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It is very ironic to see Cubans in Miami fighting to prevent Cuba from opening diplomatic relations with the US and yet Vietnam who savegely killed our beloved soldiers already opened relations with the US. I believe that Cubans in Miami prevent that because they want to keep their status quo and all the protections they can get.

2006-09-06 16:11:07 · 7 answers · asked by Morgan 3 in Politics & Government Military

7 answers

Or could it be that the Cuban refugees hold out hope that one day Cuba will be free and they can have what was taken from them back.

2006-09-06 16:14:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The party that does not want diplomatic relations is the US and it is not just the Cubans in Miami that enforce this. It is a matter of face. The US had and has failed to break the government or people of Cuba. If Cuba would bend the knee and say the right words they may be accepted. The Cubans of course would never accept this. If the Government of Cuba, it's legal system and judiciary were recognized by Washington then they will never be able to return to the positions of power and land ownership they had before the revolution. They have forgotten that their handling of those positions of power and their exploitation of the people working that land they owned brought about the revolution. The Cubans expect the US to restore them to pre revolution status because it was the US government that kept them in power for decades after the Spanish- American War. The cost of the Cuban peon's was horrific but they didn't care than and they don't care now.Times have changed everything but the Miami Cubans and their demands.

2006-09-06 19:35:37 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

It's up to the US Government to drop "International Embargo policy" which tells other countries to not trade with Cuba or Vietnam. Since the1950's this policy has forced the targeted countries including Korea and USSR to spend all their money on ARMS because the US threatens them with NUCLEAR BOMBS. The policy worked because the "ENEMY CITIZENS" BECOME ANGRY at THEIR governments for spending all the money on their military and not THEM, AND THEY BRING THE GOVERNMENTS DOWN.

In Vietnam's case, the US decided there was money to be made there; (the US regimes never really cared about the American Beloved Soldier concept.) In Cuba's case, other countries figured out a way to get around the US embargo, they built hotels and other businesses in Cuba. Before that, the US embargo crippled Cuba.

After the Fiorida Cubans acted like jerks over Elian Gonzalez the Island Cubans said, wait a second, maybe we should avoid those crazy people! The US government is now virtually broke because of Bush's waste and Cuba has BIG BUCKS from Venezuela so Cubans don't have to to sell their country for a pair of Nike sneakers and a promises from the US government which is said to be paying off the Florida Cuban exiles to steal Cuba for commerce. Lebanon has already said to the US to take their offer of $280 billion in aid and spend it on New Orleans like they're supposed to and the Cubans are saying the same.

2006-09-06 17:04:43 · answer #3 · answered by Reba K 6 · 0 0

Obama's position is difficulty-loose experience once you've been following the area of kin visitation. The Bush administration enacted ridiculously tight regulations for kin visits to Cuba. Cubans replaced into in a position to bypass once a 365 days yet that replaced into replaced to once each 3 years, and it replaced into made retroactive. in addition they restricted who replaced into considered kin. i replaced into very on the fringe of my late step father. He wasn't Cuban yet when he replaced into and replaced into residing in Cuba i'd not were allowed to visit him because the U. S. authorities did not comprehend him as being a member of my kin. Normalizing diplomatic kin individuals is a procedure that takes time. We did it with Libya, a rustic that replaced into responsible for blowing up a Pan Am 747 over Scotland. The Cuban missile disaster replaced into 40 5 years in the past. We in no way stopped having diplomatic kin individuals with the country that honestly owned the missiles. I see no reason no longer to have that as our objective with Cuba and to initiate shifting slowly in that route.

