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does anyone else like fat people sitting by them on an airplane , movie theater seat , bus seat, etc. why should i have to make room for a lard asss then their fat is hanging on me and they smell too. its not my fault their fat but i get tired of hearing its a gland problem or medical condition . when was feeding your fat face with 3 big macs and fries and apple pies a medical condition.

2006-09-06 16:44:54 · 22 answers · asked by DAVID G 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

22 answers

LMAO!!!! Wow, I agree!!! I'm so pissed that they changed fast food restaurants because fat folks eat so much. Even when they took away Super Size, they still order a side of extra fries. Why should we pay an extra 2 dollars now for the same amount!

I think you angered a hungry mob

2006-09-06 16:54:09 · answer #1 · answered by Love 3 · 0 7

Hey, I don't know what in the world happened to you for you to be so upset but listen man, I feel very sorry for how you are feeling right now. I'll definetly say a prayer for you.

As for your comment; Most "heavy" people have an eating disorder no different than someone with another kind of mental condition. Yes, it is true that some "heavy" people have physical conditions such as an over active thyroid gland or hay wire hormones. Sometimes medication can also cause over eating and weight gain.

The bottom line here is how would you feel if your mother ended up with breast cancer and people jumped on yahoo answers and talked like you have done because they think someone with hair loss from chemo is gross. It's a sad thought huh?

It's times like this that you need to remember the story about Thumper. (If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all)

2006-09-07 00:16:52 · answer #2 · answered by Shawnie 3 · 2 0

Were you fat when you were a child? Do you have unrealistic views of beauty? Are you accepting of others?

That said.

Choices are not diseases, there are no cures for bad decisions, just choices yet to be made. Sometimes the world we live in makes the right choices harder than they should be and some are not strong enough to overcome.

You want less fat people, start a gym, teach the young to eat right, don't just complain, be the solution.

2006-09-06 23:57:38 · answer #3 · answered by Future Resident 3 · 4 0

Common buddy, have some heart forthe plus size people. They are humans too, sometimes fatness is not caused by over eating, it may also be caused by a harmone imbalance or gentical disease.
No matter what we are member of the society, if we accomodate and are nice to other people in the society,tht will be reall great for us.
You have to have some heart for them too, a soft heart, as they have been living in complex for a long time.

My cousin is extremely fat, i kindda realise how matter big she is, she is the most polite and good natured person i have ever met.

2006-09-06 23:51:06 · answer #4 · answered by Jendralus 5 · 5 0

i'm sorry for your experience. no one likes to be crowded by another person in their private space, regardless of size. i can understand why you are angry. maybe you can try to request the ailse seat when you fly, and also sit near the ailse at the movie theater, this way at least on one side you have open space.

and please keep in mind that nobody's perfect. obesity is very embarrasing and i'm sure those people do not deliberately crowd you because they are afraid you might be angry or say rude things that hurt their feelings. try to make a difference by helping to educate someone you know about the risks of being overweight and how they can gain control. and good luck in those narrow seats.

2006-09-06 23:52:32 · answer #5 · answered by ŧťŠ4 · 5 0

Why is he an idiot? Most fat people are fat simply because they don't have any self-control and eat everything in site. Most of them get virtually no exercise. It is true that those of us who are a normal size, should not have to be made uncomfortable because someone has eaten themselves to the size of a small whale. Maybe not very PC about the issue, but it is a valid point none the less. America continues to get more fat every year lately.

2006-09-06 23:51:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

"why talk about the splinter in someone else eye when you have a plank in your own?"

someone like you who is unaccepting of people for thier differences is more likly to have a been hurt by someone of a bigger size or b will end up with someone of a bigger size or c u will probally be big ur self oneday.

your question should be why are you so bitter and hurt... think about that.

2006-09-06 23:54:13 · answer #7 · answered by theskyispink v 2 · 6 0

Wow. Normally I would comment on your utter lack of sensitivity toward large people, but...when someone who is grotesquely overweight sits next to you it can be wholly uncomfortable. The rest of the country shouldn't have to accommodate people who's primary problem is a complete and utter lack of self control.

I do have to ask, though, why post this on yahoo answers? It's pretty pointless.

2006-09-06 23:54:20 · answer #8 · answered by Llammas 3 · 0 2

Did you know that obesity is the last form of discrimination in America..... At least you can fix it with diet and surgery at the last result, like Ron White once said, you can't fix stupid and you my friend can't be fixed.....

2006-09-07 03:18:05 · answer #9 · answered by TommyGun 2 · 3 0

For those who eat 3 big macs i agree with you but some of them really do something to be normal and its ashamed that you put every fat people in the same basket. Welcome to America

2006-09-07 00:06:52 · answer #10 · answered by sam (joe thornton) pro 3 · 0 2

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