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I have all so told my boyfriend about it an he doesn’t want the baby too They would feel better if I had gotten an abortion My parents said “I would Ruin my Life by having this baby” An the life of my boyfriend

2006-09-06 17:47:36 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

36 answers

how old are you? If you are really young you should consider adoption for the baby. If you are older and can handle it then dont worry about what ppl say. Have the baby and love it and the family will eventually come around.

2006-09-06 17:49:31 · answer #1 · answered by KELLY H 3 · 4 1

thats a shame, your parents should be there for you no matter what as for the bf, its typical they want to have all the fun by having sex but not the responsibility. it may just be your parents are still in shock and may come around but bottom line the decision as to whether you have your baby or not is totally yours...sorry but that's the reality. now, you do have several options but understand you are not alone, there are lots of services available for you and your baby...doctors, pre-natal care, financial aid etc. you will have to look up in your area who offers what but there are so many ppl out there willing to help you they just don't know you need it so you will have to tell them. don't let anyone bully you into making this really important decision. on a personal note...i had a friend who was 14 when she found out she was pregnant, the guy of course left her and her parents reacted much like yours...saying she ruined her life, etc. but they also kicked her out...so she was 14, pregnant, no money, no place to live etc. you can imagine how scared she was...anyway to make a long story short, she had the baby and was determined to raise it...she sought out the ppl who wanted to help, private and government help. they gave her a home, helped her finish school, helped with finances and helped babysit...these weren't just one couple helping her but a whole bunch who volunteered their time and resources. she married when her son was 10 and he's 34 now and over the years we've talked about her decision because back when she was pregnant the option of abortion was being pushed pretty hard and was very acceptable, in fact she faced a lot of problems and insults because she choose to keep her baby. anyway, she said she has never regreted it as she would never be able to replace him and that all the pain, loneliness and abandonment she experienced was more than worth it. whether or not you choose abortion or to keep your baby is up to you and know that no matter what you choose the easy way is not always the best way and that with each option there will be ppl out there who care for you even though you don't think anyone does right now....good luck

2006-09-06 18:03:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have made a bad decision. You should have kept your panties on. Your boyfriend should wear his pants backward. At any rate, what's done is done.

Solution #1 Have the kid and raise it yourself. Of course this takes money. Children are very expensive. Also they require medical care, schooling and the list goes on. Can you do it? If not see solution # 2 Oh by the way have the sperm donor pay minimum of $800.00 Child support. Can he do it? If not or won"t have his ASSS put in prison.

Solution#2 Go to the welfare dept. and get help. Join the ever growing movement that thinks that the Government should pay for their mistakes. Live the rest of your life in misery. If the child is female, chances are she will follow in your footsteps. If it is a boy, perhaps he will knock some girl up. And on and on it goes.

Solution#3 Find an intelligent, well educated, married couple, preferably male and female that would love to have a child. Have them pay your medical bills and let them adopt the child.

Solution#4 Keep you pants on at all times, finish school, find a vocation and become self sufficient. The chances of Solution#4 becoming a reality are greatly enhanced if you choose Solution# 3 as an option. But like the Liberals have said, "you have your rights.". and you do.

2006-09-06 18:37:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am a parent, and it would be a shock at first to learn that my daughter was pregnant. But, being angry and turning on you is not going to change the present situation. You have sacrifices now for the life of this child. Everything you do now will be centered towards this baby. Your parents need to understand that parenting doesn't stop at 18. They really should make this about you and the baby. This is not about them, it's about you and the guidance you are in need of. Also, it took the two of you for you to get pregnant. Your boyfriend is self fish, let him go.
As for everyone else that's telling you to get an abortion, tell them where they can go. Depending on your circumstances and your age, I would consider adoption before abortion.
Good luck girl!!!!

2006-09-06 17:59:57 · answer #4 · answered by easygoingfemale44 2 · 2 0

Oh, honey.. I know this has to be so hard on you right now.
No one can make this choice for you.. This baby is inside YOU.
There are WONDERFUL couples who can NOT have children who would pay all the medical expenses for the pregnancy if you decide to go that route. You would need to contact an adoption attorney.

