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If not, then why do ALL of them give me the impression that they think they are better than me?

2006-09-06 19:32:38 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Actually becoming a Christian is not realisation that you are better than anybody, but that you are a pretty despicable character - somebody who was so bad that only God himself could do something about it. But at the same time somebody who was so loved by God that he himself was prepared to do something about it - to be born as a human, to suffer cruelly and to die.

God did that for me. But that doesn't make me better that you because - and this is the fantastic bit - he also did it for you.

Some Christians might give the impression that they are better than others. But that is wrong. What they may be judging is not you but your behaviour - something that you do which they now know to be wrong.

There's no bigger anti-smoker campaigner than a former smoker; and there's nothing bigger than an anti-sinner campaigner than a former sinner.

The difference is that it is easier to give up smoking than it is to give up sinning - that's why we can come across as hypocrites.

But please remember. Being a Christian doesn't make a person holy, chaste and good - although that's what a Christian should try to be. But so far as God is concerned it does wipe the slate clean.

2006-09-06 19:44:58 · answer #1 · answered by stafflers.t21@btinternet.com 3 · 2 0

Well I am a christian and I don't feel that I am better than others. Look at Jesus He humbled himself to die for (me) us. And he did not mingled with the those who were in high society but he was among the poor, the drunken, the thieves and the unrighteous.

Jesus came to restore what was lost. And if I am confessing Christ then I have to follow his footsteps. meaning that I should not think that I am better than anyone.

But remember Christians also know the difference between right and wrong seeing that we know the truth; Sometimes when a person is walking without Christ they may appear different to us who are in Christ.

Christians are a particular people that apply the word of God to their lives, if they don't apply the word of God to their lives, they are not really Christians.

So maybe who ever is giving you that impression is a hypocrite and not a christian.

2006-09-07 02:57:48 · answer #2 · answered by Donovan J 2 · 1 0

I would interpret your question as follows: "Why do they give the *impression* of being better than others?"
If so, the word "impression" gives the answer - it is in the eye of the beholder.
BUT. They give me that impression too. And I think this has far more to do with historical and social connotations than with philosophy behind this particular religion (you know, theory and practice... ;) )
Nowadays, many people try to revive the spirit of their favourite religion, they try to be true to the spirit of it, and so one can find among these many sweet and nice to the point of being saccarine people, as well as fanatics, mystics and average, 'decent' folks... But overall impression is based not on them but on a centuries-old stereotype that encompasses everything from inquisition and Crusades to "bringing the light of the true religion" to "barbarians" of Americas and other continents. And they had started by having good intentions...
There are simply too many stains on the white robes of this religion as an institution. And one would need a *lot* of detergent to wash it off :)
Which makes the abovementioned overall impression.

Buddhism rules! lol ;P

2006-09-07 06:42:54 · answer #3 · answered by Sattva 2 · 0 0

All of mankind is the same. No one is more and no one is less than anyone else. They have no right to think they are. I am a Christian. I don't go to church but I believe in God the Father and I believe in his son Jesus. I also believe there is only one God. There are many different religions but they are worshiping the same God. The religious leaders choose to determine how each religion pays homage to God. Some leaders . . . not all leaders . . . but some are corrupt and get involved in the political agenda. All of mankind is created equal. God loves all of us equally. We are all the children of God. He is our Father in Heaven. Some day we will have to stand in judgement and answer to him, just as we have to answer to our earthly parents. God sent us to earth with our free agency. We will be judged by our deeds . . .our good deeds and our bad deeds. It is so simple but we have made a big mess of it. I know God looks down upon us with wonder. He can't be happy with what he sees and I believe he sees the whole picture all at a glance. The day will come when he has had enough and then we will feel the "WRATH OF GOD".

I hope you don't put me in a certain catigory just be cause I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God. That is what a Christian is. A Christian is some one that believes Jesus Christ is the son of God.

It is not necessary that we need to know what religion we are to be friends, just as it isn't a necessity to know what our political views are. I would want you to just think I would be a true and honest friend to you. I hope I haven't told you more than you wanted to know.

