity!!!

i hope this helps

peace .

2006-09-06 19:54:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I just dont understand one thing abt Islam, they say GOD is one and he is the only one who is worshipable and NO ONE ELSE.

But if any Ismalic guy reads my answer can u just let me know did Allah made his appearance on earth and performed his pasttime? Whatever descriptions have been written by Prophet Muhammad (iguess he is the writer), did all or any of them were confirmed by Allah?

I am sry i m not disrespecting u Islam, i am just curious to know that, and i find no better place to get answer.

And i really dont know y r they doing war things?

Jesus Christ Says 'Thou Shalt not kill'
but so-called followers of christ are maintianing non-veg consumption. And they interpret that as this is only meant for humans not animals but the meaning is simple.

So, it is safe to assume that ppl interpret their religion let it be hinduism ... cos i have seen ppl have give their best to exploit hinduism...... they just love to interpret or better i say misinterpret to make their evilish desire getting fulfiled using the name of lord.

2006-09-06 19:50:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

let me 1st tell u that many muslim countries esp those in middle east are uneducated and they dont have jobs. the economy is so poor that most of them have nothing to feed their kids for the next mealtime. now how do u think such people can buy bombs, explosives and guns that cost millions.?

apart from that, they see that many people from the rest of the world attacking their children, brothers, mothers. they see people from other countries coming as soliders of peace and raping their wives, and daughters. now how do u think a hungry, uneducated, jobless man who is tortured in every sense, will react ? he will be more than willing to bomb himself for justice.

the problem here is such mass of people are EASY TRAPS FOR EXTREMISTS, CORRUPTED MULLAHS AND POLITICIANS. they can be easily misled just by showing what had been done to their family.

isnt it the RESPONSIBILTY OF G1 COUNTRIES too,? just BRANDING URSELVES AS G1 countries isnt enough. its ur DUTY to help other UNDER/DEVELOPING - COUNTRIES. when will u help them, u even havent provided the Hurricane Katrina survivors with much needed help, check out ur facts.

and if u want to help such countries, then just dont sit here and bomb them or find fault with their faith. we should liberate their men and women by educating them, get them jobs and help them stand on their feet and make them independant financially and emotionally. make them strong by virtues, independence and character. just being or belonging to a G1 country is not enough, the deeds and helpful tendency should also be there.

btw, u people speak so much of liberation and freeing others, then why is it that we dont see Africa as atleast developing country. is it just plain talks what u are goig to give us or will the world see some good actions from the other side too?

2006-09-06 19:46:17 · answer #9 · answered by marissa 5 · 1 1

You mean Iraq? The people who strap bombs to themselves are only a small percentage that are EXTREMISTS. You're generalizing.

2006-09-06 19:46:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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