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Is God a he or a she? is he or she dead? is God an idea? a belief? a myth? or something way above our knowledge?

2006-09-06 16:29:52 · 18 answers · asked by ana f 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

A.The Answer of this particular question exists in the following two ponder-able Verses of the Quran and Bible:

1.“Nothing is alike God”
“There is no image or idol of God”.
(Quran and Bible’s Ten Commandments)

2.“I____ and I alone_____ am God”.
(Torah: Duet: 32:39)

Since intellect can not develop or make any image of God therefore God is Unimaginable and beyond of intellect. In simple words “Nothing is alike God”.

Before the creation of human beings and all the things, God was Omnipotent and Absolute Holy. Then God created the creatures and made them male and female to keep the process of creation in progress till the end of time.
God is Holy since ever and will remain Holy forever.

God is not a male-god.

Our God, the creator, created the sexes and the process of sex. To keep the creatures grow. God is gender free. Among creatures males and females are limited entities, because males can never be considered as females and females can never be considered as males. Our god is absolute Holy. We can not consider our God as a male-god or a goddess.

Male is an entity, a thing on earth, because a male is a kind of sex. Since God is Absolute Holy and God is the Creator of males and females, therefore, we can not consider God as a male-god or a father-god.

If someone considers God, as a male or a father, then, it clearly means that he or she believes in an imaginable god (demigod) and does not believe God as the gender-free God.

One should ponder over this question that if God was not a male or a female before the creation of sexes and was Alone & Absolute Holy then how after creation of sexes, God became a male or a father?
If God is a father-god then how we can consider such a god as an Absolute Holy God?

Whosoever speaks of the gender of God, he commits a tremendous sin because God is Absolute Holy and is the Creator of sexes.

To understand God’s Holiness, we must pay heed to this question:

God is a father-god or God is a Holy God?

God effected the process of birth of creatures or God created the creatures?
If God possesses one or more wives and God one way or the other, effects the birth-process and these wives give birth to human beings, only then we can claim that:
1.God is a male-god
2.Our God is our father
3.We are the children of God

But if God simply commands “Be” (KUN) and creates whatsoever God wills to create, then no one is justified to call God as a male or father-god.
God is our Holy Creator, God is not our father, neither physically nor spiritually.

The entire God-revealed –scriptures tell us that God created human beings and every thing. All Alone, therefore:
God was Holy,
God is Holy
God will remain Holy.

No doubt, those who consider God as a male-god, a father-god or a man-god (demigod) they have no justification to call God as a male-god, a father-god or a man-god (demigod) at all.


Ponder over this Question:
If we are the children of God then why we are not gods and goddesses?

God said,
“I____ and I alone____ am God”.
(Torah: Duet, 32:39)
A father and a mother and their children make a family and an alone person is not considered as a family or a father.
If God says, that God is an Alone God then how we can call God as a member of a holy family or a father of human beings.


The Bible itself, tells that what kinds of changes were brought therein to mislead the people of Gospels. Torah (the Law of Moses) says that God talked to the nation of Moses on the mount Sinai where God gave the Commandments in
Godly voice.

When people heard the voice, they did tremble in fear and awe. And, later on, they requested the Lord, not to talk to them, so directly again. Because to bear with the Godly voice, was beyond their tolerance. The Lord, of course, acceded to their request.

God’s Foremost Commandment was about God’s Absolute Aloneness.
God said:-

“Worship no god but Me”.
(Exodus, 20:3)

“I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
And no one can oppose what I do”.
(Duet. 32:39)

That was the foremost Commandment, given by the Lord in Godly voice to the nation of Moses. Wherein God mentioned further:-
“Worship Me alone and whosoever
will worship the god, other than Me,
will be My rival. And, I tolerate no
rivals. I will curse the people who do so”.

God also mentioned to the people___ not to make & worship the images of God. God told them that nothing is alike God in the heaven or on the earth, or under the earth, or in the water.

It simply meant that God is not like anything at all and a thing or a creature can never be considered as God.

The Bible also tells us that God is Omnipotent. The Book of Genesis, in its 1st chapter, says:
“God commanded, Let there be light
And the light appeared”.
(Genesis 1:3)

It simply means that God can create whatsoever God wills. So, according to the Bible, it is very clear that God, our Lord, is All Alone and whatsoever is created____ is created by God, independently.


Q. What is right about God? Indians say that: “God is One and Many”?

A. Key words in the question are “One” and “Many”.
Since Many means a lot of ones, not one alone, therefore, this saying, “God is one and many”, is highly ponder-able.

