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Are drug and Alcohol addicts
Live personal lives full of misery(cheating, robbing, lying)
In cities with a high concentration of them they have the highest rates of std's such as syphilis and aids
To enjoy themselves they rely on vices, material contrivances
Find meaning in their lives spending time attempting to attack Christians with half truths and disrespectful innuendos
Have been unsuccessful at discovering and founding a country which lasts and they can call their own

2006-09-06 16:46:27 · 55 answers · asked by interficio_pravus 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

How deluded can you possibly be to refute the facts
that I have posted if you cant deduce this by common sense
try going into the CDC and looking or try a simple goggle search
"2002 San Francisco #1 again in syphilis cases "
save yourselves form yourselves I was one of you guy's and some of my friends are trapped
by the same denial . . Do good . fight evil my friends.

The truth will set you free, lies are keeping you chained

2006-09-06 17:06:13 · update #1

By the numerous lies many have posted you have proved that indeed your typical MO is the use of the lie and half truth another example site more than once. a majority of prisoners being Christian, most people that are informed know that these people you refer too claimed their ch
the prisoners you mention named themselves Christian after being incarcerated. The reality is that an actual sincere Christian is the least likely person to lie and much less find himself in prison.

2006-09-06 17:24:07 · update #2

55 answers

Because they live worthless lives... their existence is pointless... their only purpose on earth is to persecute Christians...

2006-09-06 16:48:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 16

You seem to think atheists have a monopoly on those behaviours.

You're wrong. What you're describing is basic human nature for people of all belief systems, not just atheism.

Any doubts? Check the prison population in this country. The majority of inmates are Christian, just like the general population.

Because I'm an Agnostic, I'm able to observe the behaviours of both atheists and theists without falling prey to the biases of either type. This is why I'm able to discern that there is absolutely no difference in behaviour between religious and non-religious people.

Don't believe me? Watch what happens when I take your question and substitute "Christian" for "Atheist". It'll be a good lesson for you in seeing how you yourself are biased:

If Christians are wiser, why are there so many of them who..?

Are drug and Alcohol addicts
Live personal lives full of misery(cheating, robbing, lying)
In cities with a high concentration of them they have the highest rates of std's such as syphilis and aids
To enjoy themselves they rely on vices, material contrivances
Find meaning in their lives spending time attempting to attack Atheists with half truths and disrespectful innuendos
Have been unsuccessful at discovering and founding a country which lasts and they can call their own

Note that I left the last sentence in for good reason. This is not the same country that was founded by Jefferson (a humanist), Franklin (an Atheist), and the people who called themselves Christians in those days. Now it is run by a "Christian" Theocracy that Jefferson, Franklin, et al would have found repugnant.

That is because the "Christians" in power think the way you do - that some people are inferior because of their belief systems.

So much for "Freedom of Religion."

2006-09-06 16:59:22 · answer #2 · answered by almintaka 4 · 1 1

You're opinions and "theories" are exactly why Christians have a bad reputation. I am a Christian and I am wise enough to know that over half of what you accuse atheists of is not an atheist only problem.

There are many people in my church (Baptist) that are former drug and alcohol addicts. There are some that even still to this day occasionally have to struggle with these addictions. This is not just an "atheist problem" It is a human problem.

I occasionally deal with misery. Although I do not cheat and rob, I have been guilty of telling a lie. Right or wrong, it happens. Once again, it is a human problem. Most of my misery comes from dealing with manic depression. Yes Christians as well deal with mental depression.

As far as your comment about finding meaning spending time attacking Christians.....you are spending your time right now attacking non christians with disrespectful innuendo's and half truths.

Yes, America was founded on Christian principals and America is still here, but let's face it, America's Christian beliefs have been twisted and manipulated over the last 230 years by both Christians and non Christians.

Your biggoted remarks just show your ignorance and intolerance to those who believe differently than you. I don't agree with atheists stance on God and the Bible, but you certainly will never see me on here slandering them either. They are people. Human beings that God loves whether or not they love Him. They deserve to have their right not to believe respected just as we Christians have the right for our beliefs to be respected.

I have read your added details now and am adding this. Why did you look up the records only for 2002 in San Francisco? That was almost 5 years ago. Why are you not also using statistics from the rest of the country for the past year? Afraid that you might find out you were wrong?

Look, I am glad that you were able to get out of whatever lifestyle you were living and become a "christian". (Did you accept Christ as your Saviour) And I commend you wanting to help your atheist friends find the same thing you did. But man, you are going about the COMPLETELY wrong way. This kind of help just turns people off to what you are trying to show them. It makes them say, " If that is what being a Christian is all about, you can leave me out of it."

