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If God is loving and by any means fair minded, then I should be judged on the things that I do intentionally. Such as bad acts that I've commited or even bad acts that I've allowed to happen. There's a list of things that many believers say are the cause of why God would punish you, but the one thing that they say God could never forgive you for, is not believing he exists. Belief is in the heart and is by no means a matter of choice. I don't go on not believing in God because I have a personal vindetta with him. I don't believe in him because I understand the fact that if we had 100% proof that he didn't exist, that people would still believe in him regardless of the evidence. I can't ignore my thoughts, nor could I ignore my true beliefs. If I spent every day in a church singing my hymns and praising God, I know that I still would not believe he existed. Belief is not a choice and I refuse to believe an all knowing/loving God would damn me over something I have no control over.

2006-09-06 16:30:04 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


Lol you seem to look too deeply into these things. I'm not a person who's conflicted. Yahoo Answers puts that question mark there regardless of whether I want it or not. Maybe Yahoo's conflict :DDDD

2006-09-06 16:35:39 · update #1

Again belief is NOT a choice. Could you believe in Santa Clause?

2006-09-06 16:41:56 · update #2


I just have an interest in debating theology. It's not personal. I find it enlightening to read all sides of the argument.

2006-09-06 17:03:59 · update #3

25 answers

Right on my brother/sister. You've got your head on straight.

2006-09-06 16:32:32 · answer #1 · answered by Scott P 2 · 0 0

On the contrary, Belief IS belief. It is impossible to beleive in what you have never experienced, that would be faith. We all know there are plenty of faith types in all the churches, desperately hopng to have the love and fortunes they have been told of. One religion preaches of streets paved in gold, I guess that would appeal to the greedy in the faith department. Another preaches of virgins for the taking, I guess that would be for the undersexed. Others preach of spiritual enlightenment , For the Lost? Some people think they believe when they only have faith. This provides them with hope and may even keep some of them out of trouble for a while but it dosen't change one key factor... It's only faith! Not belief! I can tell you that I do not have faith in the fact that GOD exists, I AM a BELIEVER! I don't ask for much , it's not my right. When I ask in all sincerity, opportinty ( with some effort my part) seems to present itself. I have seen things, many things, with my own eyes that I have always been told are myths. They lie.
Simply because you haven't been granted the proof you seek, it is easy to say GOD dosen't exist, I understand that more than you know. But I will declare that GOD IS part of each and every one of us. Your time for beleiving will come when you are ready. Only you can honestly decide when that will be, or if you are even capable of seeing it.

I do respect your opinion, because NO Person can give true witness to what they do not know. I end this letter to you, friend, by saying I truly feel sorry for all of those who go through life with only faith and never becoming believers. NO Church can give that to you. Just know that you are still entitled to it simply by being here. Only if you want it.

p.s. knowledge is that fire burns, Wisdom is to keep your hands out of it.

Good luck with that!

2006-09-06 23:35:59 · answer #2 · answered by RhinoBoy 2 · 0 0

God is loving and just. But he cannot reward someone who does not believe in him. Because how could they accept a reward if they do not believe. No god , no reward. And Yes believing is a choice. Just because you want to ignore God because you don't agree with some of his laws, does not mean He does not exsist He is God! There are no compromises. It's all or nothing! You are choosing to believe, by your unbelief. You don't agree with God, so you choose to make him imaginary. You choose to not follow Him. It's all a choice.

By the way, I don't think you have tried going to church every day and praising God. You might be surprised at what you discover if you tried.

2006-09-06 23:40:31 · answer #3 · answered by mommabearx7 1 · 0 0

I not sure I understand your logic on not believing in him. But I understand the idea of spending an eternity in hell for even just a life time of sins (known or not) is a little ridiculous. But how about this, is it possible to continue to change after death? If you believe in God and returning to him, no unclean person can be in his presence. And we are all unclean. Our progression continues after death.

If you don’t believe in god then what do you believe will happen after death? Nothing? It’s still a belief albeit naïve. It’s been scientifically proven there’s more to our bodies then the flesh you see. Many people have been “Brain Dead”. A perfectly healthy working body, but just no life to keep it going. Think about it a little, as it sounds your logic is comparing apples and bananas.

2006-09-06 23:40:29 · answer #4 · answered by Coool 4 · 0 0

If you didn't believe in God deep down, I suspect the problem would not be so important to you. You seem to be struggling. Why stand in church and sing and praise when God said my house will be a house of prayer. Try that instead. Otherwise, why not make yourself a nice cup of cocoa and go to bed? Things won't look quite so bad in the morning.

2006-09-06 23:52:29 · answer #5 · answered by bronco 2 · 0 0

Are you saying that you can not change your heart? I believe that God is in your heart, you just have to open it and let him in. God is capable of changing anything, whether you believe it or not. You have chosen to not believe based on I assume what science says's. Science can be and is wrong sometimes, after all it is only human beings deciding these so called facts for everyone. You have to want to believe in God? It doesn't sound like it you want to, if you do not then you will not be with him in heaven, it is your choice. I hope you open your heart to him, as well as your mind. God Bless!!

2006-09-06 23:46:50 · answer #6 · answered by Annie Red Head 3 · 0 0

Ah grasshopper...you have only begun the path of self-knowledge...why waste such an emotional outpouring over an idea-god-that you claim not to believe in???? Why worry about being judged by some fictious being???

If faith or lack of faith is a problem..
If the willingness to expand your understanding goes past a paragraph of ranting online....
If you really don't know what to believe or not to believe....

try reading
a lot of information is available-from many divergent points of view...

Save your energy...get a couple of books...and read

if I might suggest a few to start

The History of God by Armstrong
works of Pagels
works of Campbell

2006-09-06 23:39:32 · answer #7 · answered by Gemelli2 5 · 0 0

If i was the only individual in the world. I don't think God would be unhappy with who i was or how i felt. You only have the word of others to compare yourself to. Only, those who are trying to control you can fill you with fear. This life you were given was a gift not a curse. Each of us is different and unique. Be yourself and don't worry. love the wonder of this life and world and enjoy it. Good and evil only exists among people. It is not a material thing. Don't worry about things you can not have the answers to.

2006-09-06 23:46:46 · answer #8 · answered by NJZ 1 · 0 0

Even if there were 100% proofs God does exist, there are those who would not believe anyway. Maybe that isnt you, I don't know.... I'll give you the benifit of the doubt that its to you, like forcing yourself to love someone... you cant. However, you dont need to believe God is real to approach Him on it. He knows your heart, whether you just dont want to believe or not. Have you ever said to Him "God, I dont know if you're real or not, but if you are, please lead me and open my heart"? If He isnt there, then dont worry about it, but if He is.... then you might be in for a really amazing change.

2006-09-06 23:38:13 · answer #9 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 0

But it's not God that would damn you, its you that damns you. God only states that he is the way out. The door that the sheep pass through. God wishes that no man should perish, so he provides a way out. God was looking for an unforced love when he created us, so He's not going to force you to believe. You will have to go through whatever you have to before you discover the truth.

2006-09-07 01:18:26 · answer #10 · answered by dookie20002001 2 · 0 0

No matter how many times you proved or not proved that God existed or not. No proof in the world will get you to believe in God or not. That is why God requires us to believe by Faith Not by Proof.

2006-09-06 23:50:28 · answer #11 · answered by jrealitytv 6 · 0 0

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