Creator of each and everyone is also Ordainer of the conceptual reality of oneness.

Mathematics is a science of space, number and quantity. It is a knowledge, which counts, calculates, measures and states things in figures___ in different scales based on units____ ordained by man.

This man-made knowledge is mainly concerned with things, which are definitely encompass-able by human intellect, as all the things keep recognizable and measurable limits.

In the light of this particular knowledge, the word “one” is one with certain limits___ under certain scale. And, it is a frame-able entity and it can never be two___three___or many.

In our state of intellect and process of understanding, singleness always appear in form of oneness. And, one as a single, stands for an apparent, existing and properly perceivable thing such as:

“One apple and many apples”.

And, that is how one and many is pictured in our minds.

God is not a measurable thing___ entity___ or state. Instead, God is free from all the creaturely traits. God is unlike each and everything___ each and every entity___ and each and every state.

God is the only Creator and Ordainer of all the creaturely things and beings. That is why that God is believed in the following terms that:

“Nothing is alike God”.

Under the beacon light of this statement, intellect can never make any image or imagination of God at any level. Nor it can conceive God as a thing___ entity___ or state___ to count God as one. Therefore, God is not one in terms of Mathematics.

God has explained the word “one” as “alone and only” in terms of its conceptual reality of Monotheism.
In the book of Torah, God said:

“Worship no god but Me”.

And, in Quran God said:

“There is no god but Allah”.

And___ in these two statements God has not used the word “one” and here God clearly means___ God’s Aloneness as God’s Oneness___ and that is the conceptual reality of oneness duly based on the concept of Monotheism.

Therefore the man-made statement about God:

“God is one and Many”
Is totally based on man-made knowledge of Mathematics.

Since, as an introduction of God___ Who is Infinite and Beyond of human intellect___ this statement is diminishing the Aloneness and Oneness of Unseen and Inconceivable God___ therefore, it is totally absurd and false.

God told the truth of God’s Aloneness & Oneness in Godly voice, thousands years ago, on the mount of Sinai to the nation of Moses without using the word “one”.

“I___ and I Alone___ am God
No other god is real”
(Duet: 32:39)

In this God’s saying, first part of the saying that “I___ and I Alone___ am God” is revealing the meanings of God’s Oneness. And second part of the saying that “no other god is real” is providing the irrelevance of the word “many” for God.

Second part of God’s saying that: “no other god is real” further explains, the falseness of the Satan-made idols and demigods & demigoddesses, which are worshipped by the people under the heaven.

People of Indian must positively rectify their belief in God through positive understanding of the truth that “There is no god but Alone Lord” and they must stop preaching the false notion that “God is One and Many”.

Otherwise, on the Day of Judgement, they will be considered as rivals of God and the worshippers of Satan-made gods and goddesses.

God’s Message is a God’s Message and it is not a man made concept, reflecting the limitation of human intellect. Instead, it is reflecting the divine light of truth in perfection.

God said to Moses:

“I ___ and I alone___ am God
No other god is real
I kill and I give life
I wound and I heal
And no one can oppose what I do”
(Duet: 32:39)

“Worship no god but Me
Do not make for yourselves
Images of anything in heaven
Or on earth or in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord, your God
And I tolerate no rivals”.
(Duet 5:7 to 9)

After Moses (PBUH), this Message of God was carried along and preached by Jesus (PBUH) and thereafter by Muhammad (PBUH) to the whole world.

Even Krishna (PBUH) had carried along and preached the same Message of God to his father and to the Indians as it is written in Bhagavad-Gita:

“But Lord Krishna even discouraged his father Nanda Maharaja from worshipping the demigod Indra because he (Krishna) wanted to establish the fact that people need not to worship any demigod. They need only to worship the Supreme Lord, because their ultimate goal is to return to God’s abode”.
(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is: 1986 edition, last 2 lines & first 3 lines of Introduction at pages No. 20& 21 published by: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, P.O Box No. 262 Botany, N.S.W.2019, Australia)

Therefore, it is predominantly confirmed that Lord of Krishna is our God, Who is the Unseen God and Who is Alone God and Who alone should be worshipped by all the people, under heaven.


It is highly strange and surprising that Indians worship time and its power as Kali Mata and consider Kali Mata as Eishwar (Almighty God).

Death is more powerful than time as it is dominant over time and it may put the time to an end by the leave of God. But no unreal goddess of death is made and worshipped by Indians like that of the goddess of time, Kali Mata.

