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Will NATO continue this failed policy of dropping leaflets warning civilians to leave the area. This gives the Taliban time to dig in, just like it gave the Hezbolah lots of warning when the Israelis dropped their leaflets.
If you warn the enemy you're coming, isn't that kind of stupid? I say carpet bomb everyone and like the Britrish did to the German city of Dresden in WW2. The war soon ended. Use all the weapons you have. Nuclear if that what it takes.

2006-09-06 16:49:36 · 14 answers · asked by Rockford 7 in Politics & Government Military

Our goal isn't to educate Afgan woman or stimulate Kabul's economy at the lives of our soldiers. Our goal is to use all weapons in our arsenal to protect NATO countries, and not play politicsin the desert.

2006-09-06 18:14:58 · update #1

I'm a Canadian too and that's all I hear. We have to win their "heart's and minds". That's liberal dribble.

2006-09-07 06:29:45 · update #2

14 answers

because all those who say what about the innocents, so we must cater and give the enemy time to get away or dig in.

2006-09-06 16:53:31 · answer #1 · answered by wicked jester 4 · 1 0

I am a Canadian Soldier....

While I still do not know if I agree with the idea of dropping leaflets advertising intent, I do believe that there was still some good that may have come of it. While it is hard with mounting losses to take a high path, you have to realise a few things. This is not a conventional war. You have the Taliban blending in with the population, making it very hard to target them effectively.
If you can win one of the battles, mainly, the one for "Hearts and Minds", you may just save more lives in the long run.
Winning H and M helps you, because with every school you build, person you heal, and basically every thing you do to just making their life better, you gain support from them. Suddenly, the average Afghani goat herder is pointed out weapon caches to you, shopkeepers become more open to pointing out suspected Taliban, their compounds, plans, and such. The Taliban try to win this war a different way, by intimidation and violence. They burn schools, terrorize villagers, set off roadside/suicide bombs around crowded areas and bully, steal and manipulate. Eventually, a town or populace will give in to this if no help is made avaliable, as all appears lost.
The point of the leaflets was to minimize civillain death, or, collateral damage. A death of an innocent child would be used as propaganda by the Taliban, and could turn the population against the Coalition. This is why NATO is taking care in their Operations.

A quick example would be when Russia invaded Afghanistan, they certainly were not out to win hearts and minds, and commited some serious attrocities against civillians, leading to support for the Rebels (and eventually leading to a defeat for the Soviets).

2006-09-06 22:05:03 · answer #2 · answered by I hear U 1 · 1 0

I've spent two summers in Afghanistan helping Afghan teachers learn how to teach business. On some level the Afghans seem a simple people. Their desires are the same as ours. Family, friends, and making their way in this world are ideals they hold dear. On other levels they are complex. Over the past 20 years tactics such as you mentioned have been used numerous times. The Russians, the Afghani Communist leader Najibullah are amoung several who have done so and failed. If we carpet bomb them it will only make them and more and more Afghanis will join against America/NATO. The average Afghan has known nothing but war his or her entire life. Life is cheap and many are willing to die for their faith, country and families.
Progress is being made. Check out Afghanistans International Chamber of Commerce website http://en.aicc-online.org/ and you can see much of that progress. I was amazed at the progress I saw in only a year. Afghan business is thriving and the seeds are being sown.
The problem is that too many average Afghans are still struggling. Faced with starvation or a small amount of money from a warlord or radical to join the fight, more and more are chosing to fight. Many choose to do so out of the need to put food on the table for their family. Afghanis are survivors and will do what it takes to survive. Although I saw progress, I also saw that many are tired of not having the basic essentials needed to survive. It wouldn't take much for these same individuals to take back up their AK's and go back into the hills. The big question is why after 3 years does the city of Kabul not have adequate electricity? Why are there not more jobs for the common man? Why do they not have sufficient drinking water, hospitals and basic sanitation? The teachers I work with make about 50$ a month. They teach knowing they are putting their lives in danger and the lives of their families. They need more support.
Back to the bombing, my question is how much would it cost? Couldn't we take that money, put it in the hands of the people and give them hope. One bombing raid would probably be enough to put in place a power plant cable of providing electricy to a portion of the city.
After 9/11 I wanted to kill them all. After going there, and seeing the people, after seeing the progress and the hope, I feel different. We've got to do something soon. This war will not be over until the average Afhan can pick up a pay check instead of AK. It will not be over until he can put food on the table, instead of bombs in a car.

2006-09-06 17:55:08 · answer #3 · answered by Boomer_Mac 1 · 0 0

Not too hard to figure ou when you realize that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family's are friends.That whe we are not pursuing Osama Bin Laden. We went into Iraq and pulled most of our resourses away from the hunt for Osamato start a lame war based on all lies and distortions.
Anybody that really believes that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 has an I Q of about 10.
Therefore ,NATO which has been inneffictive for soo many years are at it again.
Thank you again Mr Idiot(bush)

2006-09-06 17:11:02 · answer #4 · answered by Malvon L 1 · 0 1

I admire your joie de morte.

The long-term plan is to suppress the Islamists for a few decades while educating the Afghan people as fast as possible. Laura Bush was in Afghanistan for the opening of their new university. They've got a free radio station now to broadcast more 'modern' ideas and are working hard to reform the concept of civilization in Afghanistan.

It's a long-term process that may take a generation. I guess they figure that's more humane than wiping out a lot of Muslims and inspiring ever greater terrorism in return.

It's a tricky balancing act, for sure.

2006-09-06 16:52:24 · answer #5 · answered by speakeasy 6 · 1 0

Thank you! The bad thing is the US will be blamed for the Taliban resurgence, but we all know it was NATO that let them back in. The same NATO that Wesley (I'm a moron) Clark used to run. It's time we take care of that problem once and for all. It would'nt take much. Send a couple of B2's their way and sit back and watch the fireworks.
Good Question.

2006-09-06 16:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No humans want to kill other humans needlessly.
The Us, not NATO, certainly not the UN, are not dealing with humans.
We are dealing with mass murderers, that want the world to see on tv and the internet what they can do.
Not human.. animals
So deal with them like animals.
The Germans and Japanese were much better than what we are dealing with now. But most Americans, and All of Europe don't understand that there is only one way to deal with this.
Hide behind children and families? Cowards!

2006-09-06 17:02:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

2 human beings stand in front øf one yet another. The shake their palms and scream " Rock Paper Scissors Shoot ! " concurrently. As you're saying that, think of øf an merchandise to place out. as quickly as your executed screaming, placed it out. Whoever wins perfect 2 outta 3 wins BQ : Rock. think of if I threw a peice of paper at you, or some kiddy scissors. yet a rock ? i think of that would harm :)

2016-09-30 10:20:08 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think you will see NATO cut and run,The Taliban are stronger than ever now,the talk has already started.

2006-09-06 17:07:45 · answer #9 · answered by Mojo Seeker Of Knowlege 7 · 0 0

NATO's policy is a attack on a NATO nation is a attack on all NATO nations... so they wont retaliate unless 1 of their nations gets attacked

2006-09-06 18:31:43 · answer #10 · answered by Dont get Infected 7 · 0 0

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