I can't tell you what to do.. But, really, really think about what you want to do.
If you are very young.. please think of what is best for the baby and you.
How do YOU feel?? You said what your parents and boyfriend feel, but not YOU.
Abortion is a very personal issue, but I can tell you that I've known people who regretted that decision years later. So PLEASE call planned parent-hood or one of the other groups and talk it out before making a decision either way.
**Big hugs to you*** Please know that I care and wish I could comfort you in some way.

2006-09-06 18:06:31 · answer #5 · answered by LittleBitOfSugar 5 · 1 0

You need to make your own decision. I had my daughter at 16 and I'm now 21; everything has turned out fine. It was hard for a while, but it gets easier. You have to think about how you feel about abortion. If it's something you don't feel completely comfortable with, then don't do it. There are other options. ou may regret having an abortion for the rest of your life. Just think everything through before making a decision.

2006-09-07 06:48:03 · answer #6 · answered by tigerlily 2 · 0 0

Hopefully your parents are just in shock. Give them some time and they should come to their senses. When the dust settles you all need to sit down and have a rational discussion. Search your heart and weigh all the options. Remain calm the stress is not good for you or the baby. Dont count on the boyfriend. If you decide that you can handle this there is so much help out there but you have to be diligent. A baby changes EVERYTHING life will definately be harder but the rewards absolutely out weigh the hardships. You can do this but its time to step up, focus on yourself and this baby, and become a woman.

2006-09-06 18:01:00 · answer #7 · answered by helpfulhannah 2 · 2 0

So they can see the future? How do they know that you're life will be ruined by bringing this life into the world. They cannot make this decision for you.
Even if you don't want the child, there are huge waiting lists of people who would LOVE to adopt a child being that they cannot have one themselves.
Perhaps you made a mistake; that doesn't mean that you should try to erase it. What's happened has happened.

Nicholas - Admin

2006-09-06 17:50:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i think that they are all insinsitive pricks personaly!
If you dont want the baby put it up for adoption! dont kill it. it didnt ask to be made you and your bf made that desision for it! but now that its alive it deserves the right to stay alive! Have it and let a family who cant have children of their own raise it! look it up on the internet. there are loads of places where you can get info and support on adoption.
If you want the baby keep iT!!! screw what everyone else thinks!
I'm currently having my forth baby and after that Im going to go into serogacy for familys who cant do it on their own. No one wants me to have this baby no one. (sept me and my hubby and hes not really thrilled) my mom and the rest of the family think that the 3 we have is too many but I wanted a big family and by golly I'm gona have one cause I can! the rest of my fat lasy cant have anymore babies cause they are too fat family can stick it!

bottom line dont kill the baby! go to your local planned parenthood / health depatrment and ask what options you have other than killing it.

I was 18 when i had my first and it didnt ruin my life it begain it!
And I knew a girl who had her first in 7th grade! it didnt ruin her life either! shes now a mother of 5 and a very good lawyer!
things happen for a reason hun.

sometimes life picks you up and runs with you, all you can do is enjoy the ride.

2006-09-06 18:45:58 · answer #9 · answered by naightengale 3 · 0 0

its a tough choice to bring a child into your life as a single parent. i never think it is in anyone's best interest to have a child outside of a marriage, a loving marriage. both you and your child will be short changed in growth and development.

its too bad that your parents would express these concerns, but they are trying to look out for you and your baby. if your bf doesn't want it, how good of a father is he going to be? will you parents ever help you out after the child is born? will you be all alone? it doesn't sound like the support a new mother and child needs.

good luck.

2006-09-06 17:52:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Certainly, your life has changed in a very big way.

If you feel as if you would like to keep the baby or at least give birth, you can contact some religious or pro-life organizations to see if they will support you in bringing the birth to full term. It's best you make your decision before the third trimestre.

2006-09-06 17:56:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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