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I was taking anit-depressents for a yr. in half now, and I just decided to stop this month, now I don't feel myself and I feel really weird like I have to rely on drugs to make me feel normal agian. I'm also easily frustrated, but I really don't want to take them anymore cuz it feels wrong..Please help!!

2006-09-06 19:05:07 · 6 answers · asked by abc 3 in Health Mental Health

6 answers

Some of them have wothdrawal symptoms, escpecially Paxil so that is pretty normal. You may also feel more depressed for a month or so til everything levels out.

It is going to be hard to come off of them cause they were stopping your brain from taking up the chemicals that you need - the ones that were lacking which causes depression. So - now that you are off of them, your brain chemistry is going through something and changing - trying to figure out what happened almost - and fluctuating but it will level off. Just like it took some time to see any effects from taking them, it takes time to get them out of your system and level off - feel back to normal again.

It is not relying on them to make you feel normal. People take these (I did a while back too) because something in their brain chemistry is off - so really your brain needs them in order to keep the serotonin and norepinephrine at the right levels. - Brains in depressed people lack these 2 chemicals. I used to think the same way - that I don't want to take something to feel happy cause then it is a feigned happiness and it isn't real so what is the point but that was the wrong way to think - sometimes you need them.

Also, when you come off medication, you are supposed to ween off to aviod any side effects &/or withdrawal symptoms.

If you need to take them, you should. Soooo many people do due to all the stress in their lives. If I were you I wouldn't think so much about taking them if they help you - like vitamins - people need to take them to give their body what it needs. Same thing for you with these. You may need to take them to give your body what it needs. And that is ok... so really think about it and decide if they help you feel better. If they do - that is ok. If something makes you feel better, why wouldn't you want to take it. Though- sometimes it is good to take some time off of them to see if you need them anymore but you should consult a Dr. first and ween off anytime you come off any medication.

2006-09-06 19:11:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not sure why you're feeling like you're "coming down with something"...but if it's your mood, I don't think that's too surprising, unfortunately. People who stop their antidepressants quickly instead of tapering them off can feel miserable! If you're feeling crappy but really don't want to be on meds anymore, I might recommend continuing a half-strength dose for a week, and then a quarter strength dose for a week, and then go off altogether. It might give your body time to compensate for the abrupt decrease in neurotransmitters resulting from stopping your antidepressant quickly. Also, exercise has been clinically proven to lift moods, even in those with major depressive disorder. It's been shown to improve neurogenesis in the hippocampus (an area important for emotion and for memory/concentration) so you might want to augment your mood with some aerobic exercise...whatever sounds like fun to you!!
Best of luck!

2006-09-06 19:15:16 · answer #2 · answered by Tamiatadokas 1 · 0 0

It is not wrong to take them...if you need them you need them. You stopped cold turkey and that isn't good. You are suppose to wein yourself off of them. That is probably why you are feeling weird. Why do you feel you don't need them anymore? Sometimes life can be going great and you feel you don't need them, but if your doc but you on them he did for a reason. Please have a talk with him. If you have been taking them for that long you can't just stop taking them....it will make your body go nuts. I know for sure that I can't stop taking mine right now....but that doesn't make me nuts or crazy. I just need some help to get through the day. There is nothing wrong with it. Be good to yourself and see your doctor. He doesn't get 150 an hour for nothing. He knows what is best for you.

Be good!!!!!

2006-09-06 19:21:42 · answer #3 · answered by Aimee B 2 · 0 0

congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have taken the first step to changing your whole life. Your body is going through withdrawals because you were so dependant on those drugs. Start to exercise more and eat better and those weird feelings will disappear in no time at all. Not only will you re-shape your body, you will discover a whole new anti-depressant called endorphins and your body creates them naturally.

2006-09-06 19:13:35 · answer #4 · answered by danny_austin4 4 · 0 0

some of them make you have withdrawal symptoms
zoloft is real bad about that and sometimes effexor
if you have to get back on them cymbalta is good
i understand what you about not wanting to take them but some of them are good and can make yuou feel like you were meant to
you just have to find the right one because some of them can make you feel worse like a zoombie or not like yourself

2006-09-06 19:35:40 · answer #5 · answered by crystal h 4 · 0 0

That's what happens when you do drugs.

2006-09-06 19:11:33 · answer #6 · answered by taurus 4 · 0 1

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