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I'm not too sure how many people out there ask themselves this though, so I'm posting it for people to give their reasons. (no this is not an attack)

First, if you don't want to give the true reason then that's ok. No need to post witless coments like "none of your business"

Second, people who cut and paste scriptural dogma to reinforce their beliefs are probably the most insecure people I've ever have talked to. If you have to cut and paste your beliefs, your reasons you're already in trouble.

Third, please explain, whether it is by logic, fear, security, happiness etc...

I don't ask to argue. I ask to understand.

2006-09-06 18:45:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I hope to bring new light and understanding. Usually, (regardless of belief) there is an emotion or (lack of)evidence that people get that makes them believe what they do.

I personally gained enlightenment and saw things in a way that I couldn't explain. I don't expect anyone to believe me anymore than I'd believe it if someone had told me that they'd been enlightened, but regardless, that's my reason. It's only fair that I give my answer.

2006-09-06 19:10:20 · update #1

15 answers

I like your sincere tone and I wish others, whether Christian or atheist would be as civil, we'd all learn a lot.

At first, as a child I believed because I needed to. I had lost my dad, then my mom and am an only child. I was terribly alone. I needed to think they were in heaven and tht someday I would join them.

Over the years, as I have studied and learned things in church, my faith feels like a second skin. Also my husband is a pastor and he studied for 4 years at the seminary and so I typed his papers and learned many things I wouldn't otherwise have learned.

I find that the more I study Scripture, or hear it, or even defend it here on Answers, my faith grows. It is one of those sort of mystical things that I can't explain. But I can tell you that I believe it whole-heartedly. And as I have said in other responses, if I am wrong, I have lost nothing but spent a lifetime content with what my future holds, and content praying thanks to God for His Son, and for the gifts of my children and family.

thanks for asking.

2006-09-06 18:54:37 · answer #1 · answered by chris 5 · 2 0

that is a fair question that deserves to be taken seriously. For me I can honestly say I didn't want to. I was determine to prove it wasn't real. I had to hear it first hand from God himself before accepting it. I have seen and experience enough to withstand the most convincing agrument given for God is not real. Its been a long and hard walk with God to get where I am now. I had a lot of growing and learning to do to get to the understanding I now have.With all of that I find I am still at the begining of the race in the long journey ahead of me. simple things like understanding mercy, contentment, forgiveness, peace, confidence, ect. has a deep understanding for me now. I am more free now than I ever was as a non believer. Thats why it cracks me up when I hear people say we are puppets or slaves to anicent beliefs. They don't get it and they never will by me arguing with them

2006-09-07 01:58:14 · answer #2 · answered by the answers are there 2 · 1 0

We as humans have the choice to believe in a higher power than ourselves, or not...I do believe in God...I also believe people in general should not be hasty to someone else's choice of belief in a religion, God, or what other name of higher power you do or don't believe in...I believe we are equal as a human race, many people don't agree with that, and that is not religious...it is just the simple fact that we are all different...we shouldn't judge others of their beliefs, race, weight and other things about each of us. I like how you asked this question...Wanting and feeling doing better for ourselves, and help others when we are able...is a good belief to have...I could write much more, but I simply feel we need to embrace each others difference, having more peace, not hatred...but mankind is far from that...we can pray for others if you do believe in prayer....I hope this might help you in some way.......~Peace~.....Good Luck with searching for your answer...

2006-09-07 02:31:15 · answer #3 · answered by no_doubt! 5 · 1 0

I believe we live in a physical universe without gods.

Since reaching this enlightened state, I have never again been bothered by the contradiction of bad things happening to good people in a universe run by an allegedly merciful god. **** happens. It's up to us to pick our butts up and get on with living and making the world a better place.

2006-09-07 01:54:04 · answer #4 · answered by sheeple_rancher 5 · 1 0

Believe about what?

I believe that people would cry at my funeral if I died.

I believe that my birds, dog, and mother truely love me (maybe others do, too- but those three I have most faith in).

I believe that there's something bigger "out there" and "within" (god? spirit? that great fractal? more complicated math?)

I believe that the earth fixes herself- so whatever "damage" people inflict on her/him/it will be fixed, even if we don't survive as a species.

I believe that I'm generally a good person.
I believe most people are good at heart (but occasionally make bad choices).

I believe that I should take the best care of mind and body, for those are the only things which I truely have.

I believe laughter is the universal human language :-)

2006-09-07 01:55:52 · answer #5 · answered by Jessie 5 · 2 0

I believe in belief--not any particular religion.

