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I have not discplined her before and now that I haven't I don't know if she'll get it if I do. How do I make her understand a time out. I refuse to spank my child. Don't know what other options are out for a child of this age.

2006-09-06 19:15:49 · 15 answers · asked by niknac 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

15 answers

READ SOME GREAT PARENTING BOOKS then take what you like and leave the rest P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, The Nanny show on T.V. has a lot of basics of disciplining without violence and a lot of innovative techniques...Make time away for yourself with spouse or friends or alone whatever recharges your own emotional battery so that you are on a full tank to give out to her of yourself, try a mom's play day group, a lot of churches have them,or get a massage,perspective is everything this time will pass like a blink of an eye do whatever you need to for enjoying as much of it as you can and make positive memories. Something I found helpful was a list of what are normal tasks for each age group,like being able to follow one direction at a time but maybe not two or three,the need for transitions from one thing to another like,it's almost time to say'"good bye park" hey do you remember where mommy parked the car?Name the car together,maybe. Oh good let's go to it after we say good bye park,good bye swings, good bye friends. And the sing along learning tapes are so good and can teach manners as well as alphabet and numbers and colors. And Sunday school is a good place for little ones to learn about love and good behavior too. I wish you joy with her no matter how far away it is right now. I'm just going to say a prayer right now for you. Good night.....Hey Charlotte's mom has it right it's the learn to say words time.

2006-09-06 20:02:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, I dont think 25 months is too young to give her time out as by that age they understand the concept of being naughty and being told off. Someone close to me also finds it hard to discipline her two year old. If not already I think you should watch supernanny. Thats a great real life programme and Jo Frost handles them really well. I never thought this would work but I tried out the naughty step. At first my nephew wasn't having it and would run back but after a lot of patience and consistency it worked. Basically when your child is naughty, always always give her a warning that if she doesnt start to behave that you will put her on the naughty step. If she misbehaves again take her straight away to a naughty corner or naughty step, instruct her to sit there until she calms down and to think about what she has done wrong. By 25 months she will hopefully understand this. Leave her there for 2 minutes, when time is up see to her. Try and be assertive, lean down to her level, never stand and look down at her as that can be quite frightening for them. Have an authoritative tone but whatever you do, do not shout. Tell her the reason why you placed her onto the naughty step and that her behaviour was unacceptable. It may not work for the first few days so long as you keep on at it you will succeed.
Now everytime my nephew misbehaves I always mention the naughty step and he becomes an angel again.
Good luck I hope this works, and by the way, it is never too late to discipline!

2006-09-07 07:30:20 · answer #2 · answered by hmi 2 · 0 0

Are you trying to put her in order after 25 whole months?
It's too late! What have you been doing before?
Nevertheless, if there is nothing pathologic -first, consult your pediatrician- you can start by rewarding her every time she behaves correctly and ignore her every time she misbehaves (you can leave her alone in her room, just make sure you watch her from a monitor or through the key hole because if she believes that she is unattended, she might do stupid things).
She's old enough to understand that her behaviour has the relevant results to your behaviour and she will calm down. This will not happen from one day to another, it might take more than two months, but be prepared and patient.

Good luck!

2006-09-07 02:28:11 · answer #3 · answered by ngiapapa 4 · 1 1

What would you do if you were ignored or could not communicate? How would you get your point across? Point and gesture? What if the person would not or was not paying attention or could not read your body language? You would WHINE out of pure frustration!!! Why must children act like adults at 25 months old? Most children are just curious and need guidance...yes this takes allot of time and energy. You can redirect her when her behavior is in need of it, but I bet if you start trying to read her body language there will be a great deal less whining. Children want desperately to please.

2006-09-07 02:56:54 · answer #4 · answered by sassilass06 3 · 1 1

Your daughter is a toddler and in my opinion too young to understand time-out. You mention your daughter whines a lot, I'm assuming her language is quite limited like any 2 year old. The whining is her way of communicating. She is getting a response from whining. Some ways to help with this is when she wants something ie, toy, to be picked up etc. Instead of giving her what she wants with the whining encourage her to use her words. For example, if she wants a toy... remind her (in a positive way) to use her words. Always praise for any effort.

2006-09-07 02:33:52 · answer #5 · answered by Charlotte's mom 2 · 2 1

Invest in a child gate. When she misbehaves give her a time out. When she whines or throws tantrums put her in her room with the gate up and walk away "ignore" her. Every once in awhile take a peek in on her but go on about whatever it is that you usually do. She is seeking attention and at this phase it doesn't matter if it's good or bad attention she just wants attention. Once you show her that her behavior is not going to get her attention she'll back off.

2006-09-07 02:19:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

#1 there is a difference between spanking and abusive spanking a couple of light taps on the behind is NOT abusive.

#2 go ahead and try a time out. a special seat in the corner and away from the fun immediately after the bad behavior....at 25 months she should get it.

2006-09-07 02:30:36 · answer #7 · answered by pheonixardent 2 · 2 1

first off, for every person that answrs this as the "terrible twos", i;ll choke you out now.

any parent with experience know the terrible twos never end, they just get more exppensive, and sometimes bring about legal charges.

as far as beginning discipline, you just have to be firm and consistent.

when she exhibits behavior you want to change put her in time out, somewhere secluded, not her own room and with no activity. start small something both she and you can handle a minute or two.

you just have to be firm and NEVER waffle, NVER waffle, NEVER waffle and make sure anyone else helping you raise her (spouse, parents) know what your system is and are as consistant with it as you are.

2006-09-07 02:24:01 · answer #8 · answered by daughters_a_wookie 4 · 1 1

your little one is not too young for time out.mine gets time out in crib, sometimes a light spanki on bottom or hand.give stickers for good behavior. best advice, tell your self, IM THE BOSS dont give in to her. it worked for me. also it IS the terrible twos. there being independent at this stage and are very smart, anyone with kid knows this. oh ya i change the subject right away and make funny faces to get her out of the mood. works 99 % of the time.talk to her in a normal manner like, she knows what your talking about, trust me.

2006-09-07 02:59:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It only takes a few words, not a lecture. They listen, but do not comprehend big words.
Set up a time out bench for whining and such. Same place, same chair, and same amount of minutes.
Mom...most important...she needs to know that you are a confident mom!
Be consistent. She will outgrow this.
Good luck!

2006-09-07 02:20:36 · answer #10 · answered by easygoingfemale44 2 · 2 1

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