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Getting past the fact that it's been admitted that she wasn't a prostitute... Does anyone think Jesus and Mary Magdalene were romantically involved in any way? I wouldn't go so far as to say I agree with the DaVinci Code... but has anyone read the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and seem to think that she and Jesus were just a tad bit close?

2006-09-06 16:18:29 · 39 answers · asked by 1hAppyMoM 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

OK .... funny... forget the Davinci Code. I referenced that so people wouldn't *assume* that is where I am coming from. Ok how about the Gospel of Mary Magdalene? And why did Jesus kiss her on the mouth? (those of you who know what I'm tlaking about here)... and why when he saw her after he had risen and she went to him he said to her .... don't cling to me. It wasn't don't "touch" me. The actual word means "cling." When I hear the word cling I think of lovers.
And by the way I am very well aware that the DaVinci Code is fictional and I have no intentions of trying to find their "children"... I think that would be crazy to suggest. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, however, is not fictional. Is anyone even curious about the rejected Gospels that aren't in the bible?

2006-09-06 16:38:15 · update #1

39 answers

The gospel of Mary Magdalene is a very interesting book and it does present Jesus and Mary being 'a tad bit close' as you put it. You may also want to check out the Gospel of Philip which alludes to Jesus and Mary being romantically involved, although, it doesn't say it explicitly. From my own reading of that text, I personally do not think the author had it in mind to show that the two were lovers, but that is just my opinion.

I'd like to think Jesus was married - it would add another element to his humanity, although I have no hard proof that this was the case. The more interesting facet of your question though is your interest in the extracanonical gospels. Some of these writings are early, and present an entirely different view of the Jesus event. Some accounts are even more Jewish in scope than the canonical gospels (some of the Ebionite texts) which leads me to believe there is some truth in those as well. Sticking to the Biblical canon only gives one a very narrow view of the emerging Chrisitian faith - the early Christians were not as united as we once believed. Unfortunately, many of the non canonical gospels were burned or destroyed some other way, so we have no access to them. Still, those that do survive are, at the very least, terribly interesting. Some even call into question the divine status of Jesus, which of course was squashed by those who became orthodox. The Arian party of Christians almost won the day which would have subjugated Jesus to creature status and rendered him nearly human. I wonder what Western society would look like today had the Arians at Nicea.

Great question!!

2006-09-06 18:03:39 · answer #1 · answered by Tukiki 3 · 2 0

The DaVinci Code is a novel so we shouldn't take it as scripture. That said, it seems that if Christ was on earth to live as a man that it would make sense for him to be married. Also at that time only rabbis from a certain sect remained celibate and Jesus wasn't part of that group. The first person that he spoke to after rising from the tomb was Mary. That would seem reasonable too if she was closer to him than the others. Some say that Jesus could not have been married because he was sinless. Since when is marriage a sin?

We need to remember that the Bible was prepared by a council created by the Emperor Constantine. Books were left out, probably because the political mood of the day didn't appreciate the messages that they contained. This is also where the lies about Mary were created. She was discredited because having a woman in such an esteemed position went against the grain for the male dominated priesthood of the Catholic church.

Also, the four gospels in the Bible were not written by men who knew Jesus. They were written over 100 years later so no one alive at His time would have been reviewing them for accuracy.

2006-09-06 16:33:05 · answer #2 · answered by Daphne 3 · 1 1

First of all u are right forget about the davinci code.... that is just a story or i dont kno what, but my point is that all that story about "Jesus and Mary Magdalene were romantically involved" is made up by the antichrist so christians can turn away from Jesus. Its true, i dont care if people say im crazy, well i am crazy for God. that is what i know! the davinci code is not true!! Jesus was and is holy. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Dont doubt God, remember he loves u!! hope this answeres ur question! God Bless u Always!!

2006-09-06 17:03:04 · answer #3 · answered by chicana20052006 2 · 0 0

First the DaVinci Code is fiction. However it is very possible they were married. Examples: why would she be so worry and upset, let alone with Jesus’ mother if she wasn’t when she went to the tomb. Also, remember the turning the water into wine story? Jesus was at a wedding, OK no big deal, except it was his mother Mary worried that there wasn’t enough wine. Now why would she worry about that, let alone be there unless it was Jesus’ wedding. Lastly, we are all supposed to follow and be like him. Why would Jesus skip such in important sacred thing like marriage? The end however it really doesn’t matter, the fact that Jesus and Marry Magdalene being married or nor will not get anyone closer or further from “heaven”.