I believe that the force of human will is quite possibly the strongest force in the universe, and am trying to break myself of societal mind-control enough to truly believe that it is. I believe that belief should not necessarily be a static thing, and by changing my beliefs consciously I can not only learn from them, but learn different throught processes and overall strengthen my mind and my will.

2006-09-07 01:51:26 · answer #6 · answered by angk 6 · 1 0

i believe- i want to believe.i think we all want to believe. sometimes when im going through those really bad times, or uncertain times, as with most people, (im sure im not the only person to feel that way), we feel lost, afraid, vulnerable,and desperate, we need to find comfort in something or someone so we search for a quick fix to make it better, but we can never seem to find our place with what is here in this world because that need we have is way too big. we need something that is bigger and stronger than this world. so when we have those moments to ourselves, when we could be who we are with no one around, we reach out for that one that we know, by believing in him calling him, he comes to us every time. and we'll feel him there. the only way i can describe that feeling of him comforting me, is like being soooo cold and someone put the warmest blanket that you ever felt over you. and i have felt that before. i am sure he is there and it makes me feel so loved. i mean he came to me. who am i? out of all of the people in this world, he made me feel comforted when i needed it the most. and i would like to feel that again, so i will keep on believing. it is really hard to describe this. so please don't think im a nut if this doesn't make sense to you.

2006-09-07 02:26:31 · answer #7 · answered by mercedes1 3 · 0 0

Its a great question because I'm not sure many people know what they believe. I did'nt. That was perplexing to me. So I began to search and honestly, after many years I'm still on that journey...although I think I've found some clues. Blessings!


2006-09-07 01:57:06 · answer #8 · answered by Jeffrey F 1 · 1 0

I believe in God as there are too many coincidences in life.

I believe that God is pretty smart and judges people more on their character than whether they go around from house to house sunday morning pounding on people doors to tell them the "good news".

I believe that God intended us to enjoy life and the many beautiful things he has created for us and if church gets in the way of a fishing trip with your father, it's more of a sin to go to church than it is to go on the fishing trip.

I believe that you'll win more people to Christianity by BEING Christian rather than forcing Christianity down peoples throats.

I believe that a nation that keeps religion OUT of it's government and doesn't choose a religion for it's citizens, in the long run builds a nation of people with stronger faith.

I believe that marriage is a spiritual union and as religion has no place in politics, the government has no right to recognize ANY marriage unless it recognizes ALL marriages.

I believe that abortion is private matter between a woman's spirit, her mind, her body and her God. God did not make men capable of pregnacy, therefore men do not get to make the decision on this matter.

I believe that until we have a fair representation of women in congress or until men start realizing the pain of pushing something the size of a football through their pelvis and know first hand the joys of breech births, episiotamies and C-Sections, that we have no right to vote on abortion.

I believe that dogs are more spiritually advanced than some priests.

I believe that cats are more spiritully advanced than some monks.

I believe that destroying a culture or a race in the supposed name of Jesus is an abonination to both God and Jesus. Same goes for Mohammed and Allah.

I believe that Science is 'fact' and Religion is 'truth'.

I believe that the Bible should only be studied in the context of it's intended purpose: To shed light on the truth about life for sheep herders 5000 years ago and astronauts today. Leave facts to the scientific process.

I believe that I can't think of any greater way for God to create us than through 3.5 billion years of natural selection and adaptation. 3.5 billion years of work - of trial and error. What an impressive creation we turned out to be! Whatever the environment, we can adapt; from the crushing depths of the deepest trenches to the vacuum of space. From the scorching heat of the Sahara, to the coldest reaches of the Poles, we can adapt! Science only magnifies my awe at God's work!

I believe in the great commandment, "Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you would love yourself" and that Jesus' sacrifice freed us from all other mosaic law.

I believe in Christian charity. I believe that this charity is desiged to help people, not to build football stadium sized cathedrals for fat sexually repressed men with pointy hats. I believe that charity is more about giving yourself than openning your wallet, though both help.

I believe that Jesus wanted nothing to do with money and that preachers who make 7 digit income are not following in Christ's footsteps. There is no such thing as material blessings (from God anyway).

2006-09-07 02:52:45 · answer #9 · answered by Moose 4 · 1 0

i believe in G-d simply because i do. i have that spiritual impulse other believers have. i follow the laws of my religion because it makes sense to me that G-d would expect right behaviour from people and judaism is about the only religion that stresses right behaviour and not faith.

2006-09-07 01:49:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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