It is also surprising that Indian say: nothing can oppose the time and time is an irresistible thing. Whereas time is effectively opposed by death and death may, not only, resist it but may overshadow it by the leave of God.

It is the God, our Lord alone, to whom no one can oppose or resist. God, our Lord alone is the Real Ruler of everything and the King of all. Only God blesses life and causes death. Only God’s Almighty power creates and destroys everything.

And___ it is God’s Almightiness alone, which exists and runs the affairs of life and death among the apparent and the hidden worlds. There is no person or god or a thing beside God, who could share God’s power or God’s authority. God alone is the Unseen and Unimaginable Eishwar___ Who is All Able to do everything.

Worship of any object or thing of the universe or any sense or system of the cosmos, instead of God, is an unpardonable sin.

Kali Mata is a false goddess. It is nothing else but a product of imagination. Rather, all the gods and goddesses beside Alone God are the product of imagination.

Eishwar can never be time (Kaal or Kali) and time (Kaal) can never be God. Nor the process of time can be called God or goddess (Kali Mata).

Moreover God’s ordained process of time can not be considered as power of time. The total power, which runs the affairs of universe____, belong to Eishwar Almighty alone.

The word “Eishwar” clearly means the Alone Almighty God and Eishwar does not mean “time”.

The concept of Kali Mata is a Satan’s concocted concept, which has been idolized as the goddess Kali Mata by the Disciples of Satan.

People of India in particular and the whole world in general, should get rid of every god and goddess believed beside Alone God, as they are, all in all, unreal. Everyone should establish pure worship of the One Alone and the Unseen God. All Scriptures including Bhagavad-Gita forbid the worship of gods and goddesses beside Alone God. It is clearly written in Bhagavad-Gita:-

“But Lord Krishns even discouraged his father Nanda Maharaja from worshipping the demigod Indra because he (Krishna) wanted to establish the fact that people need not to worship any demigod. They need only to worship the SUPREME LORD, because their ultimate goal is to return to God’s abode”.

(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, 1986 edition, last 2 lines & first 3 lines of introduction at pages No. 20 & 21 published by: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, P.O Box No. 262 Botany, N.S.W.2019, Australia)

In addition to that, it is also written in Bhagavad-Gita (7:20) that Krishna said:-

“Those, whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures”.

(Bhagavad-Gita AS It Is, 1986 edition, lines 19 to 21 at page No. 20 published by: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, P.O Box No. 262 Botany, N.S.W. 2019, Australia)

Therefore, no justification is there for Indians or any other nation of the world to worship Kali Mata or any other god or goddess beside Alone God, the Supreme Lord of Krishna.


Q.Can a man or a woman become God through specific efforts, knowledge or realization?

A.The Lord, Our God says:
“Worship no God but Me” in Ten Commandments and in Quran God says “There is no God but the God Alone” and in Gita, Krishna says:

“People need not worship any demigod, they need only to worship the Supreme Lord”.

Worship means to show oneself lowly before God and to ask God for God’s blessings. While God means the Worth-Worshipping-One Who is Omnipotent and Who can punish for sins and bless for obedience.

“There is no god but the God Alone” means, no one is worth worshipping but the Omnipotent.
“Worship no god” or “There is no god” further clearly means no one is able to become god by any means.

To honour God or to serve God means to trust God and to act according to God’s Commandments.

We should believe God as God commands us to believe. If things and persons could ever become God then there would have been no need to declare that “There is no god but the God Alone”.

God is Absolute Holy and God should be believed as Absolute Holy according to the Commandments.

Creatures of God are creatures of God and can never become god through any kind of efforts, knowledge or realization.


Q.What is meant by the Verse: “Nothing is alike God”?

A.The Verse “Nothing is alike God” makes us understand that:

1.The Absolute God should never be denounced as a thing.
2.The Absolute God is the Beyond of everything.
3.Things and persons are not God’s parts or partners.
4.Things or persons should not be considered as God or the partners of God.
5.The Absolute God must be believed as the Absolute Creator of everything.
6.God is All Powerful and should not be considered as subservient to anything.
7.God is Holy and free from all sorts of needs, creaturely qualities should not be associated to God.
8.God has created the system of birth. God does not give birth to anything at all and no one has given birth to God. God is the Holy Creator and God must be believed as the Holy Creator of everything, in heavens, on earth and under the earth, in water.
9.God should not be apprehended by virtue of intellect.
10.God is not a quality or condition.
11.God does not bear any state or stature.
12.God is not encompass-able by apprehension.
13.Accession to God is not possible by any kind of knowledge, wisdom, realization or efforts.
14.God is God____ not a creature.
15.God makes every “Complete” as “Perfect”.
16.God is never increased or decreased at all.
17.God is not a life-holder, instead, God is the Creator of life & death and the Beginning and the End.
18.God is not the subject of ascension or decline.
19.God exercises absolute control over everything and nothing can outdo God.
20.God is overwhelming everything and nothing can overwhelm God.
21.Nothing is beyond God’s all-encompassing accession.
22.God’s existence does not bear any bounding line or edge.
23.Almightiness, exposed by God, is just a glimpse of God’s Infinite Power.
24.The creatures can not break their limits. Nor they can come out of their limits unless the Creator permits them.
25.God is the Sustainer of everything while none is there to sustain God.
26.God is Alive and the Eternal, without spirit. Spirit is a commandment of God, which is not alike God at all.
27.No praise or tribute has any accession to God.
28.God is the Lord of Worlds.
29.God is not common or a special happening, which took place or which is taking place. Instead, God is the Creator of every happening since inception.
30.All the things and persons are the beggars before God while God is the Sole Blesser to everyone.
31.God’s Messengers or Prophets are God’s servants and they are subservient to God in every matter.

God is the Ever Exalted and the Absolute-Holy. Every praise is meant for God and God is so Eminent that pride is befitting to God alone. God’s Holiness is supported by the fact that God is not like anything and there is no end to God’s praise at all.

2006-09-06 20:11:48 · answer #1 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 0 0

God is Love!! He is alive!! God is a he... (For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life) John 3:16. He gave his life for u and me. Do u have a Holy Bible? try reading it.... Luke 23 & 24 tells u how and why he gave his life for u and me, and it also tells u that he raised from the dead in three days. God is real, it is bacause of him that u are alive today, u have to have faith in him, he loves u, he is always with u! Go to church so u can know more about him. Read the Holy Bible it will teach u everything u need to know. Alright ? Hope this answered your question.... well if u have any more questions u can email me at chicana20052006@yahoo.com and dont forget that Jesus Loves u!! God Bless U Always!! Adios!!

2006-09-06 16:47:08 · answer #2 · answered by chicana20052006 2 · 0 1

God is everything in nature. Since everything in nature is both male and female, God is male and female. God is one being, but there are MANY aspects to this one being. Trying to comprehend God as a whole would drive us mere humans insane. This is only a belief, my belief actually. But in my heart, it is true. It may not be true for you, and I respect that. You see God in your own way and no way is wrong. Blessed be.

2006-09-06 16:38:59 · answer #3 · answered by Maria Isabel 5 · 0 0

God is the creator of the word.
Not he or she ( because God is not human being or any other creature to be he or she)

God have existed for ever and will exist for ever. God have not born to any parents and Does not have any child.

God is over what we can feel with 5 feeling that we have. God is over these , you can find God by the wisdom you see in nature.

2006-09-06 17:13:33 · answer #4 · answered by toofane_sahra 2 · 0 0


2006-09-06 18:20:25 · answer #5 · answered by "Chanel-o" 3 · 0 0

once an unbeleiver asked the prophet of islam(PBUH) about god and he asked the prophet(PBUH) to describe the god for him so Allah said this verses in the holly quran:
Say (OM):''he is ALLAH,(the) one.
Allah -us-samad(the self_sufficient Master,whom all creatares need,he neither eats nor drinks.
He begets not,nor was he begotten;
And there`s noone co-equal or comparable unto him

we beleive that this is the describtion of Allah/God

2006-09-06 16:38:12 · answer #6 · answered by lady 4 · 1 0

God is only an idea inside the mind, installed in this place by society.

2006-09-06 16:37:15 · answer #7 · answered by Lost. at. Sea. 7 · 0 1

That is a big question. God is everything. He can not be comprehended. His love of us can not be described. Sometimes I think people do not believe because they can imagine something so perfect.

2006-09-06 16:33:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

god is something that every defines for themselves, no one person agrees with anothers idea in god, even if it's small things.
you have to decide if there is a god in your life, and what that god means to you.
I personally believe i'm my own god, everything I do takes effect on my life and surroundings.

2006-09-06 16:33:32 · answer #9 · answered by static_nerdling 3 · 0 0

A word/name in a book of myths.

2006-09-06 16:31:23 · answer #10 · answered by Ajax Spade 2 · 1 1

god can be many different things to different people. You just have to find what "god" is right for you.

2006-09-06 16:34:48 · answer #11 · answered by paganrosemama 3 · 0 0

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