2006-09-06 17:01:02 · answer #3 · answered by ktjokt 3 · 1 1

...oh boy, assumptions, stereotypes, bigotry, ignorance AND lies. We've hit the motherload, folks.

Where are you getting these ideas? Are there official reports or credible surveys you can cite? Personal experiences influencing your objectivity? Are these things true because "they're freakin' heathens, man, this has GOT to be how they are"...

Drug and booze addicts... I'd like to see the numbers on that, kiddo. Solid, reliable numbers.

Lives full of misery and crime? Again, NUMBERS. Actually, I've got a number for you... 75. Yeah... 75% of convicted criminals are CHRISTIAN. Whine about that for a while.

It's ATHEISM that leads to STD's? Oh please... for example, in the state of Arizona, the highest concentration of STD's is in Sun City..... RETIREMENT CENTRAL. It's where all the old folks live. Now, if you'd like to argue that all aging atheists are clumped together there, be my guest.

Atheists only enjoy the superficial and unhealthy "pleasures"...... yeah, I'd REALLY like to see something concrete to back up THAT wacko assertion.

You think "so many" atheists find MEANING IN LIFE by "attacking Christians"? Gosh...... I must not be an atheist. And hey, if you plan on saying "well you're attacking Christians right now!", keep in mind that I don't KNOW you're Christian unless you say you are (and I'm not ATTACKING, I'm CLARIFYING and also ASKING for clarification).

Oh, and last but not least the old "this country was founded by Christians and on the Christian faith". And you accuse OTHERS of spouting half-truths? This "truth" doesn't even go half way. It's a total UNtruth.

2006-09-06 16:47:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

1) I guess there's a much larger Christian population with drug/alcohol problems than atheist.
2) Christians also lie, cheat, steal
3) #3 is a lie, not based in fact at all.
4) Do Christians not drink, smoke, molest children?
5) Do Chrisitans not tell atheists they are going to hell all the time? Kinda sounds liek an attck.....
6) I kinda thought we were promised religious freedom in this country. Kinda thought the country was founded on that pronciple....

2006-09-06 17:08:19 · answer #5 · answered by Pedro I. Wong 3 · 1 0

Bah, these issues have nothing to do with what religions someone does or doesn't believe in. These issues have to do with MORALS which people gain from their lives.
I personally am agnostic, I don't believe, but I don't disbelief. I'm on the fence. I honestly am a good person, I don't abuse substances nor am I loosely sexually active and have diseases.
You could find the same amount of those people comming from christian homes, or even being christian, having those issues. I know that alcoholism is very popular in some religious sections of the country.

2006-09-06 16:53:43 · answer #6 · answered by static_nerdling 3 · 2 1

You assume facts not in evidence. There are plenty of theists that cheat on their wives, divorce them while they are lying in a hospital bed with terminal cancer (how low is that?), use religion as a manipulative tool (politics, intimidation), and they fornicate with the best of them. How do I know this? I don't really, just a wild guess, human nature being what it is. I would agree that a lack of some kind of spirituality can lead to a life that seems empty and can turn one to drugs, material contrivances, and other vices. But a "Televangelist" that drives a 2006 Caddy is not exactly giving his wealth to the poor so he can beat the camel through the eye of the needle, now is he?

2006-09-06 16:53:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If you found out that this isn't any more to this world than you can see you would tend to get a little bit depressed, and you would probably turn to certain vices to help you get through the day. But to tell you the truth I have never heard your claim about Atheists before.

2006-09-07 04:41:25 · answer #8 · answered by jetthrustpy 4 · 0 0

The burden of proof is on the questioner not the one who answers such a question. If you are going to make such a statement it is up to youi to provide the statistical facts for such since you posed the question. Otherwise, many like myself will assume you are giving nothing more than a biased opinion.

2006-09-06 19:54:40 · answer #9 · answered by genaddt 7 · 1 0

I beg to differ with you but... first of all, get your facts straight.

The vast majority of those who are drug addicts and/or alcoholics and engage in illicit activities and vices are those that claim to believe in a god or have been raised believing in a god or in some religion.

Get your facts straight before you say such nonsensical b/s. You got it backwards to the point where it seems that it is deliberate ploy on your part to amuse us! Hey, "Judge not so ye may not be judged..." remember that from somewhere?

YOU and other pseudo-religious fanatics are simply amusing the way you twist and distort and corrupt the truth and facts! Ha!

2006-09-06 16:51:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well - simple - they live the life they ant to live and not be bound by a robe bearer.....

The acts that you have mentioned has nothing to do with being an atheist - I know of many Christians, Muslims, and even some Buddhists who do drugs, cheat etc.... it has nothing to do with a persons spiritual belief or intelligence. It's what a person wants to do !

2006-09-06 16:50:56 · answer #11 · answered by R G 5 · 1 2

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