2006-09-07 03:19:34 · answer #4 · answered by DeeJay 7 · 1 0

With all due respect, I think that's all in your mind. Then again, maybe it's not. There certainly are some christians who forget where they came from. I am an evangelical christian. I get that all the time. They tell me " you christians think you're better than thou". I could make that same argument for any non-believer. Why did Jesus come to this planet? The bible is clear on that one. He came to die for the sins of the world. You have a perfectly Holy & Righteous God who has a divine nature that has certain attributes. One of the attributes is justice. This means He cannot just wink at sin. He must judge sin......... All sin. Since we've all sinned everyone of us should be destined for Gods wrath. You say 'I don't like that". Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. That's just the way God is. He can't change himself. Actually, he cannot change, period. Perfection cannot change.
But, another attribute of his is perfect love. God didn't want to pour his wrath on man. God loved man. But He had a conflict within his own nature. His Justice wanted to pour wrath on man and His Love wanted to Love man. How did He reconcile the two warring attributes. He came up with a plan whereby the 2nd person of the Trinity(namely Jesus) took on a 2nd nature(a human nature) as well as a human body(the Incarnation) and came to earth, lived a perfect life and then died on a cross for the sins of man. God had, in essence, poured his wrath on his own Son instead of us. Now His Justice was satisfied and he was free to Love man.
What is the first thing a person must acknowledge before he can become a christian? Who did Jesus come to earth to die for?
SINNERS. Therefore, what is the first thing a person must acknowledge before he can become a christian? He must acknowledge that he is a sinner. If you're not a sinner, why would you need Jesus? A non-believer is saying, in essence, "I'm not a sinner, hey I'm OK, I live a good life". So who really is "better than thou"? The christian who is admitting he's a sinner or the non-believer.
The non-believer just has the idea that if you live a good life and your good deeds outweigh your sins you'll go to heaven. God just kind of grades on a curve. First of all, you better make sure your definition of sin is the same as Gods definition. Do you consider little white lies, a little cheating here and there, bad thoughts anger, bitterness,envy and jealousy towards other people, gossip......do you consider these to be sins. God does. I think if we all had a big 50 inch screen hovering above our head and on it were printed all of our evil thoughts,anger and so on and it went with us everywhere we went, I think none of us would want to leave the house. You say "don't you think that's a little strict of God". No. Because he's already paid for all those sins. All we have to do is come to him and accept what he's already done. You say "I don't think it's totally fair for some bad thoughts or gossip or whatever to get me separated from God eternally.......If I kill people that's a different story.......why couldn't He just send people to hell for an hour or a day or a month or a year, depending on how bad a life they lived". I'm not sure I have an answer for that because I'm not sure the bible reveals that. If it's not revealed, anything I say is just speculation. But let me speculate a little. Time had a beginning. Even the scientists say that. We live in a 4-dimensional universe(3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time). The universe had a beginning(according to the big bang). Therefore, time had a beginning. But God didn't have a beginning so God is outside of time. Time ends when we die. Then we go into eternity which is time-less. What is timelessness? Don't ask me. I've read articles by physicists(and other scientists), philosophers and religious experts on timelessness and I still don't understand the concept. Why doesn't God just ban us from his presence for an hour,day,month or year? Because in eternity, there is no such thing as hour, day, month or year. Those things are all related to time. In eternity, there's just eternity, sort of the ETERNAL NOW. Again, don't ask me to explain that. If the bible is true, wherever you end up after death, that's where you'll stay....forever. I know the catholics talk about a state called purgatory. I'm still waiting for them to show me where they find that in the bible.
I believe, as a christian, that I'm going to heaven, not because I'm "better than thou". I'm going to heaven because someone has already paid for my sins, namely Jesus, and I've accepted Him and turned my life over to Him. There is a law in the U.S.(I've been told) that says if you commit a crime and are convicted and someone(maybe a father or brother) offers to take your punishment, you will go free. That is exactly what God did for us. He took our punishment Himself through His Son. God doesn't grade on a curve. Even if you could convince me that you've got many good deeds and relatively few sins, I would still say that a Holy, Righteous God would still have to judge those few sins. We even do that here on earth. If you are driving 95mph in a 65mph zone and a cop pulls you over, you're not going to say" well I drive 65 most of the time, this was just one time". He's just going to tell you "I'm not giving you a ticket for what you do most of the time, I'm giving you a ticket for this incident".

2006-09-07 04:04:25 · answer #5 · answered by upsman 5 · 1 0

That is just your conviction speaking!

Christians who have grown in grace don't usually leave this impression. We realize that we are only sinners saved by the grace of God. We battle the flesh every day. We win some, we lose some, BUT when we confess our sins, we know that Jesus is just and faithful to forgive.

I offer Christ to you! He will give you peace in the midst of all the storms in your life and save your soul to be with him for all eternity!
If you are interested in how, contact me. God bless you.

2006-09-07 02:39:38 · answer #6 · answered by Chris 5 · 3 0

I know that some give that impresion. Some might actually think that. We are all sinners who can convince ourselves of many things. But test what you read upon something if you want wisdom;

Are they preaching themselves, or Jesus Christ?

If you think that you are feeling that way during a factiod about Jesus, that may be a good thing. It could mean that you are chosen.
Could you stomach being chosen by God?

2006-09-07 02:37:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a Christian and I am NOT better then anyone. I have my faults Just like anyone. I don't believe I ever said anything rude to you to make you feel this way If i am wrong Forgive me. I am only Human

2006-09-07 02:57:42 · answer #8 · answered by Proud Mommy 6 · 1 0

No we aren't. We are fallible human beings, just like you and everyone else on the planet.

You might want to watch your use of absolute quantifications, i.e., ALL. When you do that, you undermine your own position. (Sorry, the English teacher in me just came out for a minute there.)

2006-09-07 03:22:08 · answer #9 · answered by Sandy S 3 · 1 0

Oh no. Jesus himself would tell you this. The irony is that Jesus would never exept so many to follow his word. His was much to humble to accept such a future. Those who deify Jesus are worshiping false idols. Jesus knows no peace. He was a man as we all are human. Thankfully he was of high moral character. Nothing more than a man. Living during a time of otherworldly ignorance. There is more our there than any human can explain, even Jesus Christos. It is typical pompous Christian attitude to be rightous... and ignorant..GOD PLEASE FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. Your question is too vague. What of the 20 + or- type of Christian are you directing your question to. ORGANIZED RELIGION IS THE EVIL POWER THAT DESTROYS!!!!!

2006-09-07 02:41:26 · answer #10 · answered by manisgodisnature 1 · 0 1

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