2006-09-06 16:27:37 · answer #4 · answered by Coool 4 · 1 0

There is no credible evidence that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were ever romantically involved.
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene was written hundreds of years after the death of Christ and show clear gnostic influence. Many areas of that book contradict the New Testament books of the Bible that first appear on record about 20 years after the death of Jesus. When Biblical gospels were written there were being read by people alive during the lifetime of Jesus so any errors would have been very obvious to the readers (many of whom were eye witnesses).
It'd be a little like me writing a book about Abraham Lincoln's death today that contradicts the accounts written when the assasination actually occurred...which do you feel would be more trustworthy?
The Gospel of Philip is often used in claims that the two were romantically linked. The same problems apply to that text. Beyond that, the original manuscript had small holes that made some words impossible to determine. For example, one line says "And the companion of the [?] Mary Magdalene. [?] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her [?]. "
Somewhere along the lines people filled in the blanks on their own and decided Jesus kissed Mary on the mouth and so they were lovers. Unfortunately, you can't treat documents like madlibs and still have them be credible.

2006-09-06 16:27:01 · answer #5 · answered by lepninja 5 · 0 0

I don't understand how their involvement would change much for believers. Everyone wants to make this into a scandle, but such an insignificant thing shouldn't effect those of strong faith. I don't think anyone decided to follow Jesus because he was single. Maybe they did, and I don't want to belittle the idea, but in light of everything Jesus did and does, the whole Mary Magdalene thing shouldn't make much difference.

Considering her "gospel" wasn't accepted into the Bible, I'm guessing it's a Gnostic writing - written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus. The Gnostics were wierd. They believed that only men went to Heaven. That doesn't sound like Jesus to me.

As for the DaVinci Code, the author has stated over and over again that it's a work of fiction, so why would anyone "agree" with it? That's like saying you hung your faith based on a Stephen King novel.

2006-09-06 16:32:57 · answer #6 · answered by luvwinz 4 · 1 0

I've never heard of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, but wouldn't mind reading it. There were a lot of different "gospels" written back then, that didn't make the "final cut".

I can't imagine Jesus being romantically involved with anybody on the Earth. He is God, whole and complete, not needing or wanting a "goddess" or a consort.

However, last I knew, MM was a prostitute. I CAN picture Jesus spending time with Mary and women like her. Mainly to show them that there is a real love that doesn't involve sex and a cash box.

It is the perverted human mind that assumes two people of opposite genders can't hang around together, without becoming sexually involved.

2006-09-06 16:31:52 · answer #7 · answered by MamaBear 6 · 0 1

As a catholic who went to catholic school, my mind has changed over the course of my life. I strongly believe Jesus and Mary Mag were involved and indeed had children. I have researched this and it supports my theory. What most people tend to overlook is that the bible was written primarily by pagans during the time of religious change. Colthalisium is the faith we know now. The were many parts of the bible pertaining to Mary Mag a woman who at that time, women were not revered but looked down upon, so no emphasis of her except ridicule was spoken of her. I have read the bible numberous times, and no where in the bible does it say that God wants you to go to church, give 10% of your earnings so that the achdioses and the vatican could become the richest, most powerful corporation in the world. If they sold some of the artifacts that shrine the vatican, there would be enough money to take care of much of the poor in the world. The only complete followers and protectors of god were the Knight Poplar, when they had found all the artifacts, and true teachings of god they were expelled by the catholic church, hunted down and eliminated. I believe god wanted people to believe in him , show generouity towards others without any gain, and believe to worship him in the best way you as an individual sees fit. Most of this information, if it could be documented and proven would take down the higher ups and the foundation of the catholic church. Therefore the catholic church has a great deal to lose.

2006-09-06 16:44:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The DaVinci Code is bullsh*t. It is just a fictional book,key word "fiction" which means not real. The Bible is real and there are several events that have happen that the Bible has mentioned. And the thing that pisses me off the most about that dam DaVinci Code is that they say that Jesus did it with Mary Magdalene, and you know what he didn't because he was a virgin and he never committed any sins until the day he had to pay for all our sins.

2006-09-06 16:33:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

This is what made Jesus wonderful; He could have a relationship with a woman and not have any false expectations with her. I say false, because it would be false of Him to lead her on or become romantically involved if He knew he was going to die soon, and He definitely knew. The Gospel of Mary is not canonized into the Bible we know today, because it is not completely consistent with the rest of scripture. There is not even evidence to suggest that she actually wrote that "gospel". She was close to Jesus, but not in a romantic way.

2006-09-06 16:28:20 · answer #10 · answered by RODNEY L 1 · 0 0

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