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Some people think that we should not talk about hell. But what can lost people relate to more than hell. I mean, do lost people know what "saved" means or "born again"? From my experience, I have come to understand that hell and heaven are the cross-cultural topics that everyone can relate to.

What do you think?

2006-09-06 15:47:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

dont say anything

2006-09-06 15:52:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

This is exactly how I talk to people when I go soul winning.

1. We must first recognize our condition.
Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
This means that no one id good enough to go to Heaven on his own merit. No matter how much good we do, we still fall short.

2. Realize the penalty for sin
Romans 6:23 says For the wages of sin is death.
Just as there are wages for good, there is punishment for wrong. The penalty for our sin is eternal death in a place called Hell.

3. Believe Christ died for you
Romans 5:8 says But God commendeth (showed) His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Christ's great love for us was shown when He died on the cross to pay our sin debt.

And the only thing we need to do is
4. Trust Christ alone as your Saviour
Romans 6:23 also says But the gift of God is eternal life through jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:13 says For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Everlasting life is a gift paid for with the blood of Jesus and offered freely to those who call upon Him by faith.

there is absolutely nothing that we can do on our own to get into Heaven. Jesus death on the cross is the only way to Heaven

So yes, we do need to tell people that there is a real hell. We need to explain to them that being saved means being saved from hell.

2006-09-06 23:01:30 · answer #2 · answered by ktjokt 3 · 0 0

Look at Philip...

Ac 8:32 Here is the part of Scripture the official was reading. It says,
“He was led like a sheep to be killed.
Just as lambs are silent while their wool is being cut off,
he did not open his mouth.

Ac 8:33 When he was treated badly, he was refused a fair trial.
Who can say anything about his children?
His life was cut off from the earth.” (Isaiah 53:7, 8)

Ac 8:34 The official said to Philip, “Tell me, please. Who is the prophet talking about? Himself, or someone else?” 35 Then Philip began with that same part of Scripture. He told him the good news about Jesus.

He told him the good news about Jesus... That's enough.

2006-09-06 23:00:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please don't think of evangelism as "works" that will earn your way into Heaven. Be a friend first, and your own enthusiasm for your faith in Christ will show through, both verbally and nonverbally.

2006-09-07 00:35:42 · answer #4 · answered by ccrider 7 · 0 0

Talk about heaven, talk about sin,

It's sometimes easier to talk to criminals about this, because they see their need for Jesus more, to be saved from their sins.

Personally i talk about world events and Bible prophecy, if anyone takes the time to listen, they always leave convicted of its truths.

2006-09-06 22:50:57 · answer #5 · answered by Sky_blue 4 · 0 1

i think we should just give our own testimony, like Paul did. our experience, strength and hope. we don't need to condemn. lets show people this wonderful life god has given us. how it has transformed us.

2006-09-06 22:51:07 · answer #6 · answered by poppysgirl 2 · 1 0

actualy talking about hell can bring people down emotionaly cuz alot of lost people are not even thinkin about one or the other ,its a cluelessness and their main focus is on whats going on in the present whose who or job issues and not realy concerned or worring about something they dont know and can not answer about a future so if you go talking about hell your puting that in their present thoughts and making them worry and to make someone worry is to imput doubts and questions yet anything of displeasure is generaly associated as a hellish discomfort so the hells that many are dealing with are more common than the after life questions so dealing with the present troubles are more important than saving up riches of either money or knoweldge to take with you cuz you wont know anyway and besides that if you follow the scripture it is said that the case is already settled so there is nothing to worry about except for how you behave in the present cuz ur present choices are what make ur future so its not to speak of hell in a way that makes thm worry but to speak of jesus and the victory of following the good laws other wise its like your tempting them to doubt and jesus prefured to incourage faith and confidence,yet where alot of people stumble is overly preaching about jesus and not enough about the behaviors and the qualities and princapalties and morals that make a better society yet others stumble by over preaching about the law and the stricter actions in the bible and that teaches harshness till they practice punishment rather than disciplin so those are the ones who need to learn about the mercies of jesus but if you follow the clues further with the book of job and the four claimers about god and the four gospells the similarity is purposefull to understanding that the interpretations of the four are not the intentional meaning as trueth be told it does not require his death to be forgiven and to think that he should or will suffer for ur deeds teaches blame and lack of responsabilty and to consider his death as permitable is like saying that you agree with murder of one and that one murder that you would allow for your own life is like killing your self cuz if its ok for one and considering that that one represents all people and then to consider that this one is suposidly gods most favored child or creation or even if its the image god created for himself as his most prefured body it would be crazey to even consider it ok but then others look at god as being responsable ffor everything that happens and they hate and blame god for all the wrongs and they would rather themself in control but fail in not controling themself with the powers of choice that god did give them to suport and defend the good natures and behaviors as he did instruct us and prefured and he gave us the same abilties to experience in effect what he thinks, to look through his eyes expecting his creation to work correctly just as you might want things to work a certain way but find that your creation is not following your commands like computers and robots that go haywire and cant locate the files or tools to choose correctly and thats like the doubts and questions that cross the signals or block the acess to the proper program thoughts cuz you thought you could not choose and those are the ones who get lost and cant find their own shoes so dont speak of things that make worry and doubts that they cant solve but speak of things that make them know for a fact what to say and do cuz something that is prooven as a fact can not alterd and no evidence could make you choose against it because nothing stands against it nore can it be prooven false or even make it questionable thus when shown in that way and you remember it that way then nothing can change it and you keep your faith cuz your confident and you dont just believe which is a word that contains a lie in its spelling and its like jesus said beware of the lievin of the for-i-sees and the followers interpeted his intended meaning diferently than he but i understand that many say they believe but the lieves of that tree fall because they do have doubts and questions that bring them down yet if you are sure then you beleive but the leives of this tree stay as faithfull husbands and wives and as the lieves of all the others fall to the foot the faithfull and the faithfull tree gathers them up so they are lifted as children raised in confidence and asureities of truethfullness to deal with their present troubles because they were given the tools of (solve-ation) the abilty to solve the current issues and if they are lost then they need you and your help to solve what they can not figure out and the main tool to that is comunication about the issues that you can solve and as the problems are solved the problems become less worrysome as {solve-ation} gives you victory over the problem

2006-09-07 01:08:59 · answer #7 · answered by freikeygee@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

Leave people alone.

2006-09-06 22:58:24 · answer #8 · answered by TheHappyGuy 2 · 0 0

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