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ok 9/11 could be any damn person in the world but why should u blame muslims just cause dumbass bush said so? if someone comes in ur country and ur the president you dont want them taking over, maby the iraqies liked suddam and bushed ruined it plus the middle east in general dont have any explosives, thats why they blow themself up cause nothing is left inside of them and islam is not a violent religion its peaceful always look at somthing at a different angle. SO tell me why is a muslim a terriost?

2006-09-06 18:32:51 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

is there a possibelty bush pai him to do it or bush himself made a plot do to 9/11

2006-09-06 18:36:03 · update #1

paid** my bad

2006-09-06 18:36:27 · update #2

28 answers

....they claimed responsibility for it. and of course muslims aren't all terrorists. but it is hard to deny that it wasn't a muslim when bin laden is so proud of what happened. also? i don't think the iraqis liked saddam when he was murdering most of them.

2006-09-06 18:34:58 · answer #1 · answered by . 5 · 2 0

Um, because it was proven to be a plot by Al Qai'da, an extremist Islamic group with too much access to funds and support. I'm not saying that there aren't religious extremists groups of other religions that do damage to many countries, because there are. Ever heard of the IRA? However, you specifically asked about 9/11, and that has definitely been justifiably laid at the Islamic extremists doorstep. However, I don't believe that all Muslims are terrorists, although I think that too many support the extremists groups for one reason or another (fear, belief that they may be right so they're hedging their bets, so to speak).

No religion is inherently peaceful with the (maybe) sole exception of Buddhism. Even then, I know Buddhists who are in the military, and the military is, by its very nature, both a defender of peace and a tool of violence. I believe that the Islamic Qu'ran speaks of jihads against both unbelievers and those who go against the Islamic faith. If you believe that there is such a thing as a peaceful religion, I have to say that you are either gullible (like many followers of many religions out there who believe the same thing while there is direct proof to the contrary) or naive. I hope it's naivete because you can grow out of that.

As to your little addition that Bush paid him to hit the Towers, again, no. The plot was in effect before Bush won the 2000 elections. Sorry to disillusion you there, but it's not possible. I'm not saying that he didn't take advantage of it to turn it into what might, looking back on these times for teh sake of history, be considered a Holy War (goodness, I hope not, as I'm in the military and wouldn't condone a Holy War at all, let alone me being on the side that says Christians are the only right ones), however, I also remember how angry I was after 9/11 and how badly I wanted (and still want) Bin Laden's head on a platter. I don't really approve of the handling of the Iraq issue, but I do believe that Sadaam and every tyrant like him who pursues their own glory over the good of their people, who purposely persecutes their own people, deserves to be locked away for life at the very least. Do I think we should be gone from there by now? Heck yes. Do I think that they'll be better off in the long run? I hope so, although only time will tell, but at least they don't have to dig mass graves there any more. Do I think that the Islamic extremists in Iraq have bombs? Yes, of course I do, and not just there but other places, and there's no denying that they're Muslim, just like there's no denying that the Oklahoma City Bomber was a white supremecist who believed that anyone who wasn't white and Christian got what they deserved.

Anyway, ol' Osama had financial resources that far outstrip Bush, who's not bad off by modern standards. So the idea that Bush paid him is incredibly ludacrous.

2006-09-06 18:43:44 · answer #2 · answered by Ally 4 · 2 1

Let's remember something here.....15 years ago when peopple talked about terrorists in Europe it generally referred to the IRA a group of 'Catholics' supposedly fighting for the freedom of the Irish republic and for the unification of the island of Ireland under the Irish govt. A cause that not much of the population if Ireland believed in. The atrocities (and believe me, there were many) that they committed should never be forgotten. They also killed people indiscriminately - protestants, catholics and many others. Let's also recall ETA a paramilitary Basque nationalist organization that committed hundreds of bomb attacks and killed thousands. Now however, everyone seems to have conveniently forggoten these events and suddenly the word terrorist has become another word for muslim fanatic. Let me just note here that the biggest crime you can commit as a Muslim is to commit suicide....these poeple who say they are attacking in the name of God have taken the words from the Qur'an and twisted them to suit their own cause.