2016-11-25 01:41:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Perhaps it is because Vietnam does not sit 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

2006-09-06 16:17:04 · answer #5 · answered by wizard8100@sbcglobal.net 5 · 0 0

Vietnam, a very young country in 1962 and a former French colony until that time, was divided unto itself between a corrupt South Vietnamese regime under a virtual organized crime dictator Dziem and a struggling Russian style communist government led by Ho Chi Minh, a poet and political activist intellectual. Dziem had asked the US to assist his government with military advisors in order to invade and destroy the North Vietnam government. By 1965 the US wass fully involved and sending full military assistance. By then Dziem had been killed in a coup by a faction of ultra-rights radicals. It was in missle of the Cold War. It was thought by our government that if Vietnam became fully communist other neighboring countries would follow though there had never been any such indication. this was called "The Domino Theory" the US had no political interests in Vietnam. A scheme was hatched to justify the US invasion and bombing of North Vietnam with a report that a US Naval vessel had been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin on the Turner Joy who, at the time, was actually in harbor. Because of US industry's heavy military investment in this conflict the involvement lasted until 1975. As North Vietnam asserted itself with its troops who were more greatly familiar with the land and the fact that many South Vietnamese soldiers were deserting and/or joining the North Vietnamese army, they finally took control of then Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) and deposed its government. North Vietnam, who had no navy or air force and no allies to speak of, merely wanted control over their own lands. The US suffered approximately 58 thousand combat casualties while North vietnam suffered an estimated 2 million. It was a war of independence and the North won. In wars soldiers die. We have normalized relations with Vietnam because other nations have, particularly its neighbors in the Asian Pacific. We note that the only countries involved with war in Vietnam were the US, Australia and Thailand. China, to the north, thought Ho Chi Minh and his government a nuisance and sought to contain any spread of Vietnam into its territories. No war was ever declared by the US on North Vietnam and no economic sanctions or other penalties were ever sought or imposed. North Vietnam never attacked any territory of the US nor formerly had any formal relations with us. Our military fought bravely, but the cause was lost. Cuba, on the other hand, before 1959, was ruled by an oppressive and thoroughly corrupt dictator, Gen. Batista, who was almost entirely controlled by US organized crime. The people, most farmer workers, were starving and living often sub human conditions. It was also a base for the US take over and control of several Central and South American countries. As support for Gen. Batista wained and support for the rebels headed by the lawyer, Juan Castro and physician/reolutionary Ernesto Guevarra grew, the revolutionary army took over Cuba and annexed all US comapnies including sugar, rum, soft drink, gambling, shipping, produce and vacation and hotels. These were all US interests. At the end of 1959 Castro announced that he would pattern his ogvernment after that of the then Russian Soviet and seek the aid he had asked for, but had not recieved for his budding nation, from the US. He had made many overtures for help. Former rich citizens and Cuban land owners as well as rich industrialists loyal to the US, moved to South Florida, especially Miami, FL and lobbied heavily against any US diplomatic involvement with Castro's Cuba.
In 1962 a private invasion of US Cabans, assisted by the CIA, organized crime and merceneries, invaded a beach in the Bay of Pigs and were captured and killed. Cuba saw this as an invasion by the US military. That same year Castro had made an agreement with the USSR that the USSR would send humitarian aid, food, farming equipment and medical advisors in trade for it setting up ballistic missles in the interior of Cuba. Cuba saw this as a way of protecting itself from further invasions. The USSR withdrew its missles and the US gave up a missle site in Turkey thus ending the standoff. Since then there has been building pressure to reinstate diplomatic relations with Cuba. Other countries presently having such relations are Canada, France, Germany, Scandinavia and most of the rest of Europe- and countries from the former Eastern Bloc. Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean and its northern border is only 90 mi. off Florida's coast. Cuba is modernizing. Its chief crops are sugar, tropical fruits, vegetables and its has a considerable fishing industry. It also grows the finest cigar tobacco in the world and has the best cigars which are always in very high demand. It is a prime site for tourism and vacations and this part is already being developed with contracts with other nations. If the US does not normailze relations with Cuba it stands to miss out on $ billions in investment oportunities and also in diplomatic clout with Caribbean, Central American and South American countries. Any animosity over Cuba is tired and ill-fitting 'old shoes'.

2013-12-09 12:20:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because vietnam has a far more lucrative labor market

i mean, shouldn't the question be why is viet nam doing business with us after we destroyed so much of their country and killed so many of their people in a failed cause?

because their leaders are more greedy than patriotic, just like ours.

2006-09-06 16:14:24 · answer #7 · answered by w0t_b0t 1 · 0 0

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