2006-09-06 18:56:55 · answer #3 · answered by zakirah 2 · 3 0

It is well know FACT that 9/11 was done by USA government.

My friend used to work there in World Trade, he told me that his company was informed about what will happen so that day whole office was OFF.

Even if attacks were done by Arab or Muslim person, it was planned to drop shadow on Islam and to get the "green light" to come to the middle east " to fight with terrorism". You can see what USA troops are doing in Iraq and Jordan, such a mess they had created. They caused the civil war between Muslims in Iraq.
They support Israel to kill Palestinians..

DO you think USA is so "kind" to help other countries to resolve their internal conflicts, that's why it is interfering?? Off course no..

Petroleum, Oil- that's the reason to get Middle East control.

it is long term plan and you see the tools to make this plan come true..

But Media of USA off course shows "Muslim terrorists" to make the whole world to hate Islam and Middle East.

I live in a Middle East, i swear to you we do not have terrorists here, but a lot of Americans who control our companies and projects..

2006-09-06 21:12:27 · answer #4 · answered by Suomi 4 · 2 0

First of all show some respect. You may not like President Bush and in this free country that is okay but the office of the president deserves some respect.

Secondly, you are very seriously undereducated in the tragedy of 9/11. They had tapes of Bin Laden (who is muslim by the way) discussing the plans for the attack. They claimed responsibility.

Who do you think strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocent people, women, children and our soldiers...And groups claim it land brag about it like they bagged a good size trout.
And they are muslim by the way.

If you want to ask a question here, at least have a little basic knowledge of what you are talking about.

2006-09-06 18:43:27 · answer #5 · answered by chris 5 · 2 2

The islamic religion as a whole are not terrorists. And many people disagree with the whole Iraq war. Honestly, I think far too many people are getting tangled up with the idea of focusing on the religious aspects of the recent terrorist attacks, and not looking for deeper reasons behind them.

Besides, the IRA is one of the largest, and most well-known, terrorist organisations in the world, and they are not muslim. They are definately christian. So I don't think it is fair to say that all muslims (or christians, or pagans, or any other religious denomination) are terrorists. It is individuals, not the whole religion.

2006-09-06 18:39:42 · answer #6 · answered by nurendi 2 · 4 0

Terrorists (as well as many Mid-East theocracies) commit abhorrent acts in the name of Islam. Instead of people taking issue with those who have the invalid perception that all Muslims are terrorists, it would be helpful to have some compassion and understanding. And then urge Muslims to openly and loudly protest (and get other Muslims to do the same) whenever a terrorist performs a horrible act in the name of Islam. I see so many people neglecting the compassion and understanding that should be afforded to people who become fearful when they see so many high-profile examples where heinous acts are performed IN THE NAME OF ISLAM. Again, let's have some compassion and then ask the moderate muslims to become enraged and angry (like you are in yuor question) and ask other Muslims why they all don't go out and actively and openly protest against groups that commit horrible acts in their religion's name.

2006-09-06 18:38:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

contrary to the limited ( not to mention liberal skewed) information you have obviously believed, MOST (not including the great minority) of Iraqis are glad Sadaam is gone. Get a clue, Islam is what you make of it. Some Muslims are violent, some are not, just like Christians. Crazy Christians however don't fly airplanes into buildings. (or blow-up ships, or blow-up busy restaurants, or blow-up fellow Christians, or teach their children that suicide while killing non-muslims is ok, the list goes on and on)

2006-09-06 18:42:05 · answer #8 · answered by mtphellas1 2 · 0 2

Muslims ain't terrorists just some of there people that ain't in their right mind are terrorists same as so of the Christians that follow the wrong person thinking he's Christ because they've been brain washed,

2006-09-06 18:40:03 · answer #9 · answered by wil_t52 6 · 3 0

Many Muslims would call the people who crashed into the towers not muslim. They are extremists, they are the bad ones. The good ones are the regular Muslims that don't blow us up.

2006-09-06 